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Squid Game Universe

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General Info

VIPs logo
Faction NameVIPs
In the Squid Game universe, VIPs are mysterious and mysterious, with a seemingly higher social status than their regular competitors. They seem to be in control of the game and take an almost voyeuristic interest in the contestants' deathmatch. Dressed in whimsical animal masks and tunics, their identities remain hidden and add an extra layer of intrigue to their characters. Their influence on games and results remains highly ambiguous, as do their motivations: do they derive pleasure from the gruesome spectacle, or do they have other ulterior motives. But one thing is clear: for them, the players are just pawns, and the game is just a display of wealth and power. In the bleak dystopia of Squid Game, they represent an indifferent elite class that manipulates the lives of the desperate and needy, underscoring the show's ruthless capitalist commentary.


The VIP Faction, a mysterious group of wealthy individuals in the Squid Game universe, occupies an important place. These mysterious elite spectators, hidden behind animal-like golden masks, enjoy the desperate spectacle of rivals fighting for survival. Their privileged lifestyle is in sharp contrast to the poor conditions of the players. It's clear that the show's creators used this disconnect to highlight the stark differences between socioeconomic classes.
VIPs play a metonymic role in the show, behaving like Roman emperors who love gladiatorial combat. Their presence adds even more intrigue, not only because they add a higher level of inhumanity to already brutal games, but also because of their unusual traits and hedonistic tendencies. Their identity always remains a mystery, giving us the opportunity to contemplate the infinite extent of their power and influence.
The visual experience through the eyes of VIPs illustrates the cold reality of the value of human life. Their contribution to the story underscores the stark commentary on wealth inequality and adds another layer of philosophical depth to The Squid Game. VIP embodies the most brutal side of wealth and power, where life is turned into mere entertainment, and offers a chilling dystopian perspective in this acknowledged universe. NOTE: This review represents a hypothetical narrative position for the Squid Game VIP faction. This is extrapolated from the role they play in the show and does not represent any specific actual content of the show.


The VIP of the Squid Game universe are a group of wealthy spectators who are entertained by people's desperation and survival instincts. Their story is shrouded in mystery, conspiracy theories and chilling tales of decadence that are both intriguing and reprehensible.

VIPs are introduced late in the show, but their existence takes precedence over all of the game's infrastructure, suggesting they've been around since the "game" began. Reports suggest that the foul play is a recurring occurrence, pointing to a long, albeit undisclosed, history of VIP.

The idea of ​​an anonymous group of wealthy individuals funding a deadly survival game for their own amusement involves extensive underground networks and influence. Hard-to-find funds, advanced technology, private islands, and a large number of collaborators ready to do their bidding all point to a long-standing and powerful organization with roots deep in the company's depths.

Their true identity remains hidden beneath the golden animal masks that correspond to their primal desire to enjoy the thrill of the hunt in the comfort of high chairs. VIP players have been able to maintain their anonymity and control over the game for decades, making their history even more mysterious.

The menacing and luxurious lifestyle of VIPs, juxtaposed with the deadly battles of players, shows a distorted picture of wealth inequality. VIP's story, as murky as it is, is a disturbing display of the adoration of the sickly rich for the desperate, highlighting a central theme of the Squid Game universe.

Notable Members

Member #


The VIP faction occupies an important place in the global geography of the Squid Game universe. They come from different corners of the world and represent a multinational confluence of wealth and power.
To satisfy their desire for unpredictable and risky entertainment, these individuals gather on a secret island off the coast of South Korea, carefully kept secret from the outside world. This island is a strategic location in the Squid Game universe, with a desolate landscape that reflects the gritty nature of the games that take place there.
The relatively dry island has a giant player complex strategically located in the heart of the island. The internal geography of this complex is eerily reminiscent of childhood play arenas and evokes feelings of nostalgia and awe. The barracks, mess hall and other common areas are a stark contrast to the seemingly innocuous game arenas that turn into battlefields.
The surrounding waters further enclose the island, reinforcing its separation from social norms and order. This geographic isolation reinforces the alarming levels of control and autonomy of the organizers of the game and its players.
VIPs usually kick into action at the end of the game, arriving by helicopter and enjoying a panoramic view of the island before immersing themselves in the heart-pounding performance of the Squid Game. For them, it is more than a game; it is a testament to their breaking away from traditional social constructs in search of their own perverse pleasure.

Legacy and Impact

Squid Game's VIP Faction undoubtedly leaves a remarkable legacy and profound impact, revealing the disturbing extremes of power dynamics and wealth inequality. As sponsors of deadly games, they embody the absolute epitome of greed and dehumanization. The immoral pleasure they derive from human suffering is a dark commentary on the cruel social and economic hierarchy that exists in today's society. Their ominous influence extends beyond the television screen, creating a stark reflection of the dystopian reality that many navigate on a daily basis. In doing so, VIP ignites a much-needed discussion about the damaging effects of unchecked capitalism and the moral trade-offs that are deliberately made, adding significantly to the provocative narrative that is the Squid Game universe. They remind us of the need for compassion and humility, two seemingly forgotten values ​​in a world overshadowed by greed and the relentless pursuit of power.