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Location NamePromethea
Once a beacon of progress and technological advancement, Promethea is now a war-torn city of fear and chaos. This glowing metropolis was the site of the discovery of alien technology, ushering in a golden age of innovation. But with the arrival of the Children of the Vault, a dangerous cult, a dark shadow falls over Promethea. The city, famous for its towering skyscrapers and bustling markets, is now a battleground of constant conflict. Amid the turmoil, the distinctive spirit of the residents remains as they struggle to reclaim their home from the clutches of evil. The struggle for survival combined with the city's rich history creates a dizzying mix of despair and hope. Unravel the secrets of Prometheus as you wander the ruined streets and explore every corner of this troubled but resilient city.


A bustling urban setting home to the Atlas Corporation, Promethea is one of the most important planets in the Borderlands universe. Vibrant neon cityscapes line the skyline, and cutting-edge technology buzzes everywhere, living up to its reputation as a hub of innovation and progress.
Featuring lush biodomes and expansive cityscapes, Promethea is a testament to humanity's progress amidst the chaos of the universe. But the beauty of the cityscape belies the dire situation. Dark red clouds of gas hang over the city, a constant reminder of the bitter conflict simmering beneath the surface. Promethea carries the smell of oil, the hustle and bustle of progress, and the inevitable whiff of corporate machinations. The Atlas Corporation, the leading corporation of Prometheus, lives in a tenuous peace with the city's seething underbelly and emerging factions.
A city of constant tension, Promethea introduces players to a variety of landscapes; from the academic halls of Athena, the incessant hum of Meridian Metropolis' factories, to the tense battlefield known as the Slaughter Cistern. Adventure and danger lie side by side, racing against the crackle of energy weapons and the screams of alien beasts.
In Prometheus, the advancement of civilization and the brutality of the frontier dance a dangerous tango, creating an experience that is both thrilling and unpredictable. It is a city of contrasts, a beacon of technological progress, dangerously on the edge of lawlessness and conflict. It's Borderlands in all its awesome, over-the-top, chaotic glory.


Often referred to as the "Jewel of the Six Galaxies", Prometheus is an essential cornerstone in the Borderlands universe. This metropolis planet located in the Mina system saw some monumental events that shaped the history of the universe.
Originally a seemingly inconspicuous planet, Promethea underwent dynamic transformations that made it the central hub of galactic interaction. His fortunes changed dramatically when the Atlas Corporation discovered advanced alien technology. This technology, which belonged to an extinct alien civilization called the Eridians, helped the Atlas create highly advanced weapons that propelled them to the forefront of the weapons industry. The use of this technology was a turning point that heralded a new era in the chronology of the universe.
However, a conflict with the authorities inevitably arose. The bustling planet turned into a battleground as it faced serious corporate wars. The brunt of the burden has been borne by the innocent population who have seen the rapid economic depletion that has led to the decline of the planet. Atlas, Prometheus' first benefactor, left the planet after the conflict, leaving it in a state of chaos and economic crisis. Prometheus' latest story revolves around an attempt to take over Malivan. Fortunately, their plans were foiled by the Vault Hunters in the famous Battle of Prometheus. Since this victory, the planet has been abandoned by many companies, including the Atlas Corporation, which is now trying to regain its footing.
The story of Promethea is a testament to the resilience, resilience and continued survival of the planet. Despite all the failures, it is strong, its people are building a better future. This urbanized planet of steel and glass plays a central role in the Borderlands, symbolizing both the heights of progress and the depths of conflict, painting a picture of a richly complex, multi-layered universe.


Set in a metropolitan world filled with skyscrapers and bustling city streets, Promethea is home to the Atlas Corporation, one of the leading manufacturers of innovative weapons in the Borderlands universe. The discovery of alien technology, known simply as Eridian, paved the way for Promethea's extraordinary transformation into a technologically advanced society, leaving the ruins of an ancient civilization scattered across the planet. However, the astronomical power of Eridian technology also led to the planet's demise during the Corporate Wars.
After the discovery of alien artifacts, corporations competed for control of the planet's newfound treasures, sparking a brutal power struggle that destroyed much of the cityscape. Atlas was ultimately victorious, possessing the planet and the secrets of the Eridian objects. The extremely powerful weapons produced by Atlas and the absolute control of Promethea cemented the company's dominance in the interstellar arms race.
While Promethea certainly suffers from corporate wars, it's still a world full of possibilities. Hordes of vault hunters and mercenaries descend on the cityscape, fueled by rumors of hidden alien vaults filled with untold wealth and power. However, the inhabitants of Promethea are far from welcoming of these outsiders, as after decades of war and pillaging, they have become wary and protective of their metropolis. Despite these challenges, the allure of the hidden vaults remains an enticing attraction, bringing a steady stream of fortune-seekers and adventurers to the bustling streets of the planet. Promethea offers an intriguing juxtaposition of old and new: ancient alien ruins rest among towering modern structures. This unique combination of futuristic architecture and the remnants of an advanced alien civilization creates a stunning backdrop for the dangerous missions that await on the streets. All of this makes Promethea a central location in the Borderlands universe, embodying the series' theme of discovery, conflict, and relentless pursuit of power.