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Squid Game Universe

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Red Light, Green Light

General Info

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Event NameRed Light, Green Light
Event Red Light Green Light is a creepy intro game set in the gritty world of the Squid Game universe. Contestants enter a deadly version of a child's game, manipulated by a large automated dummy, where any move made at a red light results in instant elimination. This macabre retelling of the nostalgic game quickly reveals the gruesome consequences of the rivalry. The game, disguised under a facade of lightness and innocence, sets the tone for the somber series of events that follows, reflecting a stark contrast between the desperate situations of the participants and playful children's games. This event reflects the grim reality of the Squid Game: a merciless life-and-death struggle masquerading as child's play.


Squid game universe

Set in modern times, Squid Game is a South Korean survival drama that turns the lives of debt-ridden individuals into a deadly game unknown to the outside world. Created by Netflix, the Squid Game universe is a dystopian universe made up of dystopian elements about the ruthless side of human nature and the extent to which people can save themselves from a financial crisis. The game features a series of childish challenges that turn into fatal encounters, creating a haunting parody of innocence and horror.

From the suffocating suffocation of capitalism to social inequality, the Squid Game universe reflects social and political issues that are not unique to South Korea, but are relatable to a global audience. Vibrant play of color, stunningly beautiful sets, and diverse characters help create a universe that is an unsettling mix of fantasy and reality that constantly questions human morality.