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Megami Tensei poster image


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Megami Tensei Universe

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General Info

Tokyo logo
Latitude[object Object]
Longitude[object Object]
Telephone+81 3-5321-1111
Postal Code100-0001
Location NameTokyo
Alternate Name東京
Tokyo in the Megami Tensei universe embodies a palpable synergy of tradition and futurism. It serves as a central hub for supernatural events, inhabited by mythological entities that co-exist with a community mixed with modern technology and ancient customs. The cityscape is distinctive, emphasizing Japan's architectural heritage and peppered with futuristic structures, giving off an ethereal aura that heightens the tension of the space battles that follow. In this setting, characters meet, destinies collide and destinies are rewritten. The franchise draws its inspiration from various areas of the city, from bustling shopping districts like Akihabara to the old-world charm of Asakusa. Desired not for tourism but for survival, Megami Tensei Tokyo offers a bold reimagining of the city that subtly straddles the line between reality and mysticism. This is a place where players should tread carefully, as every corner holds the potential of friend and foe. Tokyo, as represented in the Megami Tensei universe, is more than a fantasy metropolis: it is a character in its own right.


Tokyo is central to the Megami Tensei universe, both the site of many apocalyptic events and a beacon of human resilience. It is a city where old traditions collide with innovative progress, which is reflected in the mystical and technological forces that shape many stories.
Tokyo's diverse neighborhoods, from traditional Asakusa to bustling Shibuya, exhibit varying degrees of demonic influence, illustrating the city's dynamic adaptation. The vast subway network serves as a massive maze known as the "Tokyo Concept" that underpins the game's mechanics and encourages a sense of exploration and danger along your journey.
Even more profound is the city's relationship with Platybe, a metaphysical realm that bridges the gap between the physical world and the realm of demons, gods, and spirits. In this understanding, Tokyo can be seen not only as a geographical location, but also as a center where several levels of existence converge.
The people of Tokyo are as diverse as many places: commoners, ritualists, demon summoners, and the occasional messiah. Their stories provide insights into individual lives within the larger struggle, adding a more intimate perspective to grandiose cosmic events.
After all, Tokyo is not only a setting, but also a character in the Megami Tensei universe: a living, breathing embodiment of the series' central themes: chaos, order, and the human will to survive.


In the Megami Tensei universe, Tokyo holds great significance. The city has been the main backdrop for many episodes and adaptations, and contains many sought-after locations and artifacts.
The history of Megami Tensei in Tokyo dates back to ancient times, where it was often the battlefield of countless spirit wars. Over the centuries, Tokyo has withstood invasions by foreign gods, banished demons, and been home to countless all-powerful beings. There were great sacrifices and immeasurable devotions, and the sacred energy of these events seeped into the stones of the city and the riverbeds. During the 20th century, Tokyo became the epicenter of mystical and scientific progress. Universities focused on the study of demon summoning were founded, and technologies for manipulating spirit energy were invented. Protective barriers were reinforced around the city and even survived the apocalyptic events of the 21st century known as the concept and continued their existence in the vortex world.
The Tokyo in the Megami Tensei universe isn't just a replica of the bustling metropolis it's known for. Rather, it's a mysterious, atmospheric city designed to stage intense cosmic drama. It encompasses various dimensions, be it the physical, spiritual, digital or metaphysical plane of thoughts and ideas.
The predominant landmarks known to fans—Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ikebukuro—now mean more than neighborhoods. They symbolize the infinite resilience of the city and its silent agreement with the spiritual world. At the heart of Tokyo is the Temple of Karma, the axis to and from which the dimensions converge.
In the Megami Tensei universe, Tokyo is much more than a city. It is a resilient entity with a complex and rich history. It's a testament to the immersive exploration of life, death, and different layers of existence that add depth and complexity to the games.


Set against the backdrop of post-apocalyptic Tokyo, the Megami Tensei universe is a strange mix of futurism and ancient rituals. Japan's once thriving, cosmopolitan city, now demolished Tokyo, is a stark reminder of humanity's introspective tendencies and power struggles.
In this universe, Tokyo isn't falling due to natural disasters or runaway technology; rather, he succumbs to the devastation caused by the demons summoned through the demon summoning program. Enthusiastically tangled neighborhoods beneath a labyrinthine metropolis, the city unashamedly suffers from the grip of demonic forces, causing catastrophic changes in all areas of life.
The urban landscape, which oscillates between the physical and spiritual realms, has become a battleground of ideologies and power dynamics. Not only humans live here, but also demons, who are oppressed by the powerful forces that rule the city.
But in its ashes, Tokyo shows the way for brave and ruthless warriors or destroyers who dare to defy adversity, bringing a glimmer of hope to this scarred land. These warriors navigate the vast labyrinth of a demon-infested city, negotiating, performing rituals, and forming alliances critical to freeing the world from demon rule.
Tokyo in the Megami Tensei universe is an example of resilience and survival. It is a petrified and treacherous terrain that constantly tests the courage of its inhabitants to make them stronger and wiser, a city that does not give up even in the most dire situations. Featuring an enchanting appearance, it retains an inexplicable charm despite its derelict state. The resilience of this city, its inhabitants, and their unbreakable spirit of survival is the central story of the Megami Tensei universe.