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Dragon Ball Universe

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Faction NameSaiyans
The Saiyans, a warrior race from the Dragon Ball universe, are known for their fighting spirit and superhuman strength. Characterized by spiky black hair and tails, they have the unique ability to transform into powerful creatures that increase their combat capabilities in extreme conditions. Most of the Saiyans from Vegeta's planet were wiped out, leaving only a few survivors scattered across the universe. With Goku, a Saiyan raised on Earth as a beacon of hope, they are an integral part of the series' fight against evil. Despite their brutal nature, Saiyans have proven they can change, often evolving from terrifying villains to beloved heroes.


A race of warriors from the Dragon Ball universe, Saiyans are best known for their fighting spirit, bravery, and legendary potential to transform into Super Saiyans. Hailing from Vegeta's planet, their home was tragically destroyed, leaving these survivors scattered across different worlds among the strongest species in the universe.
While Saiyans are known for their physical prowess, superior speed, and quick reflexes, they also have the unique ability to grow stronger after each battle, especially when they have experienced near-death experiences. This trait is known as the power of the Zenkai, which contributes to their highly evolving power.
The famous Saiyan Goku is one of the epic powers of the universe. His ascension to Super Saiyan and subsequent transformations, including Super Saiyan Blue and Ultra Instinct, highlight the hidden potential in every Saiyan that can be unleashed under intense emotional or physical stress.
Another important fact about Saiyans is their tail, which allows them to transform into giant Oozaru monkeys during the full moon. However, the most amazing fact remains their indomitable spirit, constantly looking for stronger opponents to challenge them. Their relentlessly aggressive fighting streak masks a deep loyalty and love for family and home.
In essence, the Saiyans represent a ruthless struggle for power and evolution, adding excitement and tension never seen before to the Dragon Ball universe.


The Saiyans, a warrior race from the Dragon Ball universe, have a history of courage, fighting spirit, and an insatiable will to become stronger. They come from the planet Sadala, which was unfortunately destroyed due to internal strife among the Saiyans. After this disaster, they move to Planet Vegeta, which becomes their new home for the next millennia.
Breathing a culture of power hierarchies, Saiyans are broadly divided into low-class fighters, middle-class fighters, and elite fighters. The most common form, low-class Saiyans, include the likes of Goku, who may have a low innate power level but have unlimited potential for improvement. However, elite Saiyans like Prince Vegeta and King Vegeta naturally have high levels of power. The social structure that reflects these classifications only feeds their hunger to climb the chain.
Contrary to popular belief, Saiyans have an inherent passion for peaceful coexistence in their hearts, as evidenced by Yamoshi, the first Super Saiyan. But circumstances always pushed them to fight. Their unique ability to transform into great apes during the full moon and enhance their powers, and the more recent phenomenon of taking their Super Saiyan forms, further emphasize their identity as an untouchable warrior race. During the Dragon Ball timeline, they were almost wiped out due to Frieza's treacherous destruction of Vegeta's planet. Miraculously, some Saiyans survive and keep their flame alive. Today, their legacy lives on through characters like Goku, Vegeta, and their respective sons who give Saiyans; their rightful place in space and Dragon Ball history.

Notable Members

Member #
King Vegeta


The Saiyans come from a harsh and merciless planet, Planet Vegeta. The world in the northern galaxies of the universe is characterized by a harsh climate and inhospitable conditions, which is a testament to the inherent resilience of the Saiyan race. The landscapes are dominated by vast wastelands, rocky areas and isolated lush forests, which are full of diverse and dangerous fauna. In these difficult circumstances, the Saiyans have grown strong and resilient, shaped by survival and the relentless pursuit of power. The geography of Vegeta's planet is inseparable from the ferocious characters and indomitable spirit of the Saiyans. Vegeta's environment is a requirement of the extreme lifestyle needed to unleash the true potential of a Saiyan warrior. Planet Vegeta's gravity is ten times that of Earth, giving Saiyans extraordinary endurance, strength, and speed. It's no wonder that Saiyans, born and raised in such a ruthless environment, are some of the toughest fighters the universe has ever seen. Planet Vegeta and its geography aren't just places in Saiyan history. They are vibrant and integral characters that have powerfully driven the Saiyan story through the breadth and depth of the Dragon Ball universe.

Legacy and Impact

The Saiyans of the Dragon Ball universe have left an irreplaceable and impressive legacy to the audience. Their legendary journey epitomizes the raw power of resilience and growth, reflecting the epic story of angels achieving unparalleled greatness.
This race of warriors, most prominently represented by the likes of Goku and Vegeta, taught the audience that boundaries are only an illusion. Their infamous Super Saiyan transformations, often fueled by intense emotions, are amazing feats that can be accomplished when they tap into their inner strength and potential.
Also, their view of who they are, whether a lowly soldier or a proud prince, emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance. Send a powerful message: Everyone has an innate power to surprise them, and the bravest thing you can do is believe in your own abilities.
The instinctive desire to fight and the immortal spirit of the Saiyans is a symbol of human perseverance. Through struggles, triumphs and defeats, their story reflects the never-ending journey that life often is. Their unwavering courage in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges truly resonates with audiences worldwide, making Saiyans an unforgettable part of the Dragon Ball universe.