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Dead by Daylight Universe

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Coldwind Farm

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Location NameColdwind Farm
Set in the ominous universe of Dead by Daylight, Coldwind Farm is a chilling and eerily atmospheric environment full of looming threats and possibilities. Once vibrant and teeming with life, it is now derelict and reflects a grim image of its former glory. Mysterious traces of devastation are everywhere: dilapidated barns, rusting machinery and abandoned fields that reflect an eerie dark past. The terror is heightened by cornfields that obscure visibility and block escape routes. The survivors must navigate this terrifying maze of tall crops, never knowing what lurks around the next corner. Coldwind Farm is not only a typical rural setting, but also a chilling tomb of despair. Trapped within its confines, the survivors must muster their innermost courage to escape its terrifying clutches. The supernatural essence of the farm is one that will make your heart beat faster, and Dead by Daylight has a unique combination of suspense and horror.


Coldwind Farm is a terrifying place in the terrifying world of Dead by Daylight. Originally a healthy family farm focused on wind energy, this once idyllic place has turned into a place of unspeakable horror after tragic events.
Visitors to Coldwind Farm are likely to be the first to be struck by the eerie silence that hangs over this place, an eerie relic of a simpler time. The Great Windmill, once a symbol of permanence and progress, is now transformed into an ominous harbinger of the terrible events that have taken place in its shadow.
One of the farm's main features is a blood-soaked slaughterhouse and a hair-raising maze of rusting farm equipment. These structures have become the focus of some of the deadliest hide-and-seek games played by collectors and survivalists. The eerie forest surrounding this place adds to the eerie sense of isolation.
And then there's Coldwind Farm's tormentor, the infamous Hillbilly, a born-and-bred gruesome killer. With his hair-raising chainsaw and alarming speed, he brings an extra layer of dread to this grim environment.
A visit to Coldwind Farm in Dead by Daylight provides a chilling experience that is both thrilling and terrifying. It's a horror maze that perfectly captures the macabre atmosphere of the game. It's not a place for the faint of heart, but for those brave enough to take on the challenge, it's sure to be an inspiring playground.


Coldwind Farm is a chilling testament to the rural horror that characterizes Dead by Daylight Lore. Once a bustling agricultural gem amidst the tranquility of the countryside, this cluster of outbuildings now stands as a grim monument to the horrors that once took place.
Coldwind Farm, originally founded by the Thompsons, a passionate family famous for their goldfields, quickly established its emblem as a beacon of prosperity. But this peace was not to last. One fateful day, family patriarch Max Thompson Jr. succumbed to a brutal rampage. Accused of horrendous acts of animal abuse, he was ostracized and confined to a dilapidated stable, turning it into a bleak prison.
With the relative calm that followed the isolation of the "fool", Coldwind Farm worked to shake off the taint of the scandal that had been revealed within its confines. His charm was overshadowed by the bitter fear and anxiety in his belly, whispers of the atrocities housed in the old barn piercing the once peaceful atmosphere. This minor chapter turned the story of the farm into a demon-fueled saga.
The eerie silence of the homestead was broken when Max Thompson Jr. broke free and exacted a terrible revenge on his captors. Carnage engulfed the ranch, and members of the Thompson family met miserable ends at the hands of their relatives. This horrific slaughter marked the end of Coldwind Farm's glory days. The macabre incident left an indelible scar, mixing the picturesque beauty of the farm with the underlying fear.
Gone are the whispers now, replaced by the echoing screams of the innocent victims the Entity has drawn into the cursed beam. The barn still stands, a chilling reminder of the gruesome horror it once harbored as survivors roamed the ghastly space. Steeped in chilling folklore and gruesome tales, the story of Cold Wind Farm is chilling proof that things are often not as peaceful as they seem, and that safe havens can often hide the most terrifying realities.


Coldwind Farm is an eerie and terrifying place set in the mysterious and tense legacy of the Dead by Daylight universe. The once abandoned but bustling town was the property of the wealthy Thompson family. Today, however, it is nothing more than a chilling and terrifying place of macabre and madness that exists under a veil of silence.
Three times the land has been farmed and tilled, coming to life in the hands of the industrious Thompsons. Famous for its agricultural produce, especially corn, Coldwind was a bustling hive of activity and prosperity. But once a sudden and tragic harvester crash interrupted the joyous commotion when young Max Thompson Jr. surrendered to his knives. His memory, often buried with cold precision, echoed through his mother.
Max's mother was torn with grief; her pain turned to madness. She refused to bury her son's remains and went on a murderous rampage, incapacitating anyone who dared enter the homestead. The farm was abandoned, left to mother nature to reclaim, slowly turning from a place of tragedy into a hunting ground. Since then, the once-prosperous Frostwind Farm has become a battleground for terrifying survival games. High walls of tangled cornstalks provide both cover and traps, concealing the unwary as well as danger. Dilapidated buildings, large barns, and an old slaughterhouse now serve as hideouts for the Entity's minions, and informal Hook groups occasionally issue dire warnings.
Coldwind Farm is not a place for the faint of heart. Amidst the tormenting silence, the rustling of chaff blown by the wind can imitate the hideous stealth of a lurking assassin, and the cries of the hapless captives echo hollowly as if swallowed up by the earth itself. Welcome to the chilling uncertainty and relentless fear that is Coldwind Farm.