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Chainsaw Man Universe

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Public Safety Bureau

General Info

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Location NamePublic Safety Bureau
The Bureau of Public Safety is an important location in the Chainsaw Man universe and is the central hub for devil hunting. Their mission is not only to hunt ordinary devils, but also to face a terrible devil weapon. Equipped with the latest facilities and technology, the office is the brain of all operations where strategies are devised to combat the diabolical menaces. It's a tight-knit community, although bickering among members is not an uncommon sight. Their work is not without danger, but each victory brings them one step closer to security and peace for humanity. The Office of Public Safety is more than just a place; he is the embodiment of resilience, courage and hope in a world dominated by evil forces.


The Bureau of Public Safety, widely known as the Devil Hunter, holds a special place in the terrifying, chilling and exciting world of Chainsaw. It's a government-funded organization with a core responsibility: exterminate devils by hiring evil contractors. Devil hunters are bold and fearless risk-takers, the beating heart of the office.
The office acts as a mediator, building a bridge between the public who fear and are afraid of devils and the devil contractors who are capable and skilled enough to control and kill these evil creatures. Evil contractors risk their lives and often their sanity to work in the office. They are bound by contracts that allow them to wield these fiends as weapons against an invading evil threat.
The headquarters, a menacing fortress, serves as a command center and a haven for agents. It is a citadel of relative safety amid rising waves of demonic terror. Within its walls, strategies are made, lives are at stake, sacrifices are made, battles are fought and legends are born.
The Public Security Bureau not only embodies the eternal struggle between humans and devils, but also raises important philosophical questions about morality, survival, and the high price humans pay when fighting devils. It is more than a tangible entity; it's an ideological battleground, a symbol of the thin line that separates humanity from the monstrosities of the Chainsaw universe.


The Public Security Bureau, often abbreviated as PSB, is an integral part of the Chainsaw universe and plays a vital role in maintaining stability and peace in a world consumed by devils. Although it functions primarily as a law enforcement agency tasked with containing and destroying demons, its history is as multi-layered as the world it oversees.
Founded in response to the unprecedented threat of devils from around the world, the PSB was initially a small and isolated entity. Relying solely on human strength and ingenuity, the agency struggled to protect humanity from the devil's indiscriminate attacks in its early years, recording countless casualties. However, with the advent of the Evil Covenant, the tide seems to have turned in humanity's favor. Devil Contracts allowed PSB members to fuse with devils in an attempt to use the devil's powers against them. This revolutionary strategy greatly increased the agency's capabilities and attracted global attention and appreciation. It was a period of exponential growth not only in manpower but also in technology and resources. Adding contract devils and skilled devil hunters to its ranks, the PSB slowly grew into the formidable force it is today.
Despite its undoubted benefits, the use of devil's contracts has not been without its ethical dilemmas and complications. There have been a number of conflicts in the PSB regarding the propriety and morality of using devils. The complex nature of contracts, requiring some form of payment, often personal, added to this internal tension.
At the same time, the role of the PSB in society has changed significantly. With the rise of widely televised devil hunts, the agency has grown in popularity, garnering both praise and criticism. Regulating these events revealed another aspect of PSB, forcing it to grapple with the complexities of media accountability, image and politics. From a crude and crude entity, the Bureau of Public Security has grown into a vital institution that manages the delicate balance between humanity and evil. It's a testament to humanity's resilience and adaptability in the chaotic and unforgiving world of Chainsaw, but the office's history is tainted with casualties.


The Office of Public Safety is the main setting of the Chainsaw Man universe, at the center of a web of conflicts between humans and evil. As a government organization, its primary duty is to protect the public from the menacing clutches of devils. The office, distinguished by its senseless symbolism of authority and fear, operates under the looming shadows of danger and uncertainty, where one wrong move can spell disaster.
These grim everyday realities form the building blocks of the Bureau's identity and foster a unique culture of sacrifice, courage and closely guarded secrets. The tense atmosphere speaks of the relentlessness of daily work. It is here that office workers face uphill battles both in the dangerous physical world against bloodthirsty devils and in the psychological world battling their own inner demons.
At the same time, the Office of Public Safety is a haven of friendship in a world at risk. Despite the bleak environment, it creates unlikely heroes and unique collaborations. Dark Corners fosters strong bonds and friendships between agents formed amid shared hardships. The Bureau provides agents with the tools, training and support they need to attack evil. The structure of the office is hierarchical, simulating a layered, almost militaristic organization. Highly trained devil hunters take the front lines and deal with devils, while tacticians and strategists work behind the scenes. The Office of Public Safety, acting primarily as a regulatory agency, does not hesitate to use devils to fight fire with fire, creating an ever-changing moral environment within the organization.
Even under the cold facade, the Bureau is full of life. His heartbeat is the echo of countless untold stories whispered in the labyrinthine network of corridors and hidden rooms. As humble and caring defenders of the public, each member of the Bureau of Public Safety adds another layer to the rich mosaic of courage and fear. It is this paradox that gives birth to The Bureau, creating a realm where humanity's survival instinct meets heroism, a place where devils and humans dance the dark tango of destiny.