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Dead by Daylight Universe

Awaiting Claim

Backwater Swamp

General Info

Backwater Swamp logo
CountryUnited States
Location NameBackwater Swamp
Alternate NameThe Swamp
Backwater Swamp is a desolate, damp place from the Dead by Daylight universe. Once a thriving center of the maritime industry, abandoned and forgotten, today it is in a state of disrepair. The tangled undergrowth and marshy swamps are a dangerous playground for survivors and killers alike. An important landmark here is the Pale Rose, an eerily silent steamship, perhaps with remnants of past atrocities. In the cabin of the ship - an ornate piano - once a symbol of the prosperity of the inhabitants of the swamps. There are also dilapidated shacks and makeshift docks around Marsh Bay, which often provide shelter but are not entirely safe. Hidden threats can come from things like a broken dock or a lurking alligator. Enter at your own risk, the swamp does not discriminate between its visitors!


Backwater Swamp, an atmospheric and eerily beautiful map of the Dead by Daylight universe, teases players with a mysterious and terrifying atmosphere that makes the gameplay experience even more thrilling. This desolate and bleak place was once a bustling place with a busy shipyard until the beast of urban legend took over and ushered in an age of eerie silence.
The swamp is known for its intricate design and peaceful swampy atmosphere. It's a maze of dilapidated structures surrounded by thick fog that challenges navigational skills, ideal for testing even the most experienced players. Traces of brutally extinct life can be found everywhere, from an abandoned shipyard to the eerie Pale Rose steamer half-submerged in still water, creating an atmosphere of eerie loneliness. The mixture of living and decaying marsh vegetation that passes through the marsh is alarming. The terrain is extremely rough and rugged, with occasional dry terrain sparsely treed, limiting views.
The roar of the beast resonates throughout the world, making it a huge challenge for the survivors to coordinate and communicate. Knowledge of map layout and strategic use of the environment can be the difference between survival and falling prey to the beast.


The Backwater Swamp location in the Dead by Daylight universe is full of mystery and horror. It turns out that the swamp was once part of a bustling swamp village. It was a place of activity where native people toiled, toiled and died amid the murky swamps. Little is known about the settlers who once lived in this place, whose lives faded into silent echoes over time.
Tragedy struck the village one fateful night. All were lost when a terrible storm ravaged the area and were never seen again. The village lies in ruins, submerged in the silt of a cold, enveloping swamp. What was left of the once prosperous lives was a grim landscape of crumbling shacks and crumbling piers.
Soon after, the whispers of a sinister specter known only as "The Hag" were heard. Some say that Hague was a tortured victim of the villagers themselves; while others argue that the creature has always lurked in the swamp, awakened by the catastrophe that befell the settlement. Over time, everyone feared and avoided the swamp. Every encounter is fraught with danger, and death lurks in every shadow. Turbid waters hide unseen horrors, and green trees stand as silent sentinels of forgotten lives.
The story of the Backwater Swamp in the Dead by Daylight universe is a stark reminder of the horrors that can lurk in the corners of even the most innocent-looking places. Amidst the world of decay and decay, shadows and fog, lies the mystery and horror that make Backwater Swamp forever one of the scariest places in gaming.


In the heart of the southern states, surrounded by desert and shrouded in the silent fog of an ancient curse, Backwater Swamp is found in the Dead by Daylight universe. This eerie landscape was once a bustling working district where industrious people toiled day and night to extract precious peat from the dark depths. However, this place, thriving with life and activity, was forgotten when a terrible disaster struck it.
The air, once filled with uproarious laughter, crude banter, and frenzied industrial noise, now freezes. The gurgling of the swamp and the rustling of the trees are the only sounds that dare to break this prickly silence. The Grim Pantry, once teeming with workers, now stands empty above a menacing chasm. It is a silent testament to the vibrant life that was once part of this now haunted place.
But it's not just the buildings and the landscape that point to the sordid events of the past. The landscape itself became an active participant in the horrific events. The water has turned into a dead sea of ​​ink, hiding the terrifying tragedies that have taken place here, imbued with the horror and decay of its former inhabitants. The dock and boathouse, once centers of vigorous activity, now serve as ominous warning signs. Pale Rose's howl of a shipwreck echoes the blood-curdling laugh of the Hag, a monstrous creature that now rules the swamp with its terrifying presence as it faces the landscape, bringing out the chill of isolation in the heart of civilization.
In the bounds of a forgotten time, the Užupis marsh whispers silent stories that resonate with the souls of the departed. Those who stumble upon this eerie abode will encounter not only Hag, but also the ghostly remains of a once-thriving community now languishing in a chilling wasteland. In the back swamp, the echoes of the past ring eerily clear, creating a living nightmare that the attackers are unlikely to forget.