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The Alibi Room

General Info

The Alibi Room logo
CityLos Angeles
CountryUnited States
Latitude[object Object]
Longitude[object Object]
Telephone(310) 390-9300
Postal Code90066
Location NameThe Alibi Room
Street Address12236 W Washington Blvd
The epicenter of Frank Gallagher's everyday life, the Alibi Room is a central location in the Shameless universe. More than just a booze-filled paradise, this dive bar embodies the South Side's community spirit and resilience. With a worn-in charm that reflects its patrons and Gallagher's lifestyle, Alibi is often the site of some of the show's most memorable, heartfelt and terrifying moments. Considered synonymous with Southern irreverence and friendly spirit, the Alibi Room is more than just a backdrop, it's also an unknown character inseparable from the shameless world narrative.


The Alibi Room holds hallowed ground in the Shameless universe as an important meeting place for characters and their strange plots. Reflecting the show's chaotic underpinnings, this gritty, dimly lit watering hole is where South Side Chicagoans come to drown their sorrows, share their triumphs or schemes, and indulge in wild revelry.
It's more than just a bar, it's a symbol of the characters' resilience, impeccable charm, and a refuge in the midst of relentless combat. Whether it's Frank challenging his often unfunny philosophical musings, or the heartfelt, if unusual, entrepreneurial adventures of Kev and Vee, the scenes unfolding within its dark confines are authentic and heartbreakingly real.
Serving everything from cheap beer to dubious wisdom, the Alibi Room serves as an anchor to the characters' chaotic lives. It is a place where no one is judged, everyone is welcome, and where fragments of acceptance, friendship and love often emerge amid the dizzying chaos. From wild parties to bittersweet moments of quiet reflection, it's a rollercoaster ride of South Side life that represents not only the place, but also the gritty, unconditional spirit of the Shameless universe.


The Alibi Room is the main setting in the vibrant Shameless universe, serving as the neighborhood's watering hole and unofficial cultural hub. His story intertwines with the intertwining stories of South Side Chicago residents, providing an intimate background to their lives.
The place was originally established in 1930 when it was prohibited. It was a secret meeting place, a speakeasy, where locals could circumvent the drinking laws of the day. After Prohibition, The Alibi Room became a public bar, retaining its exclusive charm and reputation for breaking the rules. In the early days of Shameless, The Alibi Room was owned and operated by a grumpy, good-for-nothing bartender. His brooding demeanor contrasted sharply with the playful mayhem of his patrons, but he remained a fixture on the local nightlife scene. After Stan's death, the baton passed to his son Kevin and his wife Veronica. They have transformed the Alibi Room into a more contemporary and welcoming space while maintaining the venerable ethos.
Over the years, Alibi's room has witnessed a live elephant of his guardians and a turbulent saga of emotions. Here, Frank Gallagher, despite his many antics, always finds an audience. It's the scene of Fiona's tearful pauses and Lip's intellectual debate. Mickey and Ian also shared many tender moments between the frosty walls.
In the Shameless universe, the Alibi Room doesn't just sound like a hangout. It includes the unbreakable spirit of the South Side community and their shared resilience to adversity. He is still unique, a witness to their camaraderie, an embodiment of joyous celebrations and shared hardships.


The Alibi Room is a pillar of the Shameless universe, an iconic watering hole that serves as the backdrop for some of the show's most dramatic and pivotal scenes. A local bar by day and a haven for misfits by night, this is the soul of Chicago's South Side.
Sala Alibi is not just any bar. It's a refuge from the flawed and charming chaos of humanity that fills Shameless. For the downtrodden Gallagher family and their eclectic group of friends, it's a place where they can be intentionally chaotic, where beer flows freely and where no societal rules and norms seem to apply. In dark, seedy corners and worn clues, you'll find the stories America often likes to forget, the ignored working class, the disillusioned veterans, the dreamers driven into poverty. The Alibi Room tells the uncomfortable truths hidden behind America's "land of opportunity" facade.
Led by the unflappable and unstoppable Kev and Veronica, the band remains a calming constant amid the series' tumultuous events. She never discriminates or judges, providing refuge to South Side residents exhausted by life's trials and tribulations.
Of course, the Alibi Room isn't just for the lonely and frustrated. It is also the center of celebrations, parties and crazy activities. Here, romance thrives amid the clinking of cheap beer bottles, loud music and an enticing pool table. Here, friendship becomes stronger than shared joys and sorrows, emphasizing the strength of unity in the face of adversity. Trouble stays at the door here, if only until the hangover hits.
The Alibi Room is quintessential Shameless, reflecting the show's gritty depiction of the reality of life, cutting through the many layers of conventional storytelling and getting close to the real human experience. It's more than a bar; it's home, it's community, it's a testament to the resilience, defiant joy and perseverance of the human spirit under pressure. To understand Shameless, you need to understand the essence of The Alibi Room.