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Vampire Diaries Universe

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The Armory

General Info

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Faction NameThe Armory
The Armory is an esoteric and mysterious faction of the Vampire Diaries universe. A powerful and ancient society, they have a deep-rooted knowledge of supernatural beings and use this knowledge and the resources they have to control and manipulate the various populations that cross their path. Their interests range from vampires, witches, werewolves and hybrids, making them both scary and creepy. Their motivations are often shrouded in mystery, driven in part by family heritage and in part by an undying curiosity for the supernatural. The reach of weaponry is widespread and can be felt in all aspects of the supernatural world, often as an omnipotent force poised to strike. Despite their impressive strength, their moral compass often falters, making their actions questionable and unpredictable. The Armory Archives hold a large collection of occult and supernatural artifacts, including items of mystical origin. This makes them an essential element of The Vampire Diaries universe.


The Armory is a major faction in the Vampire Diaries universe known for its extensive storage and protection of supernatural artifacts. St. Created by the John family, this extremely secretive group dates back to the 18th century. The main goal of the armory is to safely collect and explore all the mystical artifacts scattered throughout this enchanting universe.
Known for its ominous, fortress-like appearance, The Armory houses thousands of artifacts with many supernatural abilities. Most of the authors are from St. Ionian lineages, however, are also dedicated scientists and researchers interested in deciphering the powers and mysteries of these artifacts. Providing a link between the realms of the supernatural and science, The Armory played a central role in the story of The Vampire Diaries. He facilitated a unique character dynamic with his presence, pushing many plots forward with his vast pool of artifacts and secrets. His influence is reflected in the many ways he shaped the lives of the main characters and defined their relationships. But she's also shrouded in controversy and mystery, with a reputation for crossing moral boundaries in pursuit of knowledge.
Despite its lingering shadow of obscurity, the indelible impact of the weaponry on the series cannot be disputed. This helped add depth and nuance to the story, adding complexity and intrigue to the beloved Vampire Diaries universe.


The Armory, a powerful and secretive organization in the Vampire Diaries universe, has a rich and complex history spanning many centuries. Founded by the ancestors of the Fell and Lockwood families, two of Mystic Falls' families, the armory has grown over the years to become a formidable force in the supernatural world.
The main focus of The Armory has always been the study and mastery of supernatural phenomena, and they have amassed a large collection of magical artifacts and ancient relics. Membership at Arsenal was highly selective and an ancestral tradition passed down from generation to generation, which has been strictly followed to this day.
Throughout its history, weaponry has shown an increasingly sinister side. Although it began as a group of enthusiasts interested in the study of history and the supernatural, it gradually evolved into an organization that did not shy away from coercion and manipulation to achieve its goals. This turn was gradual, but the descent into dark methods marked a major change in the armory's behavior, often bringing them into direct conflict with the supernatural community of Mystic Falls.
The Armory has been instrumental in several important events in Mystic Falls history, from the destruction of the last White Oak Outpost to the kidnapping of Bonnie Bennett. Despite being turned into evil, the weaponry is an undisputed force in the Vampire Diaries universe, and its influence spans the mortal and supernatural realms.
In recent years, its status as an independent entity has been questioned as its leadership has suffered from internal strife and power struggles. Despite its current disarray, the Armory remains a central figure in the Vampire Diaries landscape, its history deeply intertwined with the fate of Mystic Falls and all its inhabitants.

Notable Members

Member #
Virginia St. John
Alexandria St. John
Yvette St. John
Beatrice Bennett
Georgina Dowling
Dalton St. John


The Armory is a major faction in the Vampire Diaries universe, rooted in a rich geography as deep as the faction itself. Located in the rather remote and mysterious atmosphere of Mystic Falls, the architecture is grand and reminiscent of a silent beacon of former power within the modernity of the city.
Its geographical location is not accidental, but strategic: far enough from the bustling Mystic Falls to preserve secrecy, but close enough to intervene quickly when necessary. The area around the armory is incredibly eerie and raw, filled with the power of the wild and possibly supernatural energy. The surrounding wilderness is fascinating, a stark contrast to the meticulously maintained interior, and designed as a war between the wild and the tamed. Essentially, the armory's geography includes a labyrinthine interior that holds knowledge, secrets, and supernatural objects. The design perfectly reflects the faction's motto - security, order and control - like an immovable stone in the middle of a raging river. Overall, the geography of the armory in the Vampire Diaries universe is a fascinating mystery, a place that forms the backdrop for the never-ending battle between good and evil.

Legacy and Impact

Armory has left an important legacy in the Vampire Diaries universe over the years. Once an important monumental institution, it has become an essential source for the preservation of mystical artifacts of the supernatural world. The organization played an important role in moving the characters through the various stages of their journey, often holding the key to solving problems. The collections contained untapped power and so many untold stories that they created a deeper sense of intrigue and mystery. In addition, the weaponry's extensive knowledge of supernatural beings and their abilities facilitated critical understanding and highlighted their various abilities. Legacy of Arms also highlights the complex relationship between humans and the supernatural, revealing a complex dichotomy of fear and admiration. This complexity definitely enriched the story and deepened the character development, making the weapons department very important to the clear legacy of the Vampire Diaries universe.