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Location NameEden-6
Eden-6 is a dark planet infamous throughout the Borderlands universe for its treacherous jungles and merciless wildlife. This planet is home to Jacobs, a company known for its distinctive wooden architecture and intuitive hand-crafted firearms. Surrounded by vast dark wetlands and primeval jungles teeming with wild beasts, Eden-6 is a place only the brave dare to enter. Abandoned structures echo with the stories of lost civilizations, and the roars of unseen creatures echo through the trees. From the Jabber-infested hills to Jacob's mansions, your journey through Eden-6 is filled with danger and mystery.


Eden-6 is a swampy, cloistered world inhabited by many exotic creatures, most of which were later introduced into the galaxy as invasive species. The dark and dark desert teems with wild, lush landscapes mixed with primitive mud huts and technology straight out of classic Space Western holovids. Splashes of overgrown flora complement the clicks and hums of fauna and insects, making Eden-6 a natural paradise. However, there are no civilizations on the planet.
Amongst the wilderness can be found the civilization of the Jacobs Corporation, the world's leading firearms manufacturer. A beacon of sophistication in the desert, their stately homes stand tall and proud, reflecting a steampunk vibe. Although it seems more civilized than wild and untamed, it has a share of darkness that testifies to its secret owners.
It's not just nature or business to worry about, as the planet is also infested with fanatical vault children, graffiti-smeared and corroded machines rampaging with their sinister and destructive intent. Eden-6's unique combination of primitive wilderness, advanced technology, and dangerous inhabitants makes Eden-6 as dangerous and unpredictable as it is fascinating and diverse.


Eden-6, the swampy planet of Eden, is home to a variety of wildlife living in dense jungles, swamps, and vast plains. It also has some urban environments. Unlike its sister planet Eden-5, known for its technological advancements, Eden-6 is untouched by commercial infrastructure.
The story goes that Eden-6 inherited its brutal culture from the Jakob Corporation, which colonized the planet. Jakob, unlike other exploitative businesses, was deeply interested in preserving the planet's unique ecosystem and chose farming over industrialization. The Van Jakobs family, who own most of the planet, built their mansion right in the middle, symbolizing their dominance over the natural resources as stewards of the planet. Additionally, the planet has experienced violent takeovers, including VOCs led by Aurelia Hammerlock, who later became the antagonist of Borderland-3.
Long before these events, Eden-6 was known for its unique combination of vast bays and gigantic dinosaur-like creatures. The most famous of these creatures is the Jabber, a species of primate with enough intelligence to use firearms. But what makes Eden-6 unique are the "native saurians," giant semi-aquatic reptiles that you could easily mistake for ancient land dinosaurs, living untouched and free, untouched by technology. Eden-6 has an undeniable influence in shaping the gameplay of the Borderlands series. The varied topography, offering both open exploration areas and corridor-like shooters, gives the player a variety of combat and experience options. Defying swarms of aggressive wildlife and waging war against competition from the Jacobs Corporation, planet Eden-6 will leave a lasting and unique impression on players with its personality and charm.


Eden-6, a mysterious and wild wild planet of the Eden system, is lush with dense jungles, dark swamps, and treacherous caves. Historically dominated by the Jakobs Company, the planet is known for its vast green areas and wildlife, some of which are almost as deadly as the notoriously aggressive native saurians.
A large portion of Eden-6's surface is water, which is not typical of planets in the Borderlands universe. Streams reach deep into primeval rainforests teeming with exotic flora and fauna that threaten and tempt adventurers. The cry of treasure hidden in sunken ruins works like a siren for Vault Hunters. Eden-6 is also marked by a history of human settlement. Local settlements with architecture reminiscent of colonial-era buildings on Earth, such as Jacob's Mansion, are interspersed with pristine landscapes. But behind this quiet facade lies a brutal past marked by corporate wars, ruthless poaching and a simmering struggle for control.
A green and seemingly peaceful ecosystem provides many resources for survival. But dense forests are full of dangers, from ferocious predators to deadly vegetation. The planet's fauna includes ferocious jabers, aggressive primate-like creatures, and deadly sauropods, dinosaur-like beasts of monumental proportions.
The atmosphere of Eden-6 bears witness to the collision of worlds. It combines natural beauty with the gritty grit of a frontier world teetering on the brink of lawlessness, constantly shaping and defining the culture and spirit of its inhabitants. A journey through the land of Eden-6 offers dangerous journeys and long-forgotten secrets in the wilderness and wilderness, waiting to be discovered by intrepid explorers.