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Warhammer 40,000 Universe

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General Info

Ba'al logo
Area/RegionBekaa Valley
Location NameBaalbek
Baal, home of the blood angels, is a unique planet filled with diverse ecclesiastical architecture, rocky cliffs, and vast deserts. The shadow of the warp space anomaly known as the Ball Star paints the sky a hideous crimson color, mirroring the signature color scheme of the Blood Angels. The inhabitants are warrior pilgrims who live in monastic barracks and dedicate their lives to defending their world from encroaching threats. Ba'al is also represented by two moons, Ba'al Primus and Secundus, both used as training grounds for the Chapter's raw recruits. Famous landmarks include the Angelicist, a mountain range that houses a monastery-fortress, and the Red Scar, a wide canyon that tells the story of bloody battles. Baal's intense culture of survival and fierce elements of nature help create the best warriors for the empire. Steeped in history and brutal conflict, this deep-atmosphere planet embodies the tragic heroism embodied by the Blood Angels.


Ba'al is an important location in the vast Warhammer 40,000 universe, home to the Blood Angels Space Marine Division. A desolate and barren place, the planet is characterized by vast barren landscapes, windswept plains, and ancient structures worn down by a civilization that predated human settlement. What makes this world extraordinary, aside from its stunning beauty, are the loyal defenders it has created: The Sanguinary Priests, The Angels Vermillion, and The Angels Sanguine.
The Blood Angels and their successors have built massive fortifications on this planet, the most notable of which is a fortress-monastery carved directly from the bones of the great Baal mountain range. From this vantage point, the Blood Angels can monitor their world, always on the lookout for signs of aggression from the forces of the Chaos or Xenos species. In this harsh environment, would-be Space Marines endure trials and tribulations, ultimately uncovering the tragic secrets of the Black Fury.
Although the setting alone makes it unsuitable for many, it provides the spiritual and physical foundation for some of the Empire's greatest warriors. Ba'al's duality is a testament to the grueling conditions of some of the greatest warriors in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, making it a place shrouded in mystery, intrigue, and ultimate meaning. Baal's future remains uncertain, his warriors are willing to defend him, bear any burden, face any hardship and face any enemy to protect their home.


The Ba'al star system of the Warhammer 40,000 universe has a history of struggle, sacrifice, and an indomitable spirit of survival. Located in the galactic southwest of Segmentum Ultima, it contains the Space Marine Division of the Blood Angels and the world of Ba'al itself.
The story of Baal is inseparable from the story of the Blood Angels and their Primarch Sanguinius. It is believed that the Sanguinius ended up on Baal as the Ruin forces dispersed the Primarchs. As a radiation-stricken desert world inhabited by techno-barbaric tribes, Baal was ruthless. But for Sanguini it was home.
Sanguinius' time at Baal was an important part of the planet's history. Under his leadership, the tribes of Baal united for the first time and created a semblance of civilization in a desolate world. When the Emperor of Mankind sought out his prodigal sons, he found in Sanguinius a ruler willing to embrace his vision of a brighter future for mankind. With this merger, the Space Marine Division of the Blood Angels was formed, with Baal remaining their homeworld. Over the following millennia, the Ba'al system attracted the attention of numerous xeno, heretic, and traitorous races. However, the Blood Angels and their successor Chapters steadfastly defended their home against these dire threats. Most notable of these efforts is the defense against the Tyranid Hive Fleet, Leviathan, during the Second and Third Tyranid Wars. These wars took away the blood angels and marked some of the darkest days in Baal's history.
Despite the many trials he faced, Baal persevered. The Blood Angels, with their unwavering determination and unwavering courage, were a bulwark between Baal and the many threats of the galaxy. Baal's history bears witness to their legacy: a legacy of blood and sacrifice, of honor and duty, of unceasing survival in the face of unceasing adversity.


Ba'al is an important place in the dystopian universe of Warhammer 40,000. Baal, also known as Red Sand, is the birthplace of the Blood Angels, one of the noblest and most infamously cursed divisions of the Imperial Space Marines.
Located in the east of the galaxy, Segmentum Ultima, Ba'al consists of two planets, Baal itself and its companion, Ba'al Prime. The system is shrouded in mystery and harbors many secrets that are fiercely guarded by the Blood Angels.
The surface of Baal is a scorched desert in the desert. The minerals in the red earth give Ba'al its distinctive color, hence the nickname "Red Sands". The hostile environment is an ideal place for scouts recruited by the Blood Angels. Its most famous landmark is the fortress-monastery called Angel's Falls, a mountain-sized building carved in honor of the Primarch Sanguinius, known as Angelus, the father figure of the Blood Angels.
Ba'al Prime, the moon, is an extreme environment of toxic radiation and is the primary testing ground for blood angel neophytes. It is believed that only the strongest and most determined initiates can survive the conditions.
Ba'al holds a deep meaning for the Blood Angels, a bitter reminder of their lost glory and a testament to their constant struggle against the "black fury" and "red thirst" that plague their chapter. Despite the hardships they face, the Blood Angels continue to fiercely protect their homeworld, recognizing its importance and cultivating a bond with their Primarch.
Despite the brutal environment and sinister history, Ba'al is a beacon of hope for the Blood Angels, illustrating their unrelenting determination and unrelenting dedication to the cause of the Empire. As a reminder of their tragic past and constant struggle for survival, Ba'al represents the Blood Angels themselves: determined, persistent, and ever-vigilant.