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Death Note poster image


Death Note icon

Death Note Universe

Awaiting Claim

United States

General Info

United States logo
CityWashington, D.C.
Area/RegionNorth America
CountryUnited States
Latitude[object Object]
Longitude[object Object]
Telephone+1 202-456-1414
Postal Code20500
Social Mediawww.facebook.com/USA.gov
Location NameUnited States
Alternate NameU.S., USA, America
Street Address1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

General information and description

The Death Note universe show in the United States focuses on her role as a dominant world power with a major influence on the plot of the supernatural thriller. The main elements of the plot take place in the big cities of America, and the US government and law enforcement agencies show extraordinary persistence and ingenuity in their efforts to uncover the secrets of the Death Note. Comparison and cooperation with foreign entities shows the important geopolitical weight of the country. The image offers an intriguing parallel between anime's complex interplay of power, intelligence, and morality, and a nuanced commentary on the reality of the global political climate.


In the Death Note universe, the United States plays an important role, especially when it comes to global political nuances and criminal investigations. He is best known for his agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the United States' premier counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal investigation organization. The FBI's involvement in Kira's case, primarily through Raye Penbury's character, is a major turning point in the series.
Also, the introduction of the second L, known as Near, from America further illustrates the significance of the country. This amazing young detective continues L's legacy by leading the Special Provision for Kira (SPK), an American organization dedicated to uncovering and capturing Kira. The vast resources and advanced technology of the United States play a vital role in assisting Near's research.
Furthermore, the fact that individuals outside of Japan, including the United States, use the Death Note underscores the widespread significance of the Death Note's power. As a result, America is constantly at the center of both domestic and international efforts to solve the mystery of Kira. Essentially, the United States exists in the Death Note universe as a powerful nation that plays an important role in the global fight against Kira's reign of terror.


In the Death Note universe, the United States plays an important role with its own unique history. Although the plot mostly revolves around Japan, several aspects of American culture, politics, and intelligence agencies are prominently displayed.
The United States enters the scene for the first time thanks to the influence of L, the world's greatest detective and one of the main characters of the story. L's investigations are secretly assisted by the FBI, CIA and other US law enforcement agencies. It is these entities who are the first to feel the effects of Death Note on the world, when criminals around the world suddenly start dying of heart attacks. The U.S. is somewhat resilient to the effects of Kira due to several key indicators. This includes figures such as the intelligent and enterprising Near, who eventually becomes L's successor, the unwavering will and dedication of FBI agent Raye Penbury and his fiancee Naomi Misora, both of whom contribute to Kira's investigation.
This universe depicts the United States struggling with moral issues and dilemmas caused by Death Note. The case escalates to the point where it reaches the President of the United States, who finally surrenders to Kira, showing the immense power and influence Kira has amassed.
Death Note's presence is reshaping American society, divisive, and provoking debates about justice, morality, and power. However, it also shows the relentless pursuit of justice by several characters. This makes the United States a silent battlefield in the Death Note universe, a place where law enforcement and criminals wage serious psychological warfare.
Overall, in the Death Note universe, the United States represents a tangled web of power, justice, and morality intricately woven into the plot, shaping not only the plot of its territory, but the overall story and character development. in the series.


In the alternate reality of the Death Note universe, the United States plays a vital role on the world stage. Best known as the base of operations for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the country is often described as a powerful and influential source of political and strategic action.
Ella Amane, the main character of the series, is from this country. Acting as an FBI agent, he highlights the strong US influence in the sequence of events. A country's intelligence community, with its vast resources and influence, often plays a role. In the United States, the Death Note effect is causing a wave of paranoia and uncertainty. Society succumbs to fear, so legal rules and procedures change to deal with an unknown phenomenon. But even in these dire circumstances, there is resilience and an unrelenting pursuit of justice that reflects the Central American values ​​that guide history.
In addition, the series highlights the cultural and ethical contradictions between the United States and Japan. While the former attempts to eliminate the Death Note threat based on quantifiable evidence and logical deductions, the latter takes a more spiritual stance, creating a fascinating dichotomy. Ultimately, the United States becomes the decisive battleground for the final confrontation, emphasizing its central role in the Death Note series. This nation encompasses humanity's diverse responses to moral dilemmas, making it vibrant and complex in its own right. His portrayal hints at the consequences of power, fear and determination, resonates throughout the storyline and leaves an indelible mark on the global consciousness of the Death Note universe.