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Latitude[object Object]
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Location NameAthens
Alternate NameAthenai
A calm and peaceful planet, Athens is an exception to the usual chaotic universe of Borderlands. Once home to an ancient order of nuns, the Sisters of the Sirens, it was home to a hypnotic blend of mysticism and unfathomable secrets yet to be uncovered by vault hunters. The serene landscapes and architectural beauty of the monastery make it a wonderful sight to behold. Don't let the bright picture fool you, as Athens is home to fierce enemies, such as the infamous Traunt family, who continue to relentlessly search for the key to the vault. Undoubtedly, while Athens promises a peaceful respite, it also offers immense challenges that make every Vault Hunters excursion exciting and rewarding.


Athens, an ancient, peaceful and remote monastic planet known for its natural beauty and peaceful atmosphere, is a fascinating location in the Borderlands universe. It was once home to the Order of the Coming Storm, a cult that worshiped the Mayan Siren Warrior as their goddess-queen. The architecture is a combination of derelict and old-fashioned structures and futuristic elements, showing the dichotomy of past and progress.
Surrounded by a galactic ocean, Athena's atmosphere is filled with a constant, almost relaxing rain that enhances her mystical allure. The main inhabitants are dedicated monks who maintain ancient libraries and preserve the knowledge of the universe. Peaceful at first, their ranks are infiltrated by Maliwan forces, who pose a constant threat.
Despite the ongoing turmoil, Athens remains a beacon of wisdom and mysterious mermaid knowledge. Here, Vault Hunters face intense and thought-provoking battles to uncover the hidden truths of the cosmos. Whether immersing yourself in an enigmatic culture, taking part in fierce battles, or exploring its vast libraries of ancient history, Athens will captivate any adventurer who sets foot on its territory.


Athena, one of the most important planets in the Borderlands universe, is a unique combination of ancient monastic tranquility and intense interstellar chaos. It is best known as the adopted home of a famous mermaid and former Mayan crypt hunter who sought refuge and seclusion in the quiet corridors.
Founded centuries ago, Athens was originally founded as a peaceful order of monks seeking solace among the stars. Monks dedicated their lives to Siren-type introspection, philosophical enlightenment, and mystical pursuits.
But Athena's peaceful existence was shattered by the arrival of the evil Malivan Company. Attracted by Athena's connections to the mysterious Sirens and Crypts, they launched a brutal invasion, turning the peaceful monastery into a war-torn battlefield.
Despite the violent disturbances, remnants of the original monastic efforts can still be found in Athens. Libraries filled with ancient texts, intricate frescoes depicting the story of mermaids, and tranquil meditation gardens bear witness to Athena's history of spiritual exploration.
Although Athena has faced turmoil and turmoil, she remains a symbol of mystery and ancient wisdom in the Borderlands universe. Both a haven of peace and a hotbed of conflict, Athens perfectly reflects the dual nature of the borderland: a place of extreme danger and extraordinary discovery. Athena's story continues to be written by vault hunters drawn to the story, her connection to mermaids, and the promise of powerful treasures hidden in the vaults.


Located at the center of the Borderlands universe, Athens is full of mystical allure and unrelenting danger. Set on a remote planet, it is home to the galactic sirens, a rare race of powerful women who can wield ancient and otherworldly powers. The planet is inhabited by the coming Order of the Storm, a spiritual order steeped in history and mystery.
Once a peaceful paradise with stunningly picturesque monasteries, Athens has become a battlefield over the years. It has endured numerous invasions by the Malivan Corporation in its relentless pursuit of exploiting the planet's inherent powers. These merciless attacks failed to destroy Athena's spirit or drain her strength; emerges stronger and more powerful after each siege.
It is believed that the secrets of the planet are hidden in the sacred halls of the Monastery of Peace. The main attraction is a colossal statue of an unknown mermaid, symbolizing the indomitable spirit of the planet and the wild power of mermaids. This monument, seen through many battles, has become an icon of hope and resilience against adversity.
Despite the threats and looming battles, one can still feel the extraordinary peace of the planet. Entwined vines twisting around ancient stone structures, the sound of water splashing against pebbles and the echoing whispers of the sister sirens still fill Athens, creating a stunning mix of calm amidst the chaos.
Ultimately, Athens is an eloquent reminder of a complex frontier history that is both brutal and compassionate, visceral and spiritual, destructive yet restorative. With her sirens, mystical spells and indomitable spirit, Athena continues to occupy an important place in the universe. He is an unstoppable force that brings depth and dimension to the Borderlands saga.