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Location NameDirtmouth
Dirtmouth, also known as Fading Town, is the gateway to the vast ancient kingdom known as Hallowest. Once a thriving center for travelers, the village is now quiet and almost deserted, with only a few residents. Village elders look down a well that leads to an intricate network of tunnels that offer a glimpse of the ancient civilization below. Visitors can find the legendary cartographer's shop, which provides invaluable assistance to intrepid explorers, and a shop run by a charming insect couple that sells objects found in the far reaches of the realm. Every dusty street and worn building has a story in Dirtmouth, with a hint of the once-seen grandeur of the Bone Nest. The silent soundtrack of a forgotten era echoes in the quiet whisper of the wind.


Dirtmouth is a quaint and derelict village that can truly be considered the face of Hallownest's decline. Located on the edge of the fascinating Old Kingdom, Dirtmouth welcomes curious travelers brave enough to explore its mythical depths.
At first glance, it appears desolate, a remnant of a once-prosperous society with dilapidated structures eclipsed by the inexorable touch of time. However, Dirtmouth is home to a handful of resilient residents, most notably Elderbug, who stubbornly refuses to succumb to the encroaching plague.
One of the main features of this homestead is a well leading to the Forgotten Bivio. This pit is the main gateway to the dangerous world below, luring adventurers with the promise of treasure and wisdom from a fallen kingdom tainted by betrayal and pain.
Despite its gloomy atmosphere, Dirtmouth is a necessary refuge for weary wanderers. Beneath its melancholic exterior, it offers a sanctuary to rest, recuperate and prepare for the challenging journey ahead. Visitors can purchase essentials from the village shopkeeper, with plenty of resources to help them explore.
There's no doubt that Dirtmouth is an integral part of the Hollow Knight universe. It contains a mirror that reflects Hallownest's abandoned glory and gives visitors a glimpse of the great saga that lies beneath the surface.


A decaying village on the edge of the dying kingdom of Hallowest, Dirtmouth's history is as deep and compelling as the ancient depths that lie beneath. There are many stories to be told about this extraordinary place, each depicting the heroic deeds and breathtaking end of a once-thriving civilization.
Early records speak of Dirtmouth as an open stop for travelers disembarking at Hallownest. Its strategic position high on a steep opening leading into the interior allowed it to become a thriving center of activity. The echoes from the abyss below, though disturbing to the uninitiated, have attracted countless explorers and miners seeking riches, answers, or simply the thrill of venturing into the unknown. During the Middle Ages, also known as the Golden Age of Dirtmouth, the village flourished in popularity and fame. Businesses flourished, offering a range of services, from delicious meals to hearty manicures, all to cater to the growing influx of explorers. The settlement enjoyed the prosperity of its neighbors from the depths, indicating a time of symbiotic flowering that still lingers in the memory.
However, the decline of Hallowest led to the downfall of Dirtmouth. As fewer and fewer explorers returned from the depths, there were fewer left to share the bounty of the mountain village. The once bustling square had become eerily quiet except for the occasional clang of a blacksmith's anvil and the faint whisper of the wind.
Today, Dirtmouth stands as a derelict skeleton of days gone by, a stark reflection of the dying kingdom he oversees. A few residents spend their time in the comforting darkness of the desert. But beneath the shell of the desert lies the resilient spirit of those who remember, a testament to their unwavering determination and the remnants of a once-glorious era.


Dirtmouth, often referred to as the Vanishing City, lies directly above the Old Kingdom and is the gateway to the mysterious wastelands below. It is the first and last refuge for those intrepid explorers embarking on or returning from their treacherous underground journeys.
Encounters with the few remaining inhabitants of this quaint, peaceful town provide a sobering insight into the desperate situation that lies deep within. Elderbug, one of the older residents, can often be seen on the benches, telling stories about the town's heyday. The amount of wisdom and experience packed into this character is a testament to Dirtmouth's rich history. He fondly remembers the days when the city was bustling with shops and merchants from all over the kingdom.
The town is full of empty houses, a chilling sign of those who went underground and never came back. Even the well-worn path to the pit—the mouth that leads directly into the dark depths of the chasm—seems to whisper tales of countless brave hearts descending in hopes of finding answers to find their destiny.
An extraordinary place in the city is the Iselda Map Shop. Here, the humble explorer can find maps, painstakingly hand-drawn by Iselda Cornifer's husband, as a rescue guide to the treacherously unknown catacombs below. These almost sacred pieces of parchment are the only remnants of hope for those who dare to delve into the depths of the cave.
Dirtmouth, despite its silence and past glory, remains an integral part of the Hollow Knight universe. Apart from the peace it offers to weary travelers and hopeful souls, the grueling expedition into the deep can be too much for any explorer. So a stopover in this unassuming town is as much a necessary survival strategy as a nostalgic visit to a forgotten past.