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Dead by Daylight Universe

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Autohaven Wreckers

General Info

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Location NameAutohaven Wreckers
Alternate NameAutohaven Wreckers
Autohaven Wreckers is a historically rich and haunting location in the Dead by Daylight universe. Once a popular salvage yard, it is now the apparent merciless killing spree of its owner, the infamous character known as the Wraith. The site is filled with discarded cars that create a hair-raising maze of rusted metal and blown-up debris. Discarded cars piled high and haphazardly add to the eerie feel of the site. It's clearly a terrifying and disorienting place for the survivors, and the cacophony of metal echoes and sudden movements caused by the environment only heighten the feelings of dread and anticipation. Travel wisely, as one wrong turn could lead to a shocking face-to-face encounter with the Wraith himself. Enter this terrifying maze if you dare, but remember: every corner may hide certain death.


Autohaven Wreckers is a creepy place in the Dead by Daylight universe, traditionally a junkyard for discarded vehicles. The heavy smell of rusted metal and rotting upholstery permeates the air, adding to the creepy, abandoned feel of the place. This abandoned salvage yard was once a thriving Wraith business before eventually turning into a nightmarish killer.
The junkyard is a maze of wrecked cars, piled up and precariously balanced. They act as temporary hideouts for those trying to escape the clutches of a roving killer. The Junk Factory has several landmarks, including the Wretched Shop, Blood Lodge, Gas Heaven, and Azarov's Resting Ground, each with its own story and unique challenges for survivors and killers alike.
The survivors must navigate this labyrinthine environment, stay alert while trying to repair the generators to escape the killer's pursuit. The endless lines of vehicles and the darkness of the night, combined with the suffocating silence, broken only by distant and sudden sounds, add to the fear and intensity of the game.
Autohaven Wreckers, with its chaotic maze of wrecked cars and an ominous atmosphere, is the perfect setting for the macabre game of life and death in Dead by Daylight.


Autohaven Wreckers was once a small family business in a humble small town in the USA. It was founded in the early 1960s by Azerkov's father, an ambitious businessman with a knack for understanding the potential of obsolete vehicles. The company prospered and gained a reputation for supplying quality spare parts at reasonable prices.
However, at the end of the century there was a change, when the ownership of the company passed to the only son of the founder, Azerkov. Unlike his father, Azerkov was more interested in the dark side of machines. He wanted to understand how things could be used not to support life, but to take it away. Local crime syndicates saw the potential, and the once-revered junkyard quickly began serving as a supplier of hit-and-run vehicles for murder.
On a fateful night that the town still talks about, Azerkov was taken by the Entity, a mysterious force that oppresses the darkest corners of human fear and trauma. Caught in its relentless grip, the Autohaven Wreckers were shrouded in fog and became one of the realms of the dead entities of the Daylight universe, every piled wreckage and shattered windshield an environment of endless fear.
Today, the Autohaven Wreckers are not a testament to man's ingenuity with machines, but rather a monument to man's dark tendencies. The once-crowded garden is now a maze of pain and fear, where the survivors must navigate rusting carcasses and piles of scrap metal to escape the gruesome killers who stalk them through twisted metal and grim shadows.


Autohaven Wreckers, one of the most famous locations in the Dead by Daylight universe, has a complicated and dark history. This abandoned dump was once the thriving business empire of wealthy businessman Azarov. At first, everything went smoothly and it became a landmark structure that played an important role in the city's economy.
However, its founder Azarov was a man of questionable ethics. He engaged in nefarious activities under the guise of a legitimate enterprise. Meanwhile, on his payroll was a man named Philip Ojomo, who, unaware of Azarov's shady dealings, diligently worked to destroy the abandoned cars.
Ojomo was an immigrant in search of the American dream, but his dream turned into a nightmare when one day he discovered Azarov's terrible secret. The scrapped cars were linked to missing persons, people whom Azarov himself had disappeared.
Shocked by this revelation, Azarov and Ojom's confrontation ends with Azarov's death in the same ditch he once tended. After this horrific event, the garbage dump took on a strangely gruesome appearance and became the focus of the entity's dimension. Cars rusting in the shadow of monstrous hook cranes and sharp labyrinthine compositions of steel and iron were now a grim reminder of the past, a deadly playground for killers and survivors in this strange realm.