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Elden Ring Universe

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General Info

Demigods logo
Faction NameDemigods
The demigods are one of the largest and most prominent factions in the Ring of Elden universe. Descended from Queen Marika's lineage, these divine figures embody great power and majesty. Praised for their immense, near-omnipotent abilities, the demigods were the inevitable cause of war and strife. Their dominion extends beyond the lands, their great majesty and unmatched martial prowess terrifying other beings throughout the universe. Although their internal squabbles often lead to disastrous events, their powerful influence and control over the Mysteries cannot be ignored. Discover a hidden story, engage in epic battles and challenge the demigods in search of the Ring of Elden!


The demigods in the Ring of Elden are an equally menacing and enigmatic group. After ascending to a state beyond humanity, they are overthrown in a cataclysmic event known as the Crash. As a new player, you need to understand their complex history in order to fully interact with them.
In the past, the demigods held supreme power and wielded their power through the Ring of Elden. This artifact granted them power beyond normal understanding and made them rulers of Middle-earth. But their rule would not last; a serious event - "The Shatter" - caused the ring of Elden to shatter and plunge the world into chaos. The demigods were stripped of their power and plunged into an endless quest to reclaim their lost domain.
Now these once terrifying creatures wander aimlessly in the darkness. Don't let their tragic fall fool you, they are still creatures of great power and their desperation seems to have only strengthened their resolve. They will stop at nothing to regain control, even if it means burning everyone and everything in sight. Demigods presents a breathtaking fusion of myth, power and tragedy. Fighting them or alongside them is a central part of the Elden Ring experience. So get ready, because every encounter is a story waiting to unfold, and every victory is one step closer to unraveling the enigmatic history of the demigods and the Ring of Elden itself.


The demigods of the Ring of Elden universe form unique entities, each with impressive abilities and complex histories. Their origins are traced back to the Legacy Lands, where they were born after a great ancient event known as the Shatter. The Crush was a powerful cataclysmic event that caused massive changes in the world order that led to the creation of the demigods.
Uniting with their leader, Godric the Golden, the demigods form their own society by taking fragments of the power of the Ring of Elden and transforming them into beings of greater power and potential. The epitome of their greatness, Godrick displays majestic golden powers, his body filled with dazzling signs of the Elden Ring's influence. He has been a talisman for them throughout history; his actions, fueled by the power of the Ring, led to major changes in their shared history.
Bearers of Elden Ring shards gain supernatural abilities that are reflected in their forms: turning into golden trees, shining beings with majestic wings, or even ethereal beings of pure light. As fascinating as these changes are, they also create conflict and tension within and beyond their ranks. Their increased power and influence creates envy, fear, and ultimately opposition from other factions.
Pioneers in the growing territory of the demigods are warriors who use the fragmented power of the Ring of Elden to wreak havoc. As the cornerstone of their military power, they are tasked with protecting the Shattered Legacy and expanding the influence of the demigods. The unfolding of these events was central to the Chronicle of Elden's Ring, as he sees the world diverge and rearrange itself in response to the ebb and flow of the demigods' power.
Despite the greatness of their power, the history of the demigods is inseparable from their death. Their abuse of power led to numerous clashes with other factions that proved destructive and ruthless. As the Elden Ring universe unfolds, the inevitable death of the demigods is a reminder of their exploitative relationship with the Elden Ring. Their story is a clear example of how absolute power, unchecked and unbalanced, inevitably leads to destruction.

Notable Members

Member #
Godrick the Grafted
Miquella, of the Haligtree
Caelid, the Seer Demi God
Oak, Charred Lord
Mohg, Lord of Blood
Blida the Fell Omen
Fire Giant
Magra of the Eclipsed
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon


Realm of the Demigods takes place in a majestic yet terrifying area known as Middle-earth. This world represents a dark version of a medieval fantasy setting, shrouded in shades of twilight and haunted by an ethereal golden aura. The geography here is a strange mix of royal and ruins, pristine sanctuaries deepening into sepulchral ruins.
Mountains shrouded in eternal mist, forests of twisting flora that seem to whisper untold secrets, and towering, towering castles of opulent yet terrifying beauty define the land. Every corner of their kingdom echoes the glory of their primeval years, now fading, permeated by the piercing silence of devastation. The main feature, Erdtree, stands as a giant cosmic tree, a beacon of golden light visible from every point, drawing an otherworldly silhouette in the bleak landscape. This celestial icon not only symbolizes their divine nature, but also serves as a mysterious guide for travelers, adding an enchanting mystery to an otherwise ominous geography. Indeed, the geography of the demigod realm is as fascinating and menacing as its vast population.

Legacy and Impact

The legacy of the demigods in the Elden Ring universe runs deep. They are revered for their strength and subsequent influence on the dark ones. Their ability to challenge the power of the Elden Ring and pave the way for order had an indelible influence on the race that followed.
But their legacy is also a cautionary tale. Many demigods, entrenched in their power, were blind to the impending disintegration of the Elden Ring. Subsequent events questioned their apparent invulnerability and revealed their fatal flaws.
Today, they inspire the brave and the hopeful. Soldiers learn from their courage and statesmen from government. Their experiences light the way for many as they navigate the shadows of power and its pitfalls. Despite their contentious rule, the legacy of the demigods continues to resonate and shape the rhythm of the Ring of Elden universe.