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Apex Legends Universe

Awaiting Claim


General Info

IMC logo
Faction NameIMC
The IMC, or Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, is the main faction in the Apex Legends universe. This military organization has indeed dominated many worlds on the frontier, the vast galactic space where Apex Legends takes place. The IMC came to the border with an agenda to exploit its vast natural resources, which led to a border war with the border militia, a conflict that greatly affected everyone living on the border. The main source of advanced technology, including Specters and Titans, the IMC is known for its ruthlessness and disregard for the rights and well-being of the frontiersmen. Despite its tyrannical nature, IMC's influence is undoubtedly significant, shaping the world of Apex Legends in more ways than one.


The IMC or Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation is a paramilitary organization that plays an important role in the Apex Legends universe. Originally a small manufacturing company, it quickly became an interplanetary entity thanks to its ruthless but effective trading strategies.
The IMC rose to power during the Frontier War, allied itself with the capitalist corporations of the major worlds, and effectively monopolized the vast resources of the Frontier. The maintenance of authoritarian rule and control was largely responsible for the harsh conditions of frontier life and the prevailing social inequality.
The IMC does not shy away from ruthless tactics in its pursuit of total economic control. Destroy uncooperative enemy structures and execute insurgent leaders. Worse, the company shows no respect for civilian life.
Apex Games was founded after the Border War, and IMC's presence is still very visible. The playable character Bangalore is an ex-IMC soldier and Pathfinder is based on the IMC unit Marvin. Apex Legends, the prequel to Titanfall, allows players to further explore the complex dynamics of this complex and often brutal organization, allowing its fascinating story to unfold in each game.


Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, also known as IMC, plays an important role in the Apex Legends universe. Originally a small natural resource mining corporation, it grew into a vast empire spanning multiple star systems, largely due to massive population and technological growth that allowed humanity to colonize multiple planets. Widely known for their proprietary technology and giant machine achievements, the power of IMC is evident.
But the scale of their operations has also brought the company its fair share of enemies. Rapid development in various systems often came at the expense of others. Countless planets have been exploited for their resources, displacing or even exterminating the native populations. Such drastic actions have given rise to resistance groups, such as the Border Militia, who oppose the oppressive corporation.
Most notably, the IMC was involved in the frontier war of the Titanfall series, which is known for its disregard for the lives and well-being of those living in frontier systems. Unfortunately, despite the end of the war, many of its effects remain in the world of Apex Legends.
However, despite the controversy surrounding his actions, IMC remains a dominant force in the Apex Legends universe. Perhaps the most important contribution is the Apex Games, a gladiator competition where legends fight for fame, fortune and glory. While rivals often have their own motivations for participating in the games, it is the all-seeing gaze of the IMC that stands above it all, a reminder of his unparalleled power and influence.
IMC has definitely made an indelible impact on the Apex Legends universe. While the company's history is marked by growth and innovation, it is also a chronicle of exploitation and conflict. As future events unfold in the game, so will the further evolution of this powerful entity.

Notable Members

Member #
Kuben Blisk
General Marder
Vinson Dynamics
Ares Division
Hammond Robotics


The Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation (IMC) has its origins on Earth, dating back to the 20th century. In the Apex Legends universe, IMC emphasizes the face of development and industrialization. Their influence spans many frontier systems, and their influence ranges from planets like Typhon, full of exotic flora and fauna, to worlds like Gridiron, where the IMC is a massive training facility.
In pursuit of resource acquisition and galactic expansion, the IMC colonized Solace and eventually created Kings Canyon, a famous battleground in the Apex Games. Another testament to their control is the edge of the world of Talos, a stunning land filled with towering geysers, frozen oceans, and vast molten canyons. However, their geographic location is not without conflict. From battle-torn arenas to thriving ecosystems, constant friction between rebel border militias and the ruling IMC has helped shape the changing landscapes of the border. Managing IMC across countless worlds, across multiple geographies, remains an essential element of Apex Legends' ever-evolving story.

Legacy and Impact

Also known as the Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation, the IMC forever changed the course of the Frontier Wars with its seemingly endless resources and ruthless business savvy. The legacy of the IMC is a duality: it created technological innovation and jobs for many, but it also created aggressive takeover tactics that disrupted the lives of frontier citizens.
IMC's impact on Apex games is undeniable. Many of his former soldiers and probationers, such as Kuben Blisk and Ash, participated and reinvented the games, improving their skills in the company. The technology of the corporate giant can also be seen in the equipment and equipment of competitors. In particular, the impact of the company's exploitation tactics led to a rebellion that ultimately led to the creation of Apex Games, making IMC an integral part of the history and rich cultural heritage of the Apex universe.
The controversial legacy of the IMC continues to evolve as it drives progress and conflict on the frontier, making it a permanent fixture in Apex Legends' lore.