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Among Us Universe

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General Info

MIRA HQ logo
Area/RegionPlanet Polus
Social Mediahttps://twitter.com/innerslothdevels
Location NameMIRA HQ
Alternate NameHeadquarters
Located high above the clouds on a remote planet, MIRA's headquarters offer an intriguing combination of futurism and seclusion. This planetary base offers a combination of indoor and outdoor environments that are optimal for interstellar activities. Crew members navigate through several intriguing sections, such as a greenhouse filled with alien flora, a decontamination corridor that emits sterilizing fumes, and a launch pad with a spaceship at the ready at all times. But beware of scammers lurking in hidden corners. A unique arrangement of connected ventilation systems allows Impersonators to move around the map inconspicuously. The introduction of a port logging system adds another layer of intrigue by allowing crew members to be tracked. Designed for a team that loves a challenge and enjoys the serenity of space solitude, MIRA HQ makes strategic play and teamwork essential to survival.


MIRA headquarters is a fantastic innovation station suspended high above the earth's surface, where anonymity is of the utmost importance. The headquarters, suspended in the cosmic clouds, is home to an array of research laboratories, advanced communications and transportation systems that will tempt any high-tech enthusiast.
The impressive structure is divided into several parts with different characteristics. First, it has a unique launchpad from which the journey of intellectual exploration begins. Here you see the departure of the spaceship while engaging in otherworldly discussions with your crewmates. Then comes the heart of MIRA headquarters, the reactor room. A place steeped in eerie silence, adorned with a number of technologically advanced systems that are undeniably unsettling. The laboratory is another attraction with lots of flashing lights, whirling machines and innovative discoveries.
Administration and changing rooms provide the necessary infrastructure. These rooms excite any intruder with the fear of falling. The infamous vents in this headquarters are mysterious tunnels. Although they are terrible conduits for impostors, they are becoming the focus of much research.
In addition, the lively balcony area and greenhouse with the immense beauty of the plants that thrive in the space provide peace and a great place for casual conversation. Don't let the tranquility fool you, this could be the scene of tomorrow's crime.
Finally, the cafe is the social center of the place, where heated discussions and informal banter take place every day. Often the starting point of the game, this place has its own secrets.
Essentially, MIRA Headquarters Among Us is a testament to the balance of knowledge, fear, mystery, and camaraderie among the crew members, where daily tasks are overshadowed by the adrenaline of constant mistrust!


The headquarters of MIRA is an integral part of our universe. Located in the low orbit of a distant gas giant, it symbolizes humanity's ambitious efforts in interstellar exploration and scientific discovery.
The MIRA headquarters was conceived as a state-of-the-art space research facility and observatory capable of hosting the multidisciplinary experts required for a comprehensive scientific study of space phenomena. Its formation led to an important era in human history in space travel. Resident crew members, i.e. scientists, security and admin respectively, conduct critical experiments, maintain facilities and manage operations. The MIRA headquarters was an attractive target for enemy forces due to its strategic location and crucial role in space exploration. It was inevitable when the alien impersonator infiltrated the crew and ended the deadly game of survival. The crews had to work as detectives, relying on trust, deception and strategic planning to identify the impostor in their midst and enhance the impression of the universe.
The most striking feature of this place is its unique layout. Unlike other inter-universe maps, MIRA HQ is laid out vertically and has only one starting area. It uses innovative design logic to make it easier to explore and navigate. For example, the administrator has a monitor that displays the position with colored icons that indicate the live position of the crew members without revealing their identity, which gives the game strategy a dynamic edge.
MIRA headquarters embodies humanity's ever-evolving audacity, intelligence and innovation in imagining and building structures in the farthest corners of the universe. It is a powerful reminder of the inherent daring spirit and ingenuity that takes place in humanity's journey beyond the ordinary realm.
Reflecting the unpredictability of the universe, MIRA headquarters is filled with an aura of uncertainty, trust, betrayal and survival, ultimately completing the overall thematic testament of The Universe Among Us. Therefore, its story and essence are firmly rooted in the classic tradition of human interstellar adventures, while providing players with an interesting game scenario.


MIRA HQ is one of three main maps where crew members and villains complete quests, complete missions, and unfortunately meet their untimely deaths. MIRA HQ is unique in that it takes you high above the earth's atmosphere into the vastness of space, built on top of an intricately designed floating airhead.
Unlike the more grounded maps of Skeld and Polus, MIRA HQ is appealing with its sci-fi look and complex layout that will keep even the most avid pilots on their toes. The map looks deceptively simple at first, but the interconnected vents scattered throughout the various rooms and corridors make it a haven for cheaters.
MIRA HQ is divided into eleven main sections, each tasked with a variety of tasks for crew members. However, the complexities come to life when players cannot directly access all parts of this massive headquarters. Some sections are broken up by long corridors, providing a strategic advantage to impersonators and a sinister threat to crew members.
This map also introduces players to some unique obstacles such as the decontamination corridor. Known for its lengthy clean-up process that mimics a real scientific facility, Decontamination adds tension and keeps players engaged, making it a cheater's kill point.
Then there is the greenhouse, a quiet place at MIRA headquarters. It contrasts with the rest of the high-tech headquarters with its lush, overgrown plants and transparent dome that offers a great view of the land below. It's a peaceful scene, though it's regularly interrupted by the chaos inside the headquarters.
Playing at MIRA HQ requires a combination of quick decision making and smart strategy. Crew members must be wary of every mission, every corridor they enter, and rogues must use the complexity of the map to their advantage. Regardless of the roles, players will find MIRA HQ to be an exciting and tense map in the vast universe of Among Us.