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Steven Universe Universe

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Off Colors

General Info

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Faction NameOff Colors
The Off Colors are a group of gem outcasts from Steven Universe, each member fighting for survival against the prejudice and bias of Homeworld. The colorful group includes inspirational leaders like Rhodonite, cute creatures like Padparadscha, fusion giants like Fluorite, and whimsical creatures like Rutile Gemini. Shunned by the Gems for their inadequacy, each member is a unique example of different qualities and abilities that defy the normal norms of Homeworld. They show unparalleled courage and solidarity by refusing to be negatively defined by their differences. Despite the difficulties, they remain hopeful as a symbol of unity in diversity.


The Off Colors are an eclectic group from the Steven Universe universe, home to a motley group of marginalized gems. They are a group of gems brought together by their shared experiences of rejection and punishment by Homeworld for various individual misdeeds.
Deemed to be broken, flawed, or not up to Homeworld's strict standards and regulations, they are called "off colors." Hidden away in the depths of an abandoned asylum on Homeworld, they live in fear of persecution, always avoiding the watchful eyes of Homeworld's authoritarian regime.
The Off Colors faction embodies an intriguing mix of personalities and traits. Among them are the bold and adventurous rutile twin fusion, the cheerful and innocent Padparadscha, the sweet and defensive Rhodonite and the stubborn but kind Fluorite. They each have unique abilities and represent resistance to a society that rejects and ostracizes them because of their differences.
These gems are special because their bond comes from a spirit of understanding, acceptance, and love, virtues that Homeworld lacks. They symbolize the essence of unity in diversity. In their company, they found the courage to embrace their individuality and use it as their strength.
The outer colors are powerful symbols of resistance, reminding Homeworld and its inhabitants that the true value and power of gems cannot be captured by fixed standards. Their existence not only resonates deeply in the Steven Universe universe, but also serves as an important life lesson in accepting and respecting individuality in the real world.


The Off Colors, a unique group in Steven Universe, have a rich and compelling history. They are considered outcasts in gem society because of their unconventional appearance and abilities that deviate from the accepted standard. Their story is full of perseverance, acceptance and truth.
Banished from their homeworld for their imperfection, the faction formed by accident. The term Off Colors was originally a derogatory label given to them by the Homeworld Gems. But they embraced the term, embodying their shared bond and alienation. They lived in hiding, in abandoned shelters on Homeworld, to avoid being destroyed by the authoritarian regime.
Exclusive members of Off Colors include rhodonite, a fusion of ruby ​​and pearl; rutile twins, which are combined gemstones; Padparadscha, a sapphire with an imperfect vision of the future; and fluorite, a calm and wise compound that resembles the caterpillar of the six jewels. Their uniqueness sets them apart, but together they have found acceptance and love.
In the Off Colors episode, Off Colors is discovered by Steven Universe and Lars. Their sense of mutual estrangement brought Lars, the human, closer together. Lars' subsequent transformation into a pink zombie highlighted this connection, making him a reluctant leader. Lars and the Off Colors have several adventures, escaping the tyrannical rule of Homeworld, fighting robot soldiers, and exploring space in a stolen spaceship after Lars's head becomes a transdimensional portal.
The story of Off Colors is a testament to the power of diversity and acceptance. Despite being outcasts, they stand strong in the face of adversity and see their flaws as unique identifiers. They are a mirror of real life struggles and show that being different is not a curse, but a sign of individuality worth celebrating. Off Colors illustrates the theme of the series: that there is no such thing as "normal" and that each individual or gem is unique and valuable in their own way.

Notable Members

Member #
Rutile Twins
Lars Barriga


The "geography" of the Off Colors faction in the Steven Universe universe is as intriguing as its members. Hidden away in the natural sectors of the home world, their natural habitat is the so-called Refuge, an abandoned place where gems were produced. Hidden beneath the techno-tinged gem-encrusted surface of Homeworld, the place is filled with huge, long-abandoned jets that once carved gems from the earth's crust.
This complex network of tunnels and caverns is vast, containing countless blackened chambers eroded by gem production. It feels cold and suffocating, a stark contrast to the ordinary world above. Alien structures, some of which are still in operation, litter the landscape and hint at the vastness of the historic gem industry.
In addition to its evocative visual appeal, this location gives Off Colors a palpable sense of security. Dark and labyrinthine corridors protect them from direct confrontation with the patrol. That's why Off Colors turned this desolate industrial landscape into a revered haven, a promise of safety, their cherished utopia.

Legacy and Impact

The Off Colors' provocative stance against the strict social hierarchy of Homeworld had a profound impact on their society and beyond. They challenged the rigid caste system and highlighted the core message of acceptance and inclusion that underpins Steven Universe. Their bold defiance of the traditional norms of Gem society led to a change that would reverberate throughout the universe. Off Colors emphasized the importance of embracing diversity and understanding the different aspects that make a person unique. This group made every gem they met question the status quo and caused an unprecedented revolution in gem society. Their legacy is a powerful testament to the strength of unity, leading successive generations to continually question social norms, affirm individuality and promote equality. Being Off Colors provides a valuable lesson: being different does not diminish a person's worth, but instead provides unique qualities that add to the richness of any society.