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Fate/Grand Order Universe

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Chaldea Security Organization

General Info

Chaldea Security Organization logo
Location NameChaldea Security Organization
Alternate NameChaldea
The Chaldean Security Organization is humanity's last line of defense against extinction in the exciting world of Destiny/Grand Order. With its advanced technology and magical prowess, Chaldea protects the survival of humanity and the stability of history. Inhabited by wizards and heroic spirits, this unique organization transcends time and space and preserves the continuity of human history. The master's program trains select individuals to summon and lead servants, powerful figures from mythology and history. Chaldea's main goal is to prevent singularity, the disruption of history that could lead to the extinction of humanity. From a secret base, the inhabitants work tirelessly towards one goal: to ensure the survival of humanity at any cost.


The Chaldea Security Organization is a global agency in the Fate/Grand Order universe. The main goal is to protect and preserve humanity, to ensure survival in the future. The organization is particularly focused on preventing the extinction of humanity from magical and inhuman threats. In pursuit of their goal, they monitor humanity's path through the timeline and prevent any possible event that would lead to the end of humanity.
Chaldea is like a fortress that contains both magic and scientific technology. It is home to many servants, including scholars, wizards, and heroic spirits known as Servants. These henchmen are characters from history, literature, and mythology, called upon to fight for humanity's survival. They are divided into several classes that determine their skills and characteristics.
Despite the careful process of becoming a foreman (servant leader), many of the organization's residents are not very good at their jobs. But their determination cannot be doubted: to ensure the survival of humanity, every member of the Chaldean Security Organization will do their best. In the vast universe of Fate/Grand Order, the Chaldean Security Organization is a beacon of hope protecting humanity from impending extinction.


The Chaldean Security Organization plays a central role in the Fate/Grand Order universe as the primary institution that ensures the continuity and survival of humanity. Founded by the brilliant scientist Marisbilly Anmisaris, Chaldea is located in a remote and snowy place, far from the bustling civilization. This was not a design flaw, but a necessity. Critical operations overseen by Chaldea require secrecy for absolute effectiveness.
Chaldea's existence is based on its mission: to secure the future of humanity. This is largely accomplished by observing the stability of the human order using the near-future observational lens SHEBA, a Marisbilly invention capable of observing parallel worlds. Thus, Chaldea can identify possible disasters that will lead to the extinction of mankind.
In a desperate time to save humanity from a certain goal, Chaldea initiated the Grand Order, the term given to the mission to combat the singularities disrupting the timeline. They use Rayshift time travel technology to send their agents, known as masters and their servants, to these troubled times.
But perhaps the most amazing technology Chaldea has is the fate system and the summoning system, which allows them to summon heroic spirits from different times and places to manifest as servants. This system is invaluable in their fight against singularities.
Although her origins were shrouded in ambition and ulterior motives, Chaldea continues to operate with a newfound purpose: to protect and continue humanity's existence, no matter the cost, no matter how difficult the journey. His story is one of resistance to the encroaching void and a red determination to shape a secure future for humanity.


The Chaldean Security Organization is central to the fascinating universe of Fate/Grand Order. Perched on a snowy mountain near the North Pole, Chaldea has stunning views and a strategic view of the world that truly symbolizes its vital role in the survival of mankind. Chaldea's beginnings trace back to the Marisbilly Animusphere, who successfully won the Holy Grail War and used her newly acquired powers to accelerate her creation. It illustrates an interesting mix of technology and magic and contains a labyrinth of structures necessary to fulfill her mission to save humanity.
Chaldea's most iconic feature is Chaldea, a miniature Earth that recreates the various elements of the planet. It serves as humanity's seismograph, monitoring and symbolizing the health of the human order, dimming when disaster strikes. Another intriguing aspect is the FATE system, a time travel system that allows Chaldean agents to travel back in time and change troubling events.
Chaldea also has an army of summoned minions, heroic spirits bound in modern bodies drawn from various historical, mythical, and literary sources to aid in their missions. These servants live together in "My Room", where the servants can dress up and interact with each other.
The Chaldean security organization, as humanity's last stronghold, reflects the dogged determination of its agents and minions. Pressured to ensure humanity's survival, they symbolize the ongoing struggle against fate, imbuing the Fate/Grand Order story with its characteristic aura of uncertainty, adventure, and determined hope.