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Hollow Knight Universe

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The Pale King

General Info

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Faction NameThe Pale King
Formerly known as the Wyrm, the Pale King is a central figure in the Hollow Knight universe. The Pale King underwent a metaphysical transformation from an ancient giant beast to a regal, regal figure. He is famously revered as the creator of ships and the kingdom of Hallownest. Known for his wisdom and advanced civilization, the Pale King drew his powers from Soul and Dreams and worked tirelessly to unite the many insect tribes under his rule. His laws and ordinances brought order to the once chaotic world of insects. However, his kingdom collapsed due to an infection spread by radiation, which caused him to mysteriously disappear. "Legacy of the Pale King" is similar to a tale of hubris, describing the downfall of a king who dared to defy the natural cycle of life and death. His story is woven into the fabric of the vast Hollow Knight universe.


A pivotal figure in the Hollow Knight universe, the Pale King leads a faction full of mystery and intrigue. The Pale King rose from the abyss below and named himself ruler, erasing the age of brilliance and bringing enlightenment to the Nest of Bones. An all-powerful personality with profound powers of transformation and resurrection, he strove to elevate insects above their primitive, mindless state.
With immense power, this mysterious lord could grant life and consciousness, transforming ordinary chaff into complex creatures. His dream of a kingdom populated by an enlightened insect race was partially realized, but his ambitions came to an unexpected end. The king's arrogance and miscalculation led to an unexpected contagion, a catastrophe of his own making.
This infection poisoned the minds and bodies of Hallownest's inhabitants, turning them back into aggressive and primitive creatures. As the kingdom descended into despair and ruin, the pale king disappeared without a trace. His legacy is a decaying kingdom and a curse that continues to haunt its inhabitants. The Faction of the Pale King, a fragile alliance of insects imbued with the Dawn of Consciousness, faced inevitable doom. By forging alliances, fomenting unrest, and cultivating the will to resist, the Pale King's teachings continue to influence the remnants of his once-prosperous kingdom. His faction, witnessing a utopian dream turned into a nightmare, is a depressing reminder of their king's divine power and his fatal flaws. The Pale King, a ruler lost in time, remains an enigma written into the history of Hallownest.


An important figure in the Hollow Knight universe, the Pale King exudes an aura of godlike power and majesty. An astute ruler of the Nest of Bones, his rule, though not without controversy, ushered in a distinctly enlightened and prosperous period for insect civilization. He wasn't originally from Hallownest, but he arrived and led a rebellion against the Ray, marking the beginning of his reign and the beginning of a new age where subjects could think for themselves.
The Pale King's reign was marked by a period of bright intellectual and infrastructure growth. The development of the City of Tears and the creation of Stagways are testaments to the golden age under his rule. But beyond that, he fought relentlessly against the influence of the Radiant, with deep memories of his tumultuous past with her and the subsequent rebellion that began his reign.
But his reign was not without dark secrets. Building the ships and shutting down the Radiance was a desperate and somewhat questionable move. Her efforts, while trying to save her kingdom, allowed many eggs to hatch and be removed. Eventually, the infection began to spread again and the kingdom slowly collapsed. Despite his best efforts, the king mysteriously disappeared, leaving a kingdom haunted by the awakening Radiance.
It was controversially believed that the Pale King reincarnated as a knight. The Knight, a character in the Hollow Knight series, testifies to the Pale King's fallibility, but also to his determination. As the knight explores gloomy caves and ruined cities, the influence of the Pale King reverberates throughout the world.
The Pale King's quest for a prosperous and advanced civilization came at a high price. Echoes of this tumultuous past can still be heard in the Nest of Darkness today, reminding the inhabitants of the golden age of hope and enlightenment and the great sacrifice they all made.

Notable Members

Member #
The Pale King
White Lady
The Hollow Knight
Broken Vessel
The Kingsmoulds
The Wingmoulds
The Pale Lurker


The Pale King has an extraordinary geography in the Hollow Knight universe. His kingdom, known as Hallowest, stretched below the surface and included many exotic biological elements with a unique subterranean ecosystem. The center of the palace was in the heart of the Old Basin, a pure white building that stood like a shining beacon amidst the abysmal darkness, radiating the power and reign of the Pale King.
The architecture of the palace reflected the refined and sophisticated mindset of the pale king himself. Tranquil white halls were interspersed with ornate buildings that reflected the pale king's bright sovereignty over his subjects. The land was littered with shipping patterns and pathways that influenced movement and communication within the kingdom.
The longevity of this faction can be attributed to its geographic solidity. Structurally, Hallownest has been reinforced with tough, exoskeleton-like materials, which clearly shows their insect inspiration. Although the area was lush, the kingdom's borders were distinctly dull and barren. It summed up the solemnity of the Pale King and summed up the contrast of his kingdom with the vibrant insect world beyond. Their possessions were a village full of geo-repositories and soul totems, carefully guarded by the Pale King's guards. Overall, the geography of Hallownest was a stunning telling of the Pale King's vast reign and an intimate look into the lives of its inhabitants, making him a central figure in the Hollow Knight story.

Legacy and Impact

The Pale King's reign in Bone Nest leaves an indelible mark on its history and its people. He has single-handedly transformed a maddened insect civilization into a thriving kingdom in need of his divine rule. Its unique ability to confer consciousness and self-awareness came with unexpected consequences. The Pale King's subjects, now weighed down by awareness and fear of mortality, either sought death or went mad.
Furthermore, the Pale King's attempt to escape his inevitability catalyzed the infection that ravaged the Darkest. His desire for immortality and subsequent attempts to seal the brilliance inadvertently caused the destruction of his kingdom. Despite his genius and greatness, the Pale King was unable to defeat his predecessor and inadvertently paved the way for a reborn Wrath.
Even in death, the Pale King's influence is great. It is during his final command that the knight, the player character, begins his quest to stop the infection. His legacy is therefore a paradox: he is both the architect of Hallownest's rise and the main instigator of its downfall. His actions underscore themes of impermanence and the cycle of life and death in the game's history, stories that continue long after the king's death.