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Warhammer 40,000 Universe

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Location NameMacragge
Macragge is a walled Imperial world that is the home world of the Ultramarines Space Marine Division in the war-torn Warhammer 40,000 universe. Macragge is known as "The Alamo of the Empire" and is celebrated for its staunch defense against brutal Tyranid invasions. Wrapped in a rich knowledge of courage and heroism, she is a staunch guardian of the Ultima Segmentum. The icy, vast landscape is a chaos of wills that visit this beloved bastion. Society is driven by military honor, teenagers are trained as soldiers and scientists from an early age. As the Ultramar's seat of government, the famed stronghold, Hera's Stronghold, is home to the Ultramarines' spiritual home, the Temple of Correction. Macragge represents the values ​​of the Ultramarines, their courage, resilience and unwavering loyalty to the Emperor. More than a planet, it is an emblem of unshakable will.


Macragge, located in the Ultima Segmentum, is important as the homeworld of the Ultramarines Division, one of the most powerful Space Marine divisions in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. It serves as a bulwark of strength and order amidst the turmoil and chaos that engulfs the galaxy.
The planet itself has huge fortress-like cities that dot the massive mountains. Hardy and hardworking, the inhabitants are fiercely loyal to the Ultramarines and swear total loyalty to their protectors. On the frozen poles, the planet is watched over by magnificent fortress-monasteries, including the fortress of Hera, the spiritual home of the Ultramarines. Macragge is a vital cog in the machinery of the Empire, not only as a military stronghold, essential defense and offensive launch points, but also as a beacon of Imperial light in the remote reaches of the Ultima Segmentum.
Despite numerous invasions, Macragge's indomitable spirit and fierce defense allowed him to survive. One of the most notable sieges was the Tyranid Hive Fleet Behemoth, where the Ultramarines successfully repelled the aliens despite heavy casualties. This event, now known as the Battle of Makrage, is a testament to the Ultramarines' immense courage, resilience, and tireless dedication to the protection of humanity.
Macragge represents the determined human spirit in the bleak Warhammer 40,000 universe, a beacon of hope and strength, an invincible bulwark against the many horrors that threaten the very existence of humanity.


Located on the eastern edge of the Ultima Segmentum, Macragge is a massive fortress world and the birthplace of the Ultramarines Space Marine Division. His story is inextricably intertwined with that of Chapter Primarch Roboute Guilliman.
Set in the Age of Empire, Macragge was established as a human colony world in the Dark Age of Technology. The early settlers had to endure a harsh and inhospitable environment, but they overcame many adversities through unwavering perseverance. However, they were cut off from contact with the wider human realm during the Age of Fighting until the Emperor of Mankind rediscovered them during the Great Crusade. Macragge gained true significance in Imperial history when a crashed life capsule was discovered on Earth with a baby, later revealed to be Roboute Guilliman. Guilliman took control of the planet and immediately addressed the social problems, establishing Macragge as a model of law and order for all of Ultramar to emulate.
The planet's orderly existence was disrupted when the infamous Horus Heresy invaded. Although Macragge remained fiercely loyal to the Emperor during this troubled period, it was the scene of many important actions, including the Battle of Calt.
With the Horus Heresy happily over, Guilliman announced the creation of the Codex Astartes from his seat in Macragge. He then rebuilt the Ultramarine Chapter and Macragge was established as a spiritual home and training ground for new Ultramarines. He fostered a civilizational renaissance known as the "Second Foundation" and left an everlasting legacy at Macragge.
Despite endless battles, the planet continues to show remarkable resilience and retains its historical symbolism in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Whether resisting a Tyranid onslaught or defying the forces of Chaos, Macragge endures, a shining beacon of resilience in the pure darkness of the future. It remains an icon of the human spirit in a galaxy ravaged by endless war, shining a light on the valor and courage of its indomitable defenders.


Macragge, located in the Ultima Segmentum, is the birthplace of the Ultramarines Division of the Space Marines. It is one of the most extensively developed and fortified worlds in the vast kingdom of Ultramar. Macragge is largely industrial, its cities and factories covering the ground like a wire mesh.
The mountains are home to vast fortresses inhabited by Ultramarines, and the valleys are home to vital factories and training grounds. Despite intense industrialization, Macragge retains its natural beauty with its seas and mountain ranges testifying to the Ultramarines' respect for the environment. The stories say that Roboute Guilliman, Primarch of the Ultramarines, was found in Macragge. In this world he established his headquarters from which he controlled Ultramar and later ruled the entire empire.
Throughout its history, Macragge has experienced devastating threats. During the era known as the Horus Heresy, Primarch Guilliman stood firm and organized a defense against the invasion. The planet also withstood the desert the Tyrants threw at it, a testament to the Ultramarines' prowess. Hera's Fortress, located at the northernmost peak of the highest mountain range in Makrage, is home to the Monastery of the Ultramarine Fortress. This stronghold is the spiritual home of every Ultramarine War Brother and his successors. Nearby stands the Temple of the Primarch, a large mausoleum containing the stalwart figure of the Primarch Guilliman.
Macragge epitomizes its inhabitants: indomitable, respectful of their past and always persevering in the face of adversity. The Ultramarines reflect these traits, their noble demeanor admired throughout the Empire.