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Vampire Diaries Universe

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The Strix

General Info

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Faction NameThe Strix

The Strix are an invincible group in the Vampire Diaries universe. Known as the first and strongest vampire society, it was founded a millennium ago. The Strix are not only vampires, but an elite group that embodies the purest and most powerful bloodlines from around the world. Their abilities and powers are far superior to typical vampires, making them a formidable opponent. Unlike other factions, membership of The Strix is invite-only, making them truly exclusive. Their primary goal of protecting their natures embodies the faction's sense of unity and strength. Despite their aggressive strategies, their core value is the preservation and advancement of the vampire species, making them a significant group in The Vampire Diaries universe.


The Strix, a prominent faction in the Vampire Diaries universe, derive their uniqueness from their elite and selective membership, making them a fascinating cornerstone of the plot. It is an ancient society with many powerful vampires, including only the oldest and most powerful vampires. Its hierarchy includes age and cunning, factors that lead to fierce competition and power struggles within the group. Invisible to the human eye, the Strix is ​​an integrated and functioning body in the supernatural realm, full of ancient wisdom and strategies.
One unusual aspect is the Strix's code of loyalty, a paradox in a ruthless vampire world where self-preservation reigns supreme. The Society is meant to protect and energize its members, thus strengthening the collective power of the faction. This combination of fierce intrigue and fierce loyalty makes the Strix faction a tantalizing paradox.
Additionally, Strix embraces the complex morality of The Vampire Diaries; it's not all bad and it's not all good, echoing shades of gray elsewhere in the universe. Filling out an already layered story, Strix represents the multifaceted world of The Vampire Diaries, pushing the boundaries of power, loyalty, and morality.


The Strix are an ancient and powerful faction of the Vampire Diaries universe. They were originally founded over a thousand years ago by the amazing vampire Elijah Mikaelson, who wanted to create an extraordinary society made up of only the most prominent individuals in the vampire community. The Strix quickly gained a reputation for their unmatched strength, cunning, and insane ruthlessness.
Despite their monstrous image, the Strix were not just a pack of wild beasts. They had complex hierarchies, strict codes of conduct, and an undying zeal for the advancement of art, culture, and knowledge. Indeed, their influence permeated various aspects of civilization and played a central role in important historical periods such as the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution.
However, the Strix's desire for power often brought it into conflict with other supernatural factions. Over the centuries, they have fought countless wars, formed and broken countless alliances, leaving a trail of destruction. This relentless pursuit of dominance ultimately led to their downfall. The other factions, tired of the ruthless ambitions of the Strix, banded together to overthrow them, leaving them nearly powerless in the 21st century. Despite their diminished status, the Strix continue to survive by adapting to the modern world while maintaining their past glory. Despite all this, the Strix remains a testament to Elijah's original vision, a symbol of the eternal struggle between the vampire's hedonistic nature and the desire for a greater purpose.

Notable Members

Member #
Tristan de Martel
Elijah Mikaelson
Aya Al-Rashid
Marcel Gerard
Shen Min
Mary-Alice Claire
William Tate
Followers of The Strix


The Strix, a powerful group of vampires from The Originals' familiar realm, operate across the globe, but maintain a strong foothold in New Orleans. Strategically, this southern urban beauty shifts supernatural lines. Its rich history and cultural mix have always attracted the supernatural, making it a hotspot for vampires, witches and werewolves. The French Quarter, with its classic colonial architecture and vibrant nightlife, is home base for The Strix. Their proximity to the Mississippi allows them to easily reach their prey and make a quick escape if necessary. In addition, the city's reputation for mystical events shines brightly. It is a place where reality, fiction and folklore merge, justifying their mysterious comings and goings and often violent disputes. Despite its global presence, The Strix often retreats to New Orleans, cementing its central role in development and control of the effort. As such, this geographic context is vital to understanding their power dynamics and ongoing conflict with other supernatural beings that shape the history of the Vampire Diaries universe.

Legacy and Impact

The Strix's legacy in The Vampire Diaries universe remains enduring and influential. Ever since they appeared on The Originals, The Strix, a secretive and elite organization of ancient vampires, have had a major impact on history. Their existence not only complicated the relationship, but also revealed new layers of the vampire myth. Despite their unwavering loyalty to Elijah Mikaelson, they are not afraid to pursue personal agendas and display complex character dynamics. Throughout history, they have appeared in vital storylines, opposing and sometimes agreeing with the main characters. Their cultural and historical prowess has become an unforgettable part of the show's vampire folklore. At the end of the saga, when the Strix disbanded, their influence remained and continued to shape the lives of the characters and the course of the supernatural world.