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Gundam Universe

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Earth Federation

General Info

Earth Federation logo
Faction NameEarth Federation
The Earth Federation is a very influential political entity in the Gundam universe. It is a global democratic federation originally made up of nations on Earth and its space colonies. The seat of power, the Federal Assembly of Earth, is located in Dakar, Senegal, Earth. Powerful both politically and militarily, this global organization maintains peace by force, using the unmatched power of the Earth Federation's space forces. Despite hostility and rebellion, such as the devastating one-year war against the Principality of Zeon, the Federation's resilience is a testament to its resilience. The Earth Federation is committed to the unity, stability and preservation of humanity.


The Earth Federation, the main entity of the Gundam universe, is an amalgamation of Earth's unified government and military. Made by U.C. 0001, strives to maintain peace and order by eradicating threats to humanity.
Despite its primary goal of peace, the Earth Federation finds itself at the center of many battles. She fought valiantly in the One Year War against the Principality of Zeon and survived subsequent conflicts such as the Glyph War and the First Neo Zeon War. Incidentally, the Earth Federation launched the controversial Operation Stardust and had to deal with a dystopian reflection of the beginning, the Titans. Although the Federation has an advanced array of mobile suits and starships, the courage of its personnel determines their strength. Heroes such as Amuro Ray, Bright Noa and members of the legendary White Base crew come from this organization and embody determination and represent hope in dark times.
But the Earth Federation is far from perfect. His decisions are often influenced by political machinations and power games. He was accused of corruption, biased elite politics and insensitivity to the colonies, which led to criticism and riots. Despite its flaws, the Earth Federation plays a vital role in protecting humanity and serving as a bulwark against forces that seek to destroy the peace and usher in a new era of chaos. No matter what challenges it faces, the Earth Federation relentlessly strives for a harmonious existence for all.


One of the main factions in the Gundam universe, the Earth Federation has a rich and turbulent history spanning several centuries. Founded in Universal Century (UC) 0001, the Earth Federation was a unified governmental entity that embodied an inclusive representative democracy and represented the hope of achieving global peace and unity.
Despite its lofty ideals, the Earth Federation faced many internal and external challenges. Escalating population crisis in 0050 forced the Federation to force mass migration to space colonies, leading to widespread discontent and the rise of zealous liberation movements such as the Principality of Zeon. The Federation's mismanagement of the situation led to a sense of frustration among the colonists, setting the stage for the catastrophic One Year War in 0079. After the war, the Earth Federation implemented many reforms to strengthen its military power. The creation of the Titans, an elite counterinsurgency task force, marked a major shift in the Federation's defense strategy. However, the Titans' authoritarian control and blatant disregard for civil liberties caused public horror, leading to strong resistance movements such as the Anti-Earth Union Group (AEUG).
But the history of the Earth Federation is not just a chronicle of wars and skirmishes. Throughout its existence, the Federation has always been a pioneer in technological innovation. With the Federation's support, ground-breaking advances in mobile suit technology were achieved, such as the development of the RX-78 Gundam.
Reflecting on the complex history of the Earth Federation, one can see an ongoing pattern of adaptation. Through zealous rebellions and great technological advances, the Federation has consistently demonstrated its ability to rise, reform, and evolve. Thus, in the Gundam universe, the history of the Earth Federation is a testament to human resilience, ruthlessness, and relentless pursuit of a unified vision.

Notable Members

Member #
Bright Noa
Amuro Ray
Tem Ray
Mirai Yashima
Sayla Mass
Kai Shiden
Hayato Kobayashi
Ramba Ral
Christine Mackenzie
South Burning
Bernard Wiseman
Noel Anderson
Elle Vianno
Shiro Amada
Karen Joshua
Terry Sanders Jr.
Ford Romfellow
Edgar Bidan
John Grissom


The Earth Federation in the Gundam universe represents a significant global power that controls a large portion of Earth and its space colonies. Headquartered in the central Jabur Archipelago, nestled perfectly in the heart of the South American jungle, it is the vital center of the Federation's military and political activities.
The Federation's geographic reach extends from Earth to the vastly diverse reaches of space. Highlights include the city of Granada, strategically located on the lunar surface, and several scattered space colonies at Earth's second Lagrange point. This enhances the Federation's geographic reach and strategic influence. The territory of the earth is divided into administrative regions, reminiscent of the current war lines on the map. Significant areas of concern include North America, Europe, and Asia, the main regions where the Federation regularly used Zeon forces during the One Year War.
From time to time, the diverse geography of the Earth Federation greatly influences its military strategy and plays a vital role in shaping the alternate future history within the rich narrative tapestry of the Gundam universe. The locations reflect many unique social and political cultures and have deep historical significance, telling the story of humanity's progress in space and the conflicts that hinder its journey.

Legacy and Impact

Resonance of the Earth Federation in the Gundam universe survives appearances in the series. He revolutionized the concept of interstellar governance by portraying power and weakness in a balanced lens. His portrayal inspired many anime sequels and introduced the story of a huge main faction facing internal and external struggles. In the Gundam fantasy, the Federation is an inspiring symbol of power, diplomacy, and humanity's struggle for order in chaos. The story sparks debate about the morality and justice of war, provoking appreciation, criticism, and intense debate. The Federation's legacy also includes real-world parallels, where it often symbolizes the complexity and ambiguity of international politics. The complex storyline remains an unforgettable aspect of the Gundam series and continues to enrich the tapestry of modern science fiction.