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Dragon Ball Universe

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General Info

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Faction NameNamekians
Hailing from the planet Namek, the Nameks are an interesting group in the Dragon Ball universe. They are known for their distinctive green skin and antennae. They thrive on water and live in groups led by a village elder. The Nameks are known for their mastery of the mystical arts, and their ability to create the Dragon Balls is a testament to their profound powers. An important aspect of their race is that they are all male and reproduce asexually. They have a unique ability to regenerate, which allows them to recover from serious injuries that would be fatal to other races. In terms of moral compass, Namekians are benevolent and peace-loving by nature, but should not be taken lightly as they possess powerful abilities when in danger. The most famous Namek of the series is Piccolo, an important ally of Goku and an important figure in the fight against the evil that threatens Earth. The Nameks add an immersive dimension to the Dragon Ball universe with their mystical abilities and noble virtues.


The Nameks occupy an important place in the fictional universe of Dragon Ball. They are one of the attractive alien races, with green skin, antenna-like ears, and the ability to regenerate. Hailing from the planet Namek, they are a peaceful, spiritual and caring race.
Divided into two classes, the warrior clan and the dragon clan, the Namek represent the perfect combination of spiritual wisdom and warrior spirit. The Dragon Clan is known for its magical abilities, especially the ability to create Dragon Balls, magical orbs that can grant any wish when held together. The Warrior class features combat prowess enhanced by the journey of one of the series' most iconic characters, Piccolo.
Layered with a rich cultural and historical heritage, Namek plays an important role in the plot. Their passive nature and desire for peace make for a unique story in a universe marked by constant fighting. But when needed, they display fierce courage and martial prowess. Their ability to regenerate, a testament to their incredible vitality, adds another layer to their complex identity. In summary, Namek embodies the dual spirit of Dragon Ball: a calm philosophical foundation and an exhilarating frenzy of combat. Whether it's the magical Dragon Balls or the intense battles of Piccolo, Nameks are definitely an integral part of the epic saga that is Dragon Ball. Resilient, spiritual, and powerful, their existence continues to add depth and intrigue to an ever-expanding universe.


The Namek faction has a unique and important history in the Dragon Ball universe. Nameks are humanoid creatures with slug-like features, including antennae, pale green skin, and mottled bodies. Their homeworld of Namek began with catastrophic climate change that nearly wiped out the Namekian race.
A few survived, including Guru, the eldest, who single-handedly saved the race and gave birth to a new generation of Nameks from the eggs he kept inside his body. This revealed an important aspect of the Nameks: their ability to reproduce asexually, demonstrating their resilience and ability to persevere against all odds. 762 the Nameks faced another dire threat: the invasion of Frieza and his army, who targeted Namek in their relentless pursuit of the Dragon Balls. Despite their peaceful and non-confrontational nature, Nameks have proven to be formidable warriors with powerful abilities. Salvation came from Earth's Saiyans, leading the Nameks and Z-fighters to form a life-changing bond.
Important housemates like Piccolo and Kami play a vital role in protecting Earth, influencing the direction and outcome of many battles. Piccolo's story is particularly intriguing; he starts out as a villain in Dragon Ball, but his character evolves and he later becomes one of the strongest defenders on Earth. Her bond with the boy, Gohan, is a long-running storyline that showcases the Namesake's capacity for empathy and personal growth.
This historical past weaved a rich tapestry that greatly influenced the course of the Dragon Ball universe. From near-extinction to terrifying invasions to alliances with Earth and beyond, the history of the Namekians is a profound testament to survival, adaptation, and turning enemies into allies.

Notable Members

Member #
Grand Elder Guru
Lord Slug
King Piccolo


The Nameks are from the planet Namek, an incredibly unique and exclusive planet in the Dragon Ball universe. This planet is characterized by a vast aqua-blue sky, three suns that prevent nightfall, and a large amount of water covering its surface. The terrestrial spaces of the planet are divided into many large and isolated islands, overflowing with lush and verdant vegetation, indicating the great fertility of the planet. Nearly 90% of Planet Namek's landscape is water, forming vast calm seas that provide the peace and tranquility the species cherish.
The Namekians, despite their small population, built several villages scattered across this island landscape. These houses are built from the hard blue nettle that has grown naturally from the earth's crust, illustrating the Namek's understanding and respect for nature and harmony.
Geographically, Planet Namek is less about mountains, valleys, rugged terrain or deserts, and more about flat plateaus filled with bodies of water. The seas are said to be teeming with a variety of aquatic life, adding a new dimension to the biodiversity of the Namekian home world. So, geographically speaking, Planet Namek shows the harmonious relationship of the Nameks with their environment. Planet Namek, creating an atmosphere of peace, simplicity and unity with the profound elements of nature, is a true paradise for the unique Namekian race.

Legacy and Impact

The Nameks have left an indelible mark on the intricate chronicles of Dragon Ball. This benevolent and calm species, with bright green skin and antennae, plays a number of key roles that add dynamism to the show. Inherent to their legacy are the Dragon Balls born on their planet, artifacts of immense power and cornerstones of many great storylines. Additionally, their gift of miraculous healing, super strength, and ability to reproduce asexually further fueled the show's popular narrative. Important characters such as Piccolo and Dende form an essential part of the main storylines, fundamentally changing the course of events. Also, their philosophical and peaceful culture is a counterpoint to the usual explosive and violent portrayal of other races. This unique combination of spiritual wisdom and raw power represents the complex fabric of Dragon Ball. Despite numerous extinctions, the resilient Namekians continue to regenerate themselves, symbolizing hope, perseverance, and constant evolution, key themes intertwined with the greater ethos of Dragon Ball.