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Fire Emblem Universe

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Location NameElibe
Located on a mystical continent, Elibe is a beautiful land with a rich history and the fascinating appeal of the Fire Emblem universe. Elibe is divided into several kingdoms and territories, each with its own flavor, including mighty Lycia, verdant Sacae, elusive Ilia, and chilly Bern. It's a world corrupted by ancient dragons, reclaimed by humanity, and ravaged by war. Rich in beauty and conflict, Elibe is anything but ordinary. Here heroes are born, legends reach their climax and dramatic stories unfold. It features a colorful cast of characters, each with their own journeys, ambitions and destinies. From noble lords to mysterious snipers, each person has a role to play in the grand plot. Indeed, once you enter Elibe, you immerse yourself in the realm of battles, courage, alliances and adventures.


Elibe is an immersive world and premium environment in the Fire Emblem universe. It is a continent rich in history, divided into two contrasting geographical regions. To the west lies the Kingdom of Bern, an area renowned for its high mountains and military might, and the Lycian Alliance, a confederation of noble territories. There is also the theocratic church of Elimine, in the territory of Etruria.
To the east you'll find the Sacae Plains, land of nomadic horsemen, and the Ilia Peninsula, known for its desolate landscapes and massive mercenaries. To the south you'll find the Nabataean Desert, a seemingly lifeless wasteland but secretly home to an Arcadian hermit.
Apart from geographical differences, Elibe stands out for its legendary cleaning. It was a devastating war against the dragons that dramatically changed their history and culture. As a result, several powerful nations rose and fell and dragons perished. Elibe is full of stories about the survivors, their descendants, and the latest efforts to maintain peace and harmony in this diverse land. This expansive world offers players an unprecedented environment where they can immerse themselves in compelling stories of heroism, betrayal, love and sacrifice. Elibe is not just a backdrop, but an integral character in the epic Fire Emblem story.


A realm of legend and history, Elibe is the scene of many famous events in the Fire Emblem series. This extraordinary continent is divided into several regions, each with its own unique culture, political landscape and important figures.
Perhaps Elibe's most famous territory is Pherae, home to the protagonist Roy and controlled by his father Eliwood. Pherae is revered as a beacon of virtue due to its rulers' devotion to justice and peace even in times of war. It is also known for its military strength that can defend its land and effectively support other areas in need. Therefore, Pherae is remembered in many chronicles as a strong, just and compassionate ruler.
Enhanced by icy winds and cold landscapes, Ilia's story is scratched in the ground's frost. Despite the harsh conditions, the Ilians overcame the odds and evolved into the formidable Pegasus Knights who were an essential part of Elibe's military history. Like the hardy Ilian and their Knights of Pegasus, Ilia's troubled past contains tales of resilience and courage.
But the wild territory of Nabatea is in stark contrast to Pherae and Ilia. Scarce resources known as the vast desert make life difficult. But in the hostile sands lies the village of Arcadia. An extraordinarily harmonious junction where dragons and humans live together is a historical anomaly in the war-torn history of Elibe.
Etruria, a land adorned with wisdom and magic, is the epicenter of Elibe culture and education. Home of magical skill and wisdom, one cannot delve into her rich archives without acknowledging her important contributions to the magical arts that echo throughout Elibe's history. In the tumultuous history of Elibe, Lycia is a political cornerstone. Known for its integrity and fair rule, Lycia has created an alliance between the territories that, while unbelievably complicated, promises strength and unity to its allies.
As you explore Elibe's story, you deepen your understanding of the complex and immersive Fire Emblem universe, revealing the solid foundation from which heroes are formed and great stories are born. While each area is unique in its own history, together they form the historical tapestry of Elibe, which sets the stage for daring adventures, noble quests, and the ultimate pursuit of peace.


An enchanting place in the Fire Emblem universe, Elibe holds a historical mystery in its geographical diversity. As the backdrop for the sixth and seventh installments of the game, it features an impressive kingdom full of heroes and legends.
This universe is divided into six neighboring countries: Lycia, Berna, Sacae, Etruria, Ilia, and the Western Isles. Each area is unique, with its own cultural norms, political dynamics and natural beauty.
Lycia, a federation of several territories, is known for its political alliances. Solidarity between domains provides a shield from outsiders and ensures stability and unity. Meanwhile, Bern, boasting the fiercest and most powerful army, is a dragon-riding monarchy feared by others.
Sacae, on the other hand, has a nomadic lifestyle and its inhabitants are well-known horsemen who have a wonderful connection with nature. Known for its magical craftsmanship, Etruria is the epitome of sophistication and is home to the continent's center of education, the magical city of Aclea.
The icy land of Ilia enchants with snowy landscapes inhabited by Pegasus knights and hardy people who have adapted to the prevailing harsh conditions. And finally, the Western Isles, rich in mines and forests, are Elibe's resource basket.
Elibe's tribes and nations often clash, driven by discord, fear and the quest for power. These conflicts, common or exceptional, form their own collective history and depict stories of courage, deceit, tragedy, and hope that players can uncover and experience.
Above all, Elibe represents the cycle of conflict and resolution, reflecting a world bewitched by power, intrigued by diversity, and bound by alliances and enemies. Elibe mutates, thrives and tells a different story each time thanks to player choice, enthralling fans with rich storytelling and tactical gameplay.