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Squid Game Universe

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The Dormitory

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Location NameThe Dormitory
The dorm is the heart of the Squid Game universe. This bare, large room details all levels of the game's competitors. It is the result of great benefit and necessity, each wall is stacked with dozens of bunk beds. The air smells of shared fear and unwilling kinship. The lighting is deliberately inappropriate, so everything is cast in shadow and skepticism. Here, the most innocent hostels and the most terrible prisons coincide. It is not only a place of relaxation, but also an epicenter of strategic discussions, secret planning and outbreaks of violence. Amidst the brutal undertones of the squid game, the dormitory is your only refuge and your worst nightmare.


A dormitory in the Squid Game universe is a terrifying yet intriguing backdrop for players' fears, alliances, and survival strategies to unfold. It's a minimalist, monochromatic space with no privacy and an eerie emptiness that contrasts sharply with the chaotic, adrenaline-pumping games outside.
Uniquely designed to increase the psychological tension, it essentially represents the grueling emotional journey that the participants have to go through. Bunk beds and neon-lit corridors add to the surreal and dystopian visual palette.
But any sense of security in the dorm is short-lived. Every sporadic element of comfort is undermined by an unrelenting reminder of the deadly competition ahead. Despite its mundane appearance, the dorm becomes a vital backdrop to the show's plot and character development. From secret meetings to unexpected alliances and brutally unexpected betrayals, every important event that takes place within these grim walls adds to the compelling story of the Squid Game universe.


Dorm is a powerful symbol of characters in the Squid Game universe. Existing as a grim and spartan residential area in the heart of a mysterious island, it not only serves as a resting place for the participants between the endless rounds of children's games, but also as a microcosm of the real world outside.
When the contestants first enter the dorm, it appears to be a simple, somewhat old-fashioned dormitory with bunk beds reminiscent of an army boot camp or strict summer camp. The lack of privacy in open dormitories presents a harsh reality for contestants. In this shared space, characters form alliances, reveal their origins, and strategize their next steps. The stark contrast of the colorful murals depicting scenes from traditional Korean games on the walls is a constant and chilling reminder of the deadly contests in which they become embroiled. ”, every facet represents games to be played, and every brutal event is shrouded in mystery until it is revealed.
The security in the dormitory is especially surprising. Cameras in every corner ensure that the players are constantly being watched, which maintains a tense environment and a sense of claustrophobia among the players, reflecting the themes of constant surveillance and control.
It is also remarkable that the dormitory, despite the apparent simplicity of the location, is full of allusions to economic and social struggles in the outside world. It's a palpable reminder of the desperation, fear, greed, and power struggles that players experience both inside and outside of this survival game.
At its core, The Dorm, though it only looks like a dorm for the participants, is a chilling metaphor for humanity's dark instincts when survival is at stake. It represents society's troubled looking glass, revealing how far people will go when life boils down to a basic survival instinct.


The dorm room in the Squid Game universe is a poignant symbol of the harsh reality the characters face. As players enter the games and engage in this gruesome competition, the dorm becomes their home, battlefield, and purgatory.
In stark contrast to the unrelenting brutality of the games, the dormitory is painted in an unsettling pastel palette, with bunk beds stacked on top of each other with military precision. Set against the backdrop of a massive, impenetrable metal wall, it is both a safe haven from the carnage taking place outside and the startling gaze of the monstrous puppets running the games.
Metaphorically speaking, the dorm is no less strict than outdoor games. Like the unrelenting struggle for survival, players in the dormitory fight relentlessly for resources, space and comfort. This unforgiving environment forces players to reveal their true personalities, lifting the veil of politeness and social good manners.
The dormitory is a liminal space: it lies between the "real" and the "game" worlds. Here, players become painfully aware of the dystopian vision of their "new home". They decorate their bunk beds with personal items, a sad echo of their ordinary lives. Emotions run high as alliances are made and broken, betrayals are planned and executed. Physically, the dormitory is a powerful tool in the story to make clear the reality of class discrimination seen in the brutality of the game. The visually striking beds are not only a constant reminder of the hierarchical structure of society, but also show that despite their best efforts, players are still bound by the rules of the outside world.
Ultimately, the dorm reflects the larger themes of human identity and society that dominate The Squid Game. Here, no one becomes an individual, where prosperity turns to poverty and despair meets courage. If gaming is about physical survival, the dorm room is a testament to the players' struggle for psychological survival. It is dull and dreary, but alive with human struggle and resilience.