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Vampire Diaries Universe

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The Original Family

General Info

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Faction NameThe Original Family
The original family, known as the Originals, is the oldest known vampire family, seen primarily in The Vampire Diaries and its spin-off series, The Originals. They consist of patriarch Mikael, matriarch Esther, and their children: Elijah, Finn, Freya, Kol, Rebekah, and the notoriously powerful and annoying Klaus, a vampire/werewolf hybrid. They were turned into vampires by the witch mother Esther's spell in an attempt to protect them from werewolves. The originals have different abilities, are significantly tougher due to their origins, and are nearly indestructible with a few rare exceptions. Their rich and turbulent history is an integral part of the plot, offering viewers an in-depth exploration of family dynamics, power struggles and timeless bonds.


The First Family, also known as the Mikaelson family, holds immense importance in the Vampire Diaries universe as the first vampires. This faction is led by siblings: Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus Mikaelson, each with unique characteristics and traits that set them apart from others in their universe.
Known for their unfathomable strength and immortality, the originals were turned into vampires by a powerful spell cast by their mother, a powerful witch, to protect them from the werewolves of the village. Among them, Klaus Mikaelson stands out as a feared hybrid of both vampire and werewolf due to his father's hidden origins.
Despite their powerful reputations, each brother struggles with his own demons. Elijah, the nobleman, struggles with an inherently ruthless nature, while Rebecca, the only woman, struggles with the longing for a normal human life, a longing instilled by centuries of betrayal and heartache. Klaus' malevolent tendencies, on the other hand, stem from a deep sense of abandonment and resentment.
Their story, interwoven with revenge, power struggles, and the quest for family unity, drives much of The Vampire Diaries' plot, adding complex layers to the story. The Mikaelsons' early history and compelling storyline make The Original Family a memorable and central faction of the Vampire Diaries universe.


The Original Family, also known as The Originals, has legendary status in the Vampire Diaries universe. They are the ancestors of the vampire species, all born in the New World, specifically the now famous city of Mystic Falls.
The origin of the original family dates back to the 10th century. Scandinavia, where a witch named Esther and a wealthy landowner Mikael sought to protect their growing family from the depredations of werewolves. Their seven children, who would eventually become the first generation of vampires, were originally all human. But after the untimely death of one of their children at the hands of a werewolf, Esther and Mikael decided to take desperate measures to ensure the safety of their remaining offspring. Using Dark Magic, Esther turned her children into the first vampires. But their newfound strength and immortality came at a terrible price: an insatiable bloodlust. Unable to control their hunger, the family often had to move to escape the ensuing chaos. Over the centuries, their legends began to spread, instilling fear and respect in other supernatural beings.
Elijah, Niklaus, Rebekah and Kol began to discover and adapt to their powers, using them ruthlessly and indifferently. Although feared, they are also sought after for their immortality and indestructibility. They are the oldest and most powerful vampires in existence, a testament to the success of their mother's spell and the curse they must endure forever.
Centuries later, the Original Family returns to Mystic Falls, where their lives are closely intertwined with the townspeople. Their power, along with complicated family relationships and dark secrets, has a profound effect on the supernatural environment of the city. But even in the midst of the horror, the First Family cannot ignore their inner human need for kinship, love, and redemption.

Notable Members

Member #
Finn Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Niklaus Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Henrik Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson


The geography of the original family universe in The Vampire Diaries is incredibly diverse and heavily rooted in supernatural history. Their story begins in the mysterious ancient landscapes of Europe before migrating to the new world. The family originally hails from a small village in the Kingdom of Norway filled with Vikings, showcasing the rich Norse folklore and mythology.
Later, the family moves to the mysterious town of Mystic Falls in Virginia, USA. Mystic Falls isn't just their home; it's a hotbed of supernatural happenings, shrouded in mystery and constantly threatened by the many supernatural beings that inhabit it. It is steeped in early Native American history and European contributions from colonial settlers who bring their supernatural elements with them.
Eventually, they move to historic New Orleans, a city heavily influenced by French, African, American, and Creole culture that perfectly reflects their complex ancestry. This city is known for its vibrant supernatural community, offering a rich tapestry of witches, vampires and werewolves. Steeped in rich heritage and legends, the city is the perfect backdrop for the various horrific activities and battles of the First Family, a city teeming with supernatural politics and power struggles.

Legacy and Impact

The original family left an indelible mark on the Vampire Diaries universe, changing its mythos and intricately entwining their fates with those of the main characters. Their legacy, marked by an eternity of betrayal and bloodshed, is a stark reminder of the destructive power of immortality and the poisoned call of vengeance.

Their impact is evident in how the twisted family dynamic humanises them, creating powerful performances that draw the audience's empathy. Fueled by childlike love but personal grievances, they affect not only the supernatural realm but also the lives of the show's mortal characters, setting a pace that is relentless and enticing.

  • Despite their often evil deeds, their portrayal reveals deep-rooted vulnerabilities and adds to a story that is not only about the struggle between good and evil, but also about redemption and humanity's quest.

  • The tumultuous relationship of the original family allows for complex character development, branching storylines, and complex plots, all of which add unparalleled depth to the Vampire Diaries saga.