The Simpsons universe is a lively and fun world where a typical American family from the fictional town of Springfield lives. At the center of the universe is the Simpsons family, made up of Homer, a dour and benevolent father; his loyal and pragmatic wife, Marge; their annoying son Bart; successful daughter Lisa; and little pacifier-loving Maggie.
The series was widely praised for its satirical depiction of working-class life and its diverse cast of characters representing a broad cross-section of American society. Their often absurd and always hilarious adventures and interactions are a sharp commentary on American culture, society and television.
Notable non-Simpsons characters include Moe the bartender, Krusty the Clown, the evil Mr. Burns, and many more. The Simpsons universe has successfully entertained millions of people around the world with laughter and a unique reflection of American life.