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Dragon Ball Universe

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General Info

Vegeta logo
Area/RegionUniverse 7
Location NamePlanet Vegeta
Alternate NamePlanet Plant
Vegeta is a wonderful place, shrouded in mystery and filled with unprecedented power in the vast Dragon Ball universe. It is the birthplace of Prince Vegeta and the Saiyan race known for their immense strength and innate fighting skills. The planet is depicted as a harsh environment with a variety of landscapes ranging from rugged desert plains to dense forested areas. The Saiyans living in Vegeta are known for their warrior mentality and show ruthlessness and dedication in every battle. Despite being almost autonomous, the planet was ruled by the tyrant Frieza until its final destruction. Remnants of Saiyan pride and raw power continue to echo in the memories of survivors like Prince Vegeta.


Often touted as the prince of the fallen Saiyan race, Vegeta has an impressive history. Hailing from the Dragon Ball universe, Vegeta features fierce battles, strategic feats, and a long history of resilience. Vegeta's hometown of Planet Vegeta, formerly known as Planet Plant, was home to the Saiyans, a race of warriors, but was later mercilessly destroyed by the menacing Frieza.
Growing up under the dictatorial rule of Frieza, Vegeta vowed to avenge his race. Originally appearing as a villain, Vegeta went through major character development and eventually fought alongside Goku and other loyal Earth warriors. His immense dedication to training, relentless tenacity, and compelling battle stories have earned him a solid respect within the Dragon Ball universe.
Vegeta's unparalleled powers, stemming from his dedication to training and fierce determination, culminate in his multi-tiered rise to Super Saiyan status. His brute strength, unmatched fighting prowess, and innate Saiyan ability to grow stronger after each battle made Vegeta a formidable opponent and indispensable ally. His relentless desire for power leads him down unscrupulous paths, often with dire consequences.
Vegeta reigns as the embodiment of pride and has a deep contempt for weakness and defeat. The battles he fought both internally against his pride and externally against his giant enemies are fascinating evidence of his evolution. Throughout the history of the Dragon Ball universe, Vegeta's legacy of unwavering pride, indomitable spirit, and tireless resilience continues to inspire many ardent followers.


Planet Vegeta, once known as Planet Plant, holds an important place in the history of the Dragon Ball universe. Two races lived here: the Saiyans, a warrior race, and the Tuffels, a scientifically advanced but physically weaker race. The feud between the two races led to a brutal war that ended when the Saiyans took over after a full moon and turned into giant apes using their power.
Years later, Vegeta was nearly destroyed by a supernova. The extinction of the once mighty planet was not a natural disaster, but a trick by the evil Frieza. He feared the potential power of the Saiyans and the legend of the Super Saiyan that could bring him down.
Prince Vegeta, after whom the planet was renamed, and a handful of survivors marked the end of an era. After the planet disappeared, the surviving Saiyans became space mercenaries under Frieza, unwittingly serving the master responsible for the disappearance of their home.
Despite his death, Planet Vegeta's legacy continued to have a huge impact on the Dragon Ball universe. The resilient Saiyan bloodline continued, embodied uniquely in the character arcs of Goku and Prince Vegeta. Their growth from ruthless warriors to defenders of Earth revealed the indomitable spirit of the Saiyans who once ruled the planet Vegeta and kept alive the memory of the destroyed planet.


Vegeta is a famous planet in the Dragon Ball universe, known for its rich history, military heritage, and strong population. The planet is named after King Vegeta, an ancestor of the Saiyan tradition, where royalty and immense power represent their core virtues.
This famous planet welcomes many of the most formidable warriors in the universe, including Prince Vegeta, the protagonist of the Dragon Ball series. The warrior population known as the Saiyans place great emphasis on combat and physical prowess. Saiyans are raised and trained to be warriors from a young age, allowing them to occupy important positions among the strongest warriors in the universe. Respecting the virtue of valor, the Saiyans participate in battles and tournaments to constantly confirm and strengthen their position.
Being the quintessential warrior race, Saiyans have inherent abilities such as turning into great apes during a full moon and a peculiar ability to grow stronger after each battle, especially those that bring them close to death. The latter unique feature has often been the focus of the Dragon Ball series' storyline, with characters triumphing against seemingly insurmountable odds and winning unexpected victories.
Planet Vegeta's environment is harsh and values ​​survival of the fittest, further improving the fighting skills of the Saiyans. This also contributed to their distinctly aggressive and stubborn demeanor, often seen in the characters of Vegeta and other Saiyan warriors in the Dragon Ball series. The history of the planet is not without darkness and destruction. Originally named Planet Plant due to Tufel's rule, the Saiyans became rulers after a long conflict that resulted in the planet being renamed. Its subsequent destruction by the series' main antagonist, Frieza, sealed the planet's painful fate.
But Vegeta lives on through his warriors, especially characters like Vegeta, Goku, and others who embody his spirit and embody his legacy of strength and resilience.