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Chainsaw Man Universe

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Gun Devil's Organization

General Info

Gun Devil's Organization logo
Faction NameGun Devil's Organization
The Weapon Devil Organization is a mysterious and powerful faction of the Chainsaw Man universe. As the main antagonists of the series, they follow the orders of the Devil Weapon, an entity of immense power that they both respect and fear. The group consists of several skilled marksmen, and their leaders are distinguished by unparalleled combat skills and tactical intelligence. Despite their nefarious activities, their ultimate goal is perversely selfless: to save the world as they see it. However, their methods of achieving this goal, dominated by deception and violence, keep them a constant threat to humanity. With its immense power and dark ethics, the Gun Devil's Organization serves as a beacon of chaos and intensity in the Chainsaw universe.


The Weapon Devil Organization is a secret faction with incomprehensible motives and dark methods in the Chainsaw Man universe. Rising from the shadows of human civilization, this treacherous organization seeks to use the abilities of the infamous Devil Weapon to control, manipulate, and destroy a dystopian society.
The cohort is shrouded in mystery, their numbers uncertain, their strength unquestionable; enhanced by their alliance with the monstrous Gun Devil. They seek to gain power through deception, trickery and ruthless violence, leaving a trail of destruction and despair.
An organization of weaponized devils that pose a great threat to devils and humanity should not be taken lightly. Their members, each with a unique evil power, contribute to the unshakable strength of the organization. Not only that, but their devilish strategy and ability to exploit vulnerabilities make them a threat to even the most powerful devils.
But their end remains a mystery. Some say they want to create a new world order, others speculate that they want to create a vacuum of terror in which only they will survive. But whatever the goal, the cost to the population remains high as they are silently subsumed under his reign of terror. The Gun Devil Organization is not only the epitome of lawless power and terror in the Chainsaw universe, but also an insightful critique of the destructive potential of unchecked power, war mania and the manipulation of fear. It's a chilling reminder of the dark corners where morality decays and brute force reigns supreme.


The history of the Devil in Arms organization is as intense as its namesake, covered in layers of danger and conflict. The establishment of the organization began many years after the rise of Gun Devil. This vile creature destroyed many lives and called "guns" across the world, changing the course of history forever.
A group of radical devil hunters who believed in the supremacy of the armed devil formed the foundation of the organization. Driven by personal loss and bitterness toward the Bureau, they worshiped the Weapon Devil as a deity promising retribution and reform. Their motives, while morally complex, came from a vulnerable point of desperation.
This made them formidable opponents, fueled by an unwavering belief in their cause. Over time, the organization grew in size and recruited more like-minded people. Their goals were short-term, characterized by a deadly combination of seeking revenge, seizing power, and inciting chaos.
Over time, the Weapons Devil Organization has become one of the most dangerous factions in the chainsaw universe. They displayed an almost ruthless agility in pursuing their goals, building a sophisticated network of informants and always staying one step ahead of the office. However, their reckless adherence to their diabolical divinity also left them vulnerable, leading to many losses and eventual downfall.
Eventually, the Devil in Arms organization became a shadow of its former self. Their journey was marked by a tragic testimony to the destructive power of unbridled ambition and blind faith in reckless gods. But their legacy lives on; a chilling reminder of the damage that false ideologies can do to humanity. In summary, the story of the "Guntai Devil Organization" is one of passion, devastation and the darkest corners of human behavior. Despite the loss, Chainsaw's chilling impact on the universe remains undiminished and horrifying even in retrospect. The echoes of their journey continue to reverberate, symbolizing the dangerous lure of a vengeful power.

Notable Members

Member #
Violence Devil
Angel Devil
Kobeni Higashiyama


The geographic spread of the Weapon Devil Organization in the Chainsaw Man universe is vast and elusive. As a secret organization, their base of operations is largely unknown, but their influence and activities can be traced around the world. Their presence is particularly pronounced in urban environments and areas of high conflict. It is assumed that they prefer regions where they can operate underground and blend seamlessly into chaotic environments. Areas with poor law enforcement are also a favorite because local forces are easier to control and manipulate. The organization mainly tracks the activities of the devil and has been involved in several targeted killings on different continents. This supports their omnipresence around the world, with a clear focus on regions of social and political unrest. The Gun Fiends known to spawn in these areas reinforce this theory. Their intercontinental distribution also suggests that they have abundant resources, further underscoring their massive presence.
Gun Devils also target densely populated areas for most of their carnage, adding a strategic dimension to the geography of their operations. The more fear they can cause, the stronger they become. Thus, their geographic strategy is not only territorial but also psychological, using fear as a powerful tool to control and cause chaos.

Legacy and Impact

The legacy of the Devil in Arms Organization is twisted into chaos. This organization, born from the conflicts between devil hunters and devils, secretly manipulated events to their advantage, causing a cascade of devastation. Their impact is most evident during a pivotal infiltration incident that results in heavy losses for the Devil Hunters. They changed the landscape of the battles between humans and devils, bringing more darkness, deceit and fear. Their influence has made them a major player in this battle and continues to permeate the entire Chainsaw universe. Their actions not only raised the stakes but also radically changed the balance of power. Even in the face of perceived defeat, the lingering echo of their machinations ripples through society, creating emotional and ideological divisions. Their legacy is one of destruction and deception, a chilling tale of power, manipulation and the depths to which terror can penetrate.