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Pokémon GO Universe

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Ultra Ball

General Info

Ultra Ball logo
Item NameUltra Ball
The Ultra Ball is a must-have item for any advanced Pokémon GO trainer to keep your capture attempts from failing. With a much higher catch rate than standard Poké Balls, the Ultra Ball greatly increases your chances of catching elusive, high-CP wild Pokémon. These balls are decorated with a black exterior, yellow stripes and blue accents, symbolizing their excellent functionality. Although they become available at level 20, acquiring them requires strategic use as they are not readily available at PokéStops. Appreciate each launch, as their rarity makes them valuable in any Pokémon GO trainer's inventory. So, consider the Ultra Ball as your best companion when it comes to filling your Pokédex.


The Ultra Ball is a powerful Poké Ball offered in Pokémon Go that offers a higher catch speed than the standard Poké Ball and Great Ball. This valuable tool greatly increases your chances of catching elusive high CP Pokémon, ensuring that even the most difficult Pokémon are caught efficiently.
Earning Ultra Balls is an event achieved after reaching level 20, demonstrating your trainer's experience and dedication to the game. After reaching this level, Ultra Balls can be obtained through PokéStops, leveling up, or as rewards for participating in Gym Battles and Raids.
The Ultra Ball has a distinctive design and is very similar to the regular Poké Ball, with the main difference being a black top and a tasteful blue ring to illustrate its enhanced abilities. Having an Ultra Ball in your inventory makes catching a strong, rare, or legendary Pokémon a lot less scary. Whether it's a gym, raid, or legendary encounter, you'll appreciate the great capture potential. As an experienced trainer, you understand that sometimes using an Ultra Ball is the only difference between a great catch and a missed opportunity to expand your Pokédex. So save them for those special encounters and never miss a chance to catch those elusive Pokémon again!

Creation and Development

The development and creation of Ultra Ball in the Pokémon GO universe is a remarkable achievement in virtual gaming and reflects the careful thought and innovation the game developers have put into this popular mobile game.
Ultra Ball was introduced in 2016. July. as part of the initial release of Pokémon GO. Known for its high performance and efficiency, this updated Poké Ball was created with one main goal in mind: to offer players a higher success rate in catching wild Pokémon, especially the rare and powerful ones that are difficult to catch. It has become a valuable resource for players around the world to expand their Pokémon collections.
The Ultra Ball development process involved not only technical engineering but also artistic design. Niantic developers worked closely with designers to create a visually appealing look for Ultra Ball. The final design features a black and yellow color scheme, making it a departure from the usual red and white Poké Ball and Great Ball blue and red scheme. The added "H" pattern at the top is another unique feature that represents increased efficiency and power on the ball.
Ultra Ball's performance is the result of careful balancing and testing by the development team. They did some test runs to optimize the catching speed of this ball without putting too much pressure on it. Their test results showed that the Ultra Ball increased the catch rate by about twice that of a standard Poké Ball.
While the Ultra Ball is now a staple of Pokémon GO, its introduction to the game hasn't been without its hurdles. Initial user feedback indicated that it was too difficult to obtain, forcing the developers to adjust the level requirements and frequency of obtaining Ultra Balls from PokéStops and gifts.
Despite these challenges, the introduction of the Ultra Ball to the Pokémon GO universe has only enriched the gameplay. Thanks to careful developer design and player-focused mods, the Ultra Ball remains a symbol of advanced capabilities and a testament to Niantic's commitment to continually improving the gaming experience.

Cultural Impact

Since the launch of Pokémon GO, Ultra Ball has had a significant cultural impact, further cementing the game's influence on pop culture and everyday life. Recognized by its black design and yellow and blue accents, this status item symbolizes the wearer's dedication and skill.
Ultra Ball has transcended gaming and infiltrated mainstream culture. It became a symbol of success that players wanted to achieve, driving player engagement and competition. At the same time, it has inspired real-life products such as keychains and stuffed animals, making it a tangible icon of the virtual world. In addition, the value of Ultraball also includes the social aspect of the game. It has created a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences among players around the world, bringing together people of diverse backgrounds who share a common interest in battling and collecting Pokémon. These bonds have been proven as the search for rare Pokemon with the Ultra Ball continues to unite users.