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The Owl House Universe

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The Beast Keepers

General Info

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Faction NameThe Beast Keepers
The Beast Keepers faction is a collection of unique characters from The Owl House universe known for their extraordinary abilities and deep knowledge of magical creatures. The group emerges in the mystical landscapes of the Boiling Islands, living among many unique and potentially dangerous creatures. They spend each day researching strange habits, cataloging new species, and ensuring the harmonious coexistence of magical creatures and witches. These dedicated characters can spot the smallest vultures from miles away or name any shell of a strangling snake. Their bravery and love of animals make them a vital part of the Owl House, making unexpected interactions and discoveries all the more exciting. Carefully crafted, Beast Keepers exude an authenticity that truly showcases the beauty of the magical biodiversity of their universe.


The Beast Keepers are a fascinating faction in the strange world of the House of Owls universe. Valued for their deep knowledge and magical ability to deal with magical creatures, Beast Wardens play an important role in maintaining the wild and unpredictable balance of the Boiling Isles.
They excel at taming and caring for various enchanted animals, ensuring safety and harmony among the island's creatures. From charming mystic gorgons to caring for deceptively cute Slitherbeast boys, they test their skills and strength to unite the illogically intertwined dimensions of magic and nature.
Beastkeepers are known for their distinctive clothing: brightly patterned cloaks of exotic and magical animal skins and masks that represent the specific magical creature they favor. These eye-catching garments are not only a statement of fashion, but also a symbol of understanding, peace and care inherent in them.
Their leadership, the Grand Master of Beasts, is usually adept at dealing with magical creatures and has an uncanny ability to communicate with them. The chosen beast master is a beacon of their shared knowledge and is an integral part of the Island Magic Council.
Despite their ferocious exteriors, beastkeepers retain a strong sense of camaraderie and are ultimately pacifists whose primary concern is the well-being of all magical creatures. They believe they can harness the raw, untamed power of these creatures to illuminate the ancient mysteries of their realm and create an innate balance that contributes to the overall balance of the Owl House universe.


The Beast Warden faction of the House of Owls universe dates back to the early days of the Boiling Isles. At that time, witches and demons roamed freely, causing confusion and chaos. It soon became clear that a faction was needed to maintain peace and balance among all beings. Thus was born Guardians of the Beasts.
Gamekeepers quickly established themselves as masters of animal behavior. They honed their magical skills to bond with the many different creatures on the islands. These relationships went beyond mere control or dominance; they understood beasts on a deeper level and treated them as equals rather than tools to be exploited.
Through tireless efforts, they managed to create a delicate harmony between the witches and the beasts of the islands. Their work marked a turning point in the history of the islands, fostering a more symbiotic relationship between witches and creatures who shared their world.
In the centuries that followed, the Beastkeepers continued to maintain the balance they had worked so hard for. Their methods evolved over time as they became more nurturing and protective of the creatures under their care. Today, the Beast Keepers remain a respected group on the islands, recognized for their wisdom, devotion, and unique bond with the creatures they are sworn to protect.
Although centuries have passed, their mission remains the same: to ensure harmony among all creatures on the islands, regardless of their magical abilities. Despite the ever-changing challenges, the Beast Keepers continue to protect the islands, maintaining their commitment to peace and balance between humans, witches, and beasts.

Notable Members


The Beast Keepers are an essential part of the vibrant universe of The Owl House. Hailing from the winged landscape of the Boiling Isles, made up of giant titan carcasses, the beast guardians live in dense forests teeming with all manner of magical monsters.
Unlike Bonesborough in the heart of the metropolis, the kingdom of the beastkeepers embodies the wild side of the islands. Vast, eerie forests tangled in mossy trees hide a labyrinth of caves and hollows that shelter the creatures they protect and nurture. The topography of the region varies greatly, from high cliffs to calm streams. The peaceful and remote geography helps keep the beasts in balance between magic and nature. He offers them a sacred space away from the busier parts of the islands to keep the magical creatures healthy. A wild and untamed atmosphere, combined with an exciting, ever-present sense of magic, color the Beast Keepers territory as an important and unique setting in the House of Owls universe.

Legacy and Impact

The Beast Keepers faction has had a major impact on The Owl House universe. Their lasting legacy is evident not only in the large bestiary they maintained, but also in their well-known understanding and integration of magical creatures and witches. Beast Guardians support the idea that all creatures, magical, demonic or otherwise, deserve respect and understanding. They played an important role in changing society's view of magical beings, encouraging coexistence. In addition, beastkeepers have greatly contributed to the understanding of magic, opening up new perspectives on beast taming and cooperation. Their legacy is evident in everyday practice as witches began to incorporate their teachings into their magic, gradually expanding what was considered acceptable witchcraft. There's no denying that Beast Keepers greatly enriched the story, diversity, and inclusiveness of The Owl House universe.