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Vampire Diaries Universe

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The Travelers

General Info

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Faction NameThe Travelers
The Travelers are a mysterious group of nomadic witches from the Vampire Diaries universe. They are known for their immense magical prowess and ability to constantly move from place to place to avoid detection, which gives them their name. Unlike traditional witches, Travelers practice a different form of witchcraft, often based on traditional spells but adapted to their nomadic lifestyle. Their magic is unique, potentially very powerful, but very limited because its use requires great sacrifice. Because of their abilities, they are often feared and misunderstood by other supernatural beings. Despite their evasiveness, they are very cohesive and loyal to their species and have a complex understanding of the supernatural world. The Travelers have a vital knowledge of many ancient spells and secrets that set them apart from other supernatural groups in the Vampire Diaries.


The Travelers are an ancient, powerful and mystical community that form a unique faction in the Vampire Diaries universe. Rooted in Romani culture, they were once a prosperous tribe of witches that had been on the run for over two thousand years. The move was prompted by a curse that made it impossible to settle, hence their nickname, The Travelers.
Unlike traditional witches, who draw their power from nature, Travelers practice another form of witchcraft called traditional magic, which allows them to draw magic from mystical objects, other witches, or magical creatures. Their power is further enhanced when they act as a collective, demonstrating their unity and community strength. Recurring throughout the series, the Travelers are the perfect adversary for the main characters, maintaining tension and intrigue with their mysterious motives and complex rituals. One of their greatest achievements is the creation of the Doppelgangers, essential to the story of The Vampire Diaries, whose place in history has undoubtedly become important. Despite their seemingly antagonistic role, The Travelers add another layer of depth, culture and history to The Vampire Diaries universe, enriching the show's mythology and characters.


One of the most secretive mystical factions in the Vampire Diaries universe, the Travelers have a rich and deep history that spans centuries. The Travelers, who appeared in ancient times, subtly influenced many important events in the history of The Vampire Diaries.
The travelers are descended from one of the most powerful witches, Qetsiyah. She was known for her unparalleled magical prowess and creation of immortality spells, the charm of all vampire groups today. Travelers in particular are known to deviate from traditional spells and use a unique style of magic that has become their trademark. Their story changed when the community was cursed many centuries later. This curse prevented them from establishing themselves as a tribe, thus earning them the name "Travellers". Travelers bound by this curse wandered from place to place, marking their existence in various parts of the world. The curse became an integral part of their identity and shaped their way of life.
Over time, the Travelers developed a deep distrust of immortality, largely because it was something they could never achieve due to their curse. This feeling fueled their intention to cleanse the world of all supernatural beings who had benefited from Qetsiyah's immortality spell.
The history of this faction is not only in the distant past, but is also an essential part of the personal history of characters such as the Salvatore brothers. Unbeknownst to them, they carry the blood of a traveler, making their connection to the faction much more personal and complex.
In short, The Travelers is a testament to the vast and detailed supernatural world of the Vampire Diaries universe. Their story ties together their unique magical style, the curse that caused them to wander, and their effect on the main characters. This highlights the depth and richness of storytelling in the Vampire Diaries universe.

Notable Members

Member #
Julian (Used by a Passenger)
Maria (Used by a Passenger)
Gregor (Used by a Passenger)
Luke & Liv Parker (Used by Passengers)


The origins of Travelers go back many generations to a time when they lived in abundance throughout Europe. As nomads by nature due to the curse of their ancestors, they traversed amazing and vast landscapes rich in diversity, history and natural beauty. From lush green pastures, quaint towns to towering mountains, the landscapes they created were as varied as the powers they wielded.
Like their adopted home, the travelers were incredibly diverse. Spanish, Romanian, Czech; they held the threads of countless cultures and practiced their magic in countless languages. Their movements were freedom, an example of a flexible mind. Contrary to modern prejudices, they valued community and despised the solitude of permanent abodes.
Despite their dispersion, they primarily desired unity and periodically met at key points in the world to achieve common goals. The sunflower fields of Tuscany, the banks of the Danube, the mysterious depths of the forests of Transylvania, the vibrancy of Andalusian gypsy festivals and the old-world charm of Bohemia - all these bear witness to the history of travelers and their nomadic spirit. As a faction, they are the personification of their dazzling and transformative journeys.

Legacy and Impact

Travelers have left an impressive legacy in the Vampire Diaries universe. As a powerful and enigmatic group of witches, their existence and actions greatly shaped the plot of the show, and their unique abilities added intrigue and tension to the plot. Often misunderstood and feared, the Travelers did not adhere to traditional standards of enchantment, shrouded in mystery among other supernatural beings. Their powerful magic, known as "Traveler Spells", became a defining feature of the series and was presented as the opposite of Spirit magic. Additionally, the Travelers' search for two-faced people, as well as their main agenda to reverse the effects of witchcraft, left the audience intrigued and on the edge of their seats. Their legacy goes beyond their powerful magic, as their cultural beliefs and relentless pursuit of their goals have greatly influenced the development of the series' story. Although they were often seen as antagonists, their presence challenged the morals and decisions of the other characters, which had a lasting impact on the series.