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Attack on Titan Universe

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General Info

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Faction NameYeagerists
The Yeagerists, a rebel faction, arose with a burning determination to overthrow the military government of Paradis Island and implement the ideologies of Eren Yeager. Led by Yeager's indomitable spirit, the faction is made up mostly of disaffected soldiers with a common goal: freedom. They challenge the policies of the traditionalist government and pose a serious threat to the island's established order. Yeagerists largely believe in Eren's call for a unified Eldian Empire, a reflection of his warlike attitude and fierce commitment to the cause. Despite the opposition, they are convinced that their paradise can only be protected if they get Rumbling back. Their radical methods and unwavering faith set them apart in the complex landscape of the Attack on Titan universe.


In the turbulent world of Attack on Titan, the Yeagerists are a radical faction that takes control in the later stages of the story. Named after the Yeager brothers Eren and Zeke, this group is fueled by a fervent belief in the ideologies of its leaders.
The Yeagerists are from the Paradise Island military. Consisting mainly of scout troop members and some crew and military police brigade members, they firmly believe in the "euthanasia plan". The plan, spearheaded by Zeke, proposes to gradually end the Titan's curse by sterilizing all of Ymir's subjects and stopping the reproductive abilities of the eld race. True to their undisciplined and rebellious nature, the Jaegerists stage a coup to overthrow the island's government, believing it to be corrupt and untrustworthy. Their ultimate goal is to unite the Eldian people and defend Paradise Island from a world that wants to destroy them.
Their most infamous act is recruiting Rumbling, causing massive destruction and cementing their place in the history of the Attack on Titan universe. This event underscores the Yeagerists' willingness to go to great lengths to achieve their vision.
The Yeagerists are the epitome of radicalism when its survival is under constant threat. They bear witness to the desperation that arises amid political machinations, wars, and the existential fear of titans. They reflect the gritty complexity that the Attack on Titan universe is known for.


The Yeagerists are a group formed within the Paradis government military and swear allegiance to Eren Yeager, believing him to represent the survival and freedom of Eldia. The group was unofficially formed when Eren's cousin Zeke Yeager presented a tantalizing plan to activate and harness the power of the Titan founder. When Zeke teamed up with Eren, they unwittingly planted the seeds of the Yeagerist movement.
Eren, under pressure to secure Eldia's release, felt compelled to use the power of the Titan Founder. He organized a secret meeting of Marley volunteers that eventually led to a coup against the Paradis government. With Eren as its leader, he gathered many followers in the military who shared his vision.
After a successful coup, the Jaegerists took over key areas of Paradise, including the army headquarters. They also took key officials and politicians hostage, taking control of the government's decision-making apparatus.
In the final stages of their rise as a powerful faction, the Jaegerists orchestrated the Great Brawl, a strategy to destroy all life beyond Paradise that was synonymous with their vision of radical freedom. This led to a civil war in Paradis. Although motivated by the noble pursuit of freedom, the extremist stance of the Yeagerist movement ultimately led to unnecessary bloodshed. Their history, however short, is a vivid testimony of the catastrophic results when the struggle for freedom turns into a struggle for absolute power.

Notable Members

Member #
Eren Yeager
Zeke Yeager
Floch Forster


The Yeageristen faction hails from the vast expanse of Paradis Island, a remote landmass shrouded in mystery in the Attack on Titan universe. Paradise Island, known for its priceless resource 'Ice Burst Stone', is located in the distant ocean. The island is characterized by vast forests, plains, mountains and lakes. In addition, the terrain varies in elevation, with the mountains in the southern region being the highest points, giving the Yeagerists strategic advantages.
The Yeagerists designated the ancient walled city of Shiganshina at the southern end of the Maria Wall as one of their main strongholds because of its strategic location. Shiganshina is the main gateway to Paradis Island, as it is the main location for launching expeditions to the outside world, giving the Jaegerists the ability to control who enters and leaves the island.
Paradise Island is an impregnable stronghold for the Yeagerists as the surrounding titans roam the island. The dangerous titans keep enemies from invading their land by maintaining a protective wall around their territory. The unique geography of Paradise Island thus helps the Yeagerists implement combat and defensive strategies. Their stronghold, along with the island's landscape and resources, make them an ideal vantage point and mark Parasite Island as the epicenter of the Yeagerists.

Legacy and Impact

The Yeagerists, a rebel group in the Attack on Titan universe, have left a deep legacy. Their fervent belief in Eldia's philosophy of supremacy and Zeke Yeager's euthanasia plan made them a complex and important part of the show's plot. They were strong supporters of Eren Yeager and were a dangerous manifestation of nationalist supremacy ideologies. Their actions drastically changed the political landscape of Paradise Island and led to an anarchic state. The Yeagerists' impact goes beyond history, sparking fan debates about morality, freedom, and the consequences of war. Despite their radical methodology, they emphasize the harsh reality of oppression and resistance and shape the dark themes of the story.