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Warhammer 40,000 Universe

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General Info

Cadia logo
Area/RegionImperium of Man
CountryFictional universe of Warhammer 40,000
Location NameCadia
Alternate NameCadia
Often referred to as the "Shield of the Empire", Cadia has become renowned throughout the Warhammer 40,000 universe for its military prowess and unwavering fortitude. As the main stronghold of the Segmentum Obscurus, Cadia firmly guards the only known navigable route to and from the Eye of Terror. Known for their indomitable spirit and tactical prowess, the people of Kadio live in a constant state of war and constantly face the forces of chaos. The planet's strategic importance and the formidable reputation of its regiments, known as the Cadian Shock Troops, are vital to the security of the entire Empire. From the impenetrable pylons of Cadian to the austere training camps of Kasr Tyrok, Cadia is a beacon of determination against the ever-present chaos.


Cadia is important as the Empire's bulwark against the endless horrors trying to permeate reality from the madness of the spinning Eye of Terror. This is a large fortress world that is the epitome of the planet's defense forces. Carefully trained from early childhood to serve in the Imperial Guard, the people of Cadia form the core of a regiment known as the "Cadia Strike Troops".
Cadia's fortifications are second to none and have earned the planet a nickname: "Porta Cadiana". It is the last line of defense against the threat of the forces of chaos. The world endured a terrifying onslaught of many Black Crusades, led by the Champions of Chaos, most notably Abaddon the Destroyer, who demonstrated his unyielding power.
Cadia and her people hum a constant song of vigilance. The harsh landscape and constant state of war made the Cadians a tough and disciplined fighting force. Their indomitable spirit and exceptional tactics are famous throughout the galaxies. Despite Cadia's fall during the 13th Black Crusade, her living sons and daughters continue to serve as beacons of resistance to the forces of destruction.


The besieged planet of Cadia plays a central role in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and its history is as tumultuous as the brutal wars it has faced. Located in the Segmentum Obscurus region, at the edge of the known galaxy, Cadia serves as a solid shield against the chaos-ridden Warpstorm, the Eye of Terror. Such great geographic proximity to reality shaped the teardrop's history and destiny, turning its people into skilled warriors for the Human Empire.
Cadia's place in history was written in celestial stone when the Emperor of Mankind led the Great Crusade from the Holy Land, conquering civilizations in the name of unification and progress. Rich in strategic advantages and resources, the Cadian system was drawn into a flourishing ring of Imperial control. Over the millennia, this fortress world has cultivated a unique martial society. One of the strongest and most disciplined regiments in the Astra Militarum, the Cadian Shock Troops draw their heritage from a hardened civilian population. Every citizen living in the harsh environment of Cadia has been trained from a young age to serve and protect the empire; displaying unprecedented heroism and fortitude in the face of the terror of destruction.
In the dark history of the 41st millennium, Cadia played a central role in countless Black Crusades led by the Emperor's fallen son, Abaddon the Despoiler. Despite these relentless attacks, Cadia held the line for centuries until the Thirteenth Black Crusade. During this devastating conflict, the implacable fortress of Cadia finally succumbed to the onslaught of Chaos, altering the balance of the galaxy forever. Still, Cadia Stands in spirit, and the remnants of noble warriors carry the torch of their heritage across the cosmos, embodying the mantra "Even in death we still serve."


Cadia was a fortress world located in the Empire of Man's Segmentum Obscurus, near the Eye of Terror, a twisting rift where the forces of Chaos congregated. It was the largest and most fortified bastion against these forces and acted as the first line of defense during the devastating 13th Black Crusade led by Abaddon. Kadi's strong and persistent strike force, native warriors known for their exceptional discipline and ferocity, defended him.
Because of its location, Kadija is under constant siege, the planet's defenses are always on high alert, which fosters a strong and formidable military culture among its inhabitants. All those born in Cadia became warriors, trained from childhood to serve the emperor and the empire. Life in Cadia revolved around war, and every citizen knew that survival meant a relentless battle against chaos.
Cadia's military importance was further enhanced by Porta Cadiana, the center of the only stable and navigable route from the Eye of Terror. As such, the protection of Cadia was central to the Empire's military strategies and the containment of Chaos marauding forces.
Cadia's fate was sealed during the events of the 13th Black Crusade when, despite the valiant defense of the planet's inhabitants and the intervention of the Black Templars and Space Wolves, the Despoiler used the power of the Blackstone Fortress to smash it into asteroids. But Cadia's spirit remains intact among the surviving inhabitants, reminding the Emperor, "Cadia stands!"