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Location NameYardrat
Known in the Dragon Ball universe, the planet Yardrat is a unique and intriguing place. Home to its namesake aliens, the Yardrats, this planet is a technological marvel. Known for their advanced starship technology, the Yardrats have managed to keep their planet largely untouched by outside forces. The landscape is dominated by vast lush greenery, contrasting with the lively and vibrant urban landscapes. Although largely peaceful, the citizens of Yardrat possess many special abilities, the most important of which is their ability to teleport. Known as "Instant Transmission", even Goku was taught this fascinating technique during his time on the planet. Essentially, Yardrat is of great strategic importance in the greater Dragon Ball universe, serving as a beacon of peace and technological prowess.


Located in the northern galaxy, the planet Yardrat isn't just another celestial object in the Dragon Ball universe. This unique planet holds great significance as it became a beacon of hope for Goku, who landed there after an intense battle on the planet Namek.
Yardrat is known throughout the universe for its inhabitants with superior technological abilities and deep spiritual knowledge. These extraordinary inhabitants developed extraordinary abilities, such as the art of teleportation (Instant Transmission), which later became a crucial technique in Goku's battle arsenal.
The planet's uncertain geology and landscape are as intriguing as its inhabitants. Various depictions of the Yardrat show it as a place with a variety of landscapes, ranging from vast deserts to complex urban structures filled with strange contraptions, indicating the advanced technological knowledge of the Yardrats.
But the seemingly perfect society of Yardrat is not immune to the dangers of the universe. Despite their advanced skills and knowledge, the population faced invasions and attacks from various outside forces.
Overall, Yardrat is not just a background location, but an integral part of the plot of the Dragon Ball universe. Whether it's a harmonious blend of spiritualism and technology, or a blend of peace and strife, Yardrat is a truly unparalleled jewel in the cosmic expanse of the Dragon Ball universe.


Yardrat culture in the Dragon Ball universe is very different from any other. The peaceful alien race living on the planet Yardrat was made famous mainly by Goku, who landed on their planet after the destruction of Namek.
Known for his advanced technological and magical abilities, Yardrat has the unique ability to manipulate space and time. Of course, their most famous technique is teleportation, which Goku taught him while on their planet. With this power, Yardrats can instantly teleport to any location, transcend the physical boundaries of space, and travel great distances in the blink of an eye. This sets them apart from many other species that rely mostly on spacecraft for interstellar travel.
Yardrats are widely recognized for their exceptional physical characteristics. This species has large eyes and a very thin body. Their skin color varies, but a common shade is pink, and they often wear armor-like clothing. Furthermore, their society lives peacefully, focusing on the continuous development and improvement of their unique abilities, rather than expansion or aggressive warfare. Significantly, Goku spent time at Yardrate after the Frieza saga, where he mastered teleportation and gained solid insight into their culture. His stay is a pivotal period in the Dragon Ball universe, marking his transformation in terms of his skills and fighting style.
Basically, the Yardrats are an essential part of the Dragon Ball universe, adding depth and variety to the story. Despite not resembling warriors, their exceptional skills and training under Goku's leadership greatly influenced the outcome of many battles. Their peaceful disposition, unique abilities, and helpful lore make Yardrats a fascinating species in the vast Dragon Ball universe.


Yardrat, a pink-tinged planet, is an integral part of the vast Dragon Ball universe. Alien in its charm, the planet's allure lies not in its alien appearance, but in the creatures that haunt it and their special abilities.
The Yardratians, the inhabitants, are known throughout the galaxy for their unique ability known as "Instant Transmission". This ability, which allows the user to travel anywhere in an instant, intrigues and amazes many. The value of the technique is revealed when Goku, one of the main characters, learns about it during a surprise visit to Yardrate, after an epic battle on the planet Namek.
Despite their extraordinary powers, Jadratians are humble creatures who lead simple lives. Their attire, mainly a robe-like dress with unique circular patterns, reflects their modesty. Their way of life is peace, stability and harmony. The advanced civilization they have developed is an interesting contrast to their humble nature.
The architecture of the Yardrat is domed, designed in response to their climate, which is generally calm and peaceful. The planet is not densely populated, but the Jadratians have a close-knit community that shares a close-knit culture and a deep understanding of their native abilities. Another distinctive aspect of Yardrat culture is the apparent absence of military force. Their peaceful existence suggests they are not interested in battle or global domination, but their unique abilities make them formidable opponents when the need arises.
The planet Yardrat, although rarely seen, has a permanent place in the annals of the Dragon Ball series. It is a testament to the peaceful coexistence of species with incredible abilities yet living simple lives. For us viewers, it captures our imaginations and reinforces the show's central theme, that power doesn't always lead to corruption, but sometimes it's just plain awesome.