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Elden Ring Universe

Awaiting Claim

Golden Order

General Info

Golden Order logo
Faction NameGolden Order
Once ruling the universe of the Ring of Elden, the Golden Order was known for its indomitable heroes and powerful magic. Its members were distinguished warriors who maintained harmony and peace throughout the land. Their power came from the Ring of Elden itself, an all-powerful symbol of power and prosperity. However, over time, their unparalleled power was destroyed as the Ring of Elden cracked. Afterwards, they continue to long for their former glory to be restored. For now, they remain vigilant and steadfast, clinging to the fragments of the Ring of Elden, hoping to restore the once untouched world. Their story of fall and hope continues to shape the story of the Ring of Elden universe.


The Golden Order is a powerful ruling faction that marks a distinct era in the vast world of the Elden Ring. This Order is an era of prosperity and order, revered for the blessings it has bestowed upon the world, and its Golden Rule is a great chronicle of the events of the Games.
The Golden Order was extremely important in establishing control, stability and harmony throughout the country. This era was characterized by grand structures and an advanced society with deep wisdom, so clearly expressed in the artifact known as the Ring of Elden itself.
But despite that greatness and grandeur, the Golden Order decayed. The dissolution of the Ring of Elden, the sacred center of the Order's vitality, ushered in an apocalyptic era of chaos that led to the Order's downfall.
In this new era of dark skies and dead people, warriors are called upon to recover the broken Ring of Elden from various corners. The fall of the Golden Order opened up a compelling story of a recapture of lost glory fueled by strength, courage and unwavering determination. In the midst of autumn, a glimmer of hope burns brightly, a testament to the resilience of the hardy. Restoration transcends destruction, reflecting the timeless spirit of the Golden Order in a world on the brink of destruction.


The Golden Order is the main faction in the mythical universe of the Ring of Elden. Despite their important position in the overall narrative, the history of this glorious faction is not so simple.
The emergence of the Golden Order goes back to an era of immeasurable antiquity. It was an age when gods and demigods walked among mortals, an age marked by the creation of powerful alliances and the beginnings of secret treachery. In the midst of constant turmoil and chaotic struggles for supremacy, the Golden Order emerged as a beacon of stability and order. Members of the Golden Order are not born, but carefully forged. Those lucky enough to be accepted into their ranks had to go through a rigorous process of initiation and training. They were formed into bastions of unceasing strength and unwavering loyalty, indomitable warriors as determined as the golden armor they wore.
Members of the Golden Order served not only as instruments of war or defenders of peace. They were the keepers of the Ring of Elden, a divine artifact of unimaginable power. This sanctified responsibility gave them an almost mythical status among their contemporaries, cementing their influence and enhancing their growing reputation.
Despite the honorable history of the Golden Order, it has not been immune to adversity. The once unruly faction was finally broken from within. The Golden Order has been rocked by betrayal and tragedy, casting an ominous shadow over the illustrious legacy it has painstakingly built over many millennia.
In short, the Golden Order isn't just another faction of the Ring of Elden universe. It is an enduring testament to the trials that have shaped the world and its people. A complex tapestry of courage, resilience, betrayal and redemption, the story is a fascinating story forever etched into the annals of this epic universe.

Notable Members


The Golden Order Faction is immersed in a fascinating world steeped in enchanting atmosphere, full of history and mystery. Called Middle-earth, this kingdom encompasses a variety of landscapes, from shimmering coastlines, majestic mountains to shadowy forests and cobbled streets to medieval-style cities. Middle-earth was reportedly adorned with the all-powerful Ring of Elden, which flooded the world with a golden aura and influenced the name of the Golden Order faction. This order aims to keep the peace in Middle-earth and prevent the Elden Ring from splitting. As they reunite under the guiding light of the Ring of Elden, the Golden Order faces the unique challenge of navigating the vast interconnected geographies of earth. Passageways built over ancient ruins and majestic castles connect regions and provide strategic advantages during combat scenarios. The panoramic view from the mountainous terrain reveals a wonderful view of the diverse, vast regions to explore. Each region has its own history and secrets that testify to the transcendence of time in Middle-earth. Rolling grasslands gradually turn into barren deserts, and placid streams lead to treacherous swamps as you venture deeper into a realm that symbolizes a varied geography. This vast and complex landscape is both a peaceful haven and a battlefield for the Golden Order. More than their home, it is a testament to their cause, their struggle, their determination, and their indelible connection to the Ring of Elden.

Legacy and Impact

The Golden Order has greatly influenced the Elden Ring universe. His legacy is deep and wide, his influence in all aspects of the Elden Ring world. The Golden Order provided a sense of order, structured governance and social hierarchy. This allowed societies to prosper, maintain peace, and achieve relative prosperity. Echoes of chivalric excellence and chivalric principles are attributed to the teachings of the Order. But they were also the oppressive regime that led to the rebellion. Their fall caused a cataclysmic event called The Shattering, which doomed the earth, but also spawned heroes and anti-heroes in search of the Ring of Elden. Thus, the story of the Golden Order is a haunting reminder of power's potential for both enlightenment and destruction. Their legacy, while marked by great successes, was also tarnished by their arrogance, which is a cautionary tale for those who aspire to absolute power.