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Warhammer 40,000 Universe

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Caliban logo
Location NameCaliban
A planet of mysticism and malevolence in the Warhammer 40,000 universe, Caliban was once the holy realm of the Order, a brotherhood of knights led by Luther. A paradise surrounded by wild forests, this world was known for its prized game beasts. Far from a pastoral utopia, Caliban was home to large beasts with a ferocious character, making each day a test of survival and courage. But when Lion El'Jonson arrived, he united the orders of knights and made the world bloom in peace. But this happiness was short-lived. Caliban is now a desolate asteroid field, a stark reminder of the dark treachery and strife that led to its destruction during the tragic events of the Horus Heresy. For fans traveling the annals of Warhammer 40,000, Caliban's tale of glorious rise and brutal fall is sure to be compelling and cautionary.


Caliban is central to the vast history of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Once a green planet teeming with vast forests and diverse wildlife, Caliban witnesses epic stories of honor, betrayal, and devastating wars. The home of the Stoic Order of Monastic Warrior Knights is the birthplace of Primarch Leo El'Jonson, and thus the birthplace of the respected Dark Angels branch of the Space Marines.
Long before these towering figures dwelt here, the forests of Caliban were filled with grotesque beasts. This created a natural melting pot that tested and improved the survival skills of the settlers. The Order was formed to challenge these monsters, and under the leadership of El'Jonson, they succeeded. This victory marked Caliban as a force to be reckoned with in the Great Crusade.
But the story of this planet is not all about bravery. Haunted by the specter of betrayal that brought him down in the murderous conflict known as the Fall of Caliban, he is starkly reminded of the cost of heresy.
Today, Caliban exists only as an asteroid field whose legacy reverberates for millennia. Its destruction created The Rock, a mobile fortress-monastery for the Dark Angels. Here they continue their eternal quest for redemption in the service of the human empire, silently healing the wounds of history stained by betrayal.


Once a living green world filled with ancient and towering forests, Caliban is a legendary place in the legendary Warhammer 40,000 universe. His story is one of bravery, betrayal, and metal-clad warriors battling demons.
Long ago, in the Age of Discord, Caliban was a crude and primitive empire. The inhabitants, known as the Order, were tasked with protecting the world and slaying the vile Great Beasts that lurked in the forests. Centuries later, the Emperor arrived on the planet accompanied by a charismatic but solemn figure: El'Jonson the Lion. This warrior, revealed to be one of the Emperor's lost Primarchs, eventually ushered the Order into a new era, transforming it into the Dark Angels Space Marine Legion.
But time would intensify the struggle. The planet's warriors were torn apart by sibling rivalry, culminating in a horrific civil war—the Horus Heresy—that saw Caliban disintegrate. Afterwards, the treacherous fallen angels were thrown through space and time, leaving the faithful survivors with a ruined homeworld. Now all that remains is the monstrous structure The Rock, a moving asteroid that houses the fortress-monastery of the Dark Angels. To this day, the Dark Angels fiercely guard the secrets of their fallen world and continue to hunt down the traitors who once called them brothers. Caliban's story is a solemn reminder of the treachery that can corrupt even the most loyal warriors, and the dire consequences of heresy in the brutal Warhammer 40,000 universe.


Caliban, a planet once teeming with lush forests, tranquil glades, and towering mountain ranges, has hidden a dark secret beneath the surface. Home to the Dark Angels' Space Marine Division and the birthplace of their Primarch Leo El'Johnson, this verdant world provided a solid base for these fearless warriors.
In Age of Strife, Caliban was an overture to wild beasts and demons, remnants of the manifestation of the Old Night. Possessing terrifying strength and cunning, these insidious creatures terrified people, leaving them in a state of constant fear. It was the noble order, the future Dark Angels, led by Lion El'Jonson, who successfully eradicated the omnipresent darkness and promised humanity security and progress. But what seemed like a story of courage and victory was soon overshadowed by crushing secrets. The friendship between Leo El'Johnson and Luther, a man Lyon discovered in Caliban's desert who was a stronghold of the Order, was strained after the Emperor discovered Caliban. Fueled by petty jealousies and the whispers of the planet's ancient inhabitants, Caliban lived through a tumultuous period of rebellion and civil strife that ultimately led to the Horus Heresies.
At the height of Luther's murderous rebellion, Caliban was engulfed in a warp storm of unprecedented scale, tearing the planet apart. Instead, the star stronghold of the Dark Angels, the Tower of Angels, revolves around remains that hold terrible secrets, shrouded in a mixture of pity, shame, and a relentless quest for redemption. Caliban's remains are a stark reminder of their past, the weight of their betrayal, and the lengths the Dark Angels will go to bury him.