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BERSERK Universe

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Kushan Empire

General Info

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Faction NameKushan Empire
The Kushan Empire, the main faction in the BERSERK universe, is a political power with dominant influence and power. Known for their vast territorial standing, they are skilled in strategic advancement and tactical warfare. The Kushans are not only warriors but also skilled artisans who contribute greatly to the nation's cultural wealth. They live in the eastern foothills, and their fortitude is as unbending as the mountains they inhabit. Their peculiar yet profound rituals make them an enigma to outsiders, creating a veil of mystery that further cements their position as a formidable force in the BERSERK universe. Despite its austere approach, the Kushan Empire also displays a sense of social harmony, a belief in the interconnectedness of people, their land, and their gods. It highlights the complexity of their civilization, a civilization that inspires fear in its enemies and loyalty in its people.


In the morally complex and blood-soaked universe of BERSERK, the Kushan Empire stands out for its unique cultural nuances and military prowess. At the helm of this mighty empire stands Emperor Ganishka, a formidable apostle whose demonic nature and ruthless ambition cast a long and terrifying shadow over the land.
The vast territory of the Kushan Empire magnifies its power with a diverse geography filled with bustling cities, arid desert plains, and towering mountains. The empire's architecture bears witness to its rich history with majestic fortresses and intricately designed palaces, heavily fortified and decorated with the spoils of many wars.
This versatile faction has an army to be reckoned with, trained in the harsh landscapes of their empire. Their heavy cavalry, which specializes in elephant warfare, is notoriously merciless and often shifts in battle. The use of exotic beasts reinforces their fearsome reputation and gives them a short-term advantage that makes them an unpredictable opponent. But at the core of their monstrous nature is their creation of the Pishacha, monstrous soldiers born of the dark arts.
But the Kushan Empire is not just a formidable military power. It means a melting pot of diverse cultures and fascinating traditions that are deeply woven into the fabric of society. While the various inhabitants of the Empire live under a regime fueled by fear and tyranny, in the heart of darkness they weave stories of resilience and humanity.
The history of the Kushan Empire in the BERSERK universe is a fascinating tapestry of culture, chaos and brute force set against the backdrop of a world in constant turmoil. It is integral to the overall story, adding an extra layer of poignancy and color to the sprawling and enduring epic that is BERSERK.


The Kushan Empire, known as Baldenafiluhou in the Kushan language, played a central role in the colossal saga of the BERSERK universe. Originating from the vast Kushan continent, the empire had an insatiable thirst for conquest beyond its territorial boundaries.
Steeped in ancient myths and dark mysticism, the history of the Kushan Empire was marked by ceremonial rituals, formidable warriors, and mystical evil beings. Its origins trace back to the first emperor who wielded the power of the Divine Hand, a dark entity that controls the laws of fate.
The Kushan Empire is known for its highly hierarchical structure, with the emperor and his chosen apostles, supernatural beings of the divine hand, occupying the highest positions. Legends often tell of the empire's merciless attacks on other nations, and its victims carry the curse of the Divine Hand because of their monstrosity.
Although the Kushan Empire was ruthless in its conquest, it was also a stronghold of intriguing practices and cultures. The connection to the astral world was palpable in his advanced dark art forms and mystical practices, offering a unique combination of horror and fear that captivated the entire BERSERK universe.
In its quest for dominance, the Kushan Empire faced formidable opponents, including the Hawk Banda. Despite the skirmishes and wars and resulting changes in power, the indomitable spirit of the Kushan Empire ensured its survival and left its mark in the annals of BERSERK universe history. The history of the Kushan Empire, marked by mysticism, power struggles, war, faith and cultural riches, continues to reign supreme, highlighting its profound influence on the formation of the BERSERK universe.

Notable Members

Member #
Emperor Ganishka
Tiger General
Archer General
Elephant Generals
Locusts Captain


The Kushan Empire in the BESERK universe is characterized by a vast and diverse geographical area. The kingdom stretches across gold-lit deserts, flanked by mountain ranges to the east and west that support a thriving civilization. Unlike other factions, the geography of the Kushan Empire reflects not only its location but also its culture.
The Kushan people evolved under the merciless sun and learned to tame the golden grain of the desert. The desert, often considered an inhospitable landscape, is the basis of Kushan trade routes, equating it with economic and strategic strength. The edges of the kingdom are bounded by two ridges called the East and West Ridges. They act as the empire's natural fortifications, protecting its borders from potential threats.
The Empire has mastered the art of iridology, using this unparalleled terrain for a variety of contrasting flora and fauna. The lifelessness of the desert is challenged by oases bursting with stunning luxury. The strategic advantage of the mountains over the luxury of the desert makes the Kushan Empire a beacon of power and strength in the BERSERK universe. Whether you are a friend seeking trade or an enemy seeking battle, every traveler to this land must respect the geographic prowess of the Kushan Empire. They etched the echoes of their history in sand and stone, creating an empire that embodied the ruthless but enriching nature of their geography.

Legacy and Impact

The Kushan Empire is the cornerstone of the BERSERK universe, having a lasting impact on both the plot and the characters. The legacy of this faction is intricately woven into history, shaped by their own culture, unique architecture, and immense military power. Their influence is evident in the different character designs and compelling individual storylines. The Kushan Empire series also introduces unique magical elements that add depth and richness to the fantastic backdrop. This faction embodies cultural diversity, highlighted by distinctive clothing and intriguing traditions that enrich the series. The influence of the Kushan Empire resonates throughout the BERSERK universe, influencing not only the path of Guts and his companions, but also setting the stage for countless twists and turns. Additionally, an aggressive campaign of imperial expansion and conquest provides the basis for critical plot developments. As such, the Kushan Empire plays an important role in the vibrant and expansive world of BERSERK.