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Monster Hunter Universe

Awaiting Claim

The Guild

General Info

The Guild logo
Faction NameThe Guild
The Guild is the governing body and central structure of the vast and secretive monster hunting operations in the Monster Hunter universe. They establish laws and regulations that strengthen the harmony of nature and civilization. The guild organizes and commissions monster hunts and is the main source of quests and contracts for the character. Upon completion, they grant ranks, increasing the fighter's status. Every hunt, exploration, and expedition they undertake is aimed at understanding the monsters in order to protect humanity by preserving the natural balance. They have a diverse workforce at their headquarters, from receptionists to scientists. A vast and powerful guild network forms the central structure of the Monster Hunter universe.


The Guild in the Monster Hunter universe is a respected and ubiquitous organization that oversees and controls most, if not all, of the hunts around the world. Prevailing in major cities and towns, the guild is the basis of civilization in a world full of dangerous beasts. They not only organize and lead hunts for dangerous creatures that threaten human settlements, but also support research to understand the biology of these monsters.
At its core, the Guild is the connective tissue between the fighters and society. By providing hunters with important information about their targets and the resources they need, they not only ensure the safety of settlements, but also support ecosystems by preventing overhunting. They monitor monster population trends and their migration patterns to limit the number of specific species that can be hunted, further emphasizing their important role in maintaining ecological balance.
In addition, the guild fosters camaraderie and adheres to a strict code of honor for hunters, reinforcing the idea that hunting is a noble and honorable profession rather than a drudgery. They also serve as custodians of history and tradition, telling the stories of legendary hunters and epic hunts, and instilling respect and admiration for the profession.
Bottom Line: The Guild in the Monster Hunter universe operates at the critical intersection of humans, animals, and nature, ensuring symbiosis for all, advancing civilization, and nurturing the spirit of the hunt. He not only personifies authority and regulation, but also community, courage and respect for nature.


The guild plays a central role in the overall story of the Monster Hunter universe. Founded in a time of chaos and conflict with monstrous creatures, it served as a beacon of hope and safety for warring human clans.
These early humans originally formed a guild out of necessity, as the monsters they hunted proved too large for a lone hunter. The guild promoted unity and cooperation and organized elite fighting units to deal with dire threats. These merciless creatures, endowed with unimaginable power, threatened human settlements and the entire ecosystem, and therefore the intervention of the guild was necessary. The guild also focused on researching and understanding the beasts, uncovering their patterns, vulnerabilities, and behaviors, making hunting more manageable and less dangerous. The most important principle of guild practice is the principle of balance. This respect for balance not only guided their hunting rules, but also led to a conscious effort to prevent the extinction of monster species.
To further focus on the core principles, the guild created the Hunter Guild Code, a comprehensive set of laws and rules that every hunter must follow. The code emphasizes the importance of coexistence with nature, mutual respect between hunters and responsibility towards the community. The guild has gone through many trials and tribulations during its historic journey. But years of persistence have resulted in a robust and sophisticated organization that serves as a bulwark against dire threats. As the Monster Hunter universe evolves, the guild maintains its unwavering purpose: to protect humanity and ensure a balanced coexistence with the wild and wonderful creatures they hunt.
Indeed, the history of the guild is a testament to humanity's resilience to adversity and deep respect for the natural world. As long as there are threats, the guild's role will remain vital in maintaining the precarious balance of the Monster Hunter universe.

Notable Members

Member #
The Guildmaster
Ace Cadet/Excitable A-Lister
Ace Lancer
Ace Gunner
Ace Commander/Reliable Excavator
Street Cook
Guildmarm/Val Habar
Master Utsushi
Guild Manager
Shakalaka Savior I
Shakalaka Savior II
Arena Bambina
Argosy Captain
Moga Chief’s Son
The Man
The Handler
The Tracker
The Seeker
Serious Handler
Provisions Manager
Tech Chief
Lynian Researcher
Piscine Researcher
Endemic Life Researcher
Chief Ecologist
Third Fleet Master
Field Team Leader


The Guild has jurisdiction over many different areas, each geologically and culturally distinct. The guild is responsible for cataloging and protecting this contrasting environment, from the icy frosty coastal landscape with ancient ecosystems deep in frozen caves to the searing heat of the Wildspire Waste, where giant monsters live among the desert sands.
Further inland, the lush foliage of the ancient forest is living proof of the longevity of these ecosystems, and the intertwining vines and giant trees are home to countless unique wyverns. There is also the mysterious Coral Heights, a land of breathtaking beauty where coral blooms in a symphony of colors teeming with vibrant marine life. Beneath it lies the Rotten Vale, a desolate land where life and death revolve in an unstoppable cycle. Despite its administrative scope, the guild respects the natural balance and intervenes only to protect against high-risk threats. By researching and regulating the monsters, the guild ensures that humanity coexists harmoniously but gently with the enormous wild creatures. Such complex responsibilities require in-depth knowledge and understanding of the various geographies under their auspices.

Legacy and Impact

A guild in the Monster Hunter universe has deeply carved its legacy by organizing hunting parties and maintaining a safe balance between humans and monsters. Its impact is enormous and crucial to the functioning of the world. A guild led by hunters ensures the survival of human settlements from the relentless attacks of monsters. It also influenced the dissemination and collection of knowledge about various kinds of creatures. This knowledge base, accumulated over generations, is essential to define hunting strategies. In addition, The Guild has tirelessly maintained ecological balance, preventing excessive monster hunting, demonstrating its commitment to coexistence. Perhaps the guild's most important contribution lies in its philosophy, which instilled a great deal of respect among hunters for their enemies, stating that hunting is a means of survival, not a sport.