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Dead by Daylight Universe

Awaiting Claim

MacMillan Estate

General Info

MacMillan Estate logo
CountryUnited States
Latitude[object Object]
Longitude[object Object]
Telephone(952) 473-8343
Postal Code55391
Location NameMacMillan Estate
Street Address110 Peavey Ln, Wayzata, MN 55391
A remote location on the edge of civilization, the MacMillan Estate is one of the most rustic realms in the Dead By Daylight universe. Once grand and extraordinary in its industrial spaces, it has now become a breeding ground for fear and despair. The ancient Torre del Carbone, the generator of its wealth, casts a trembling shadow of its past prosperity, surrounded by lush vegetation. Once a symbol of the MacMillan family's power, he now serves the Entity, a menacing force that feeds on the survivors' fear. The Mansion is the story of Archibald MacMillan, a man lost in his own greed that eventually led to the horrific Silent Years. These echoes of the dead workers can still be heard in the icy winds of the mine, the undying flames and the mysterious moaning forest that surrounds it. This terrifying atmosphere makes this place a terrifying battleground in a terrifying cat-and-mouse survival game.


Shrouded in an eerie, perpetual fog, the MacMillan Estate is the epitome of fear in the world of Dead by Daylight. This derelict estate, once teeming with life and utility, belonged to the wealthy MacMillan family, who amassed their wealth through mining. Now there are terrible games of life and death.
Eternal shadows cover the dilapidated buildings scattered across the vast estate. At the center of the estate stood a grim monument to the grim legacy of industry, a vast ironworks of misery. A groaning warehouse and a gasping coal tower where miners struggled to make ends meet are other important landmarks. The eerie remnants of temporary workers' homes clustered in the form of Shelter Woods call for a sudden abandonment of life and joy.
Many miners toiled in sweat and soot until the unfortunate disaster known as the MacMillan Incident. The mine collapsed, many workers were trapped in the abyss and suffocated under a blanket of earth. Life in the field, though not spared such a cruel end, was no less miserable. The MacMillan estate fell into rapid disrepair after the disaster: nature, undisturbed by mortal follies, reclaimed what was left.
The mansion is now a creepy playground for Estonia and her minions, resounding with the echoing cries of those trying to survive in the coming darkness. But there are always signs of rebellion against the inevitable. The desperate but determined survivors try to outwit the killers by using the leftovers from the environment. Their hope may be short-lived, but it refuses to die. Every sunrise they hope to see, every heartbeat they try to hold back, echoes through the lonely corridors of MacMillan Manor. The morning is not yet over, but the journey of survival continues, beat by beat.


MacMillan Manor is an abandoned place in the annals of Dead by Daylight history. Once a symbol of prosperity, a testament to prosperity and industriousness, the now abandoned kingdom tells of greed, betrayal and haunting regret. Set in the once-prosperous private estate of Weeks, an almost urban town, the MacMillan Estate is a chilling testament to its owner, Evan MacMillan, who became a ruthless killer known as the Trapper.
The estate's historical timeline is punctuated by tales of worker disappearances, gruesome occurrences and tragic accidents that shut down a thriving mining company. The MacMillan family business, already under investigation for environmental complaints and workers' rights appeals, collapsed in disgrace after it was discovered that the company's heir, Evan, had methodically led unsuspecting workers into the mines, never to return. The dense forest surrounding the estate, teeming with wildlife and greenery, was once an open invitation to picnickers and nature lovers. Today it looks derelict and eerie, giving the mansion an undesirable feel. The architectural grandeur of the main house, the lavish display of wealth in the family cemetery and the utter desolation of the suffocating tomb reflect the paradoxical nature of MacMillan's legacy.
Long gone are the days when smoke billowed from foundry chimneys and the echo of pickaxes hitting stone echoed throughout the estate. The industrial symphony was replaced by absolute silence, punctuated only by rare screams echoing from the depths, which serve as macabre reminders of the bloody past. A visit to the MacMillan estate is, in retrospect, a chilling journey through history, a tangible reminder of a legacy twisted by debauchery and a warning of the horrors that complacency, greed and power can unleash on the world.


The MacMillan Estate is a haunting and mystical location in the world of Dead by Daylight that quietly tells a brutal and tragic story of its past. The once prosperous and bustling epicenter of the wealthy MacMillan family's mining industry is now nothing more than a stark reminder of its former glory.
Patriarch Evan MacMillan adored his father and did everything to carry on his legacy. But her loves turned into obsession and madness, which set off a devastating chain of events.
In what became known as the "Worst Mining Accident in Decades", the father and son's ruthlessness and insatiable greed got the better of them, causing them to flout the mine's safety regulations. Due to the accident, many workers were trapped underground with no hope of survival. However, Evan remained unmoved and ordered the entrance to the mine to be sealed, putting wealth above human life.
But the horror did not end there. The estate was further cursed by a cruel deed when Evan, in a fit of madness, killed his father and smeared the property with the owner's blood. The walls of the magnificent mansion have seen the brutal deaths of its inhabitants, and the once-lively place has turned into a blood-soaked playground of murder and deceit. The MacMillan estate has endured much heartache and pain. A vast, lush area now echoes with the cries of lost souls, an abandoned mine whispers horrific tales of innocent workers, and a once grand mansion stands in the face of its brutal past.
Every corner of the MacMillan Estate tells a different chilling story. But beneath her torment lies a story of a powerful lesson: a lesson about love that turns into obsession, about riches becoming more important than humanity, and that power and prosperity can be crippling. It is a chilling testimony to the depths to which a man can sink when he is overwhelmed by unbridled madness and ambition.