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Elden Ring Universe

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Eternal City

General Info

Eternal City logo
Postal Code00100
Location NameEternal City
Alternate NameRome
The great metropolis of the Elden Ring universe, the Eternal City is a stronghold of civilization in the midst of chaos. Once a bustling center known for its beautiful architecture and vibrant society, it is now haunted by a special silence that hangs in the air. Entering the city is like entering a sleeping beast, sleeping until awakened by the ring bearer. Surrounded by high walls and impressive ramparts, the city is an unforgettable testament to the strength and skill of the ancients who built it. Beware of hidden dangers in foggy streets and dark corners, adventurers.


A mystical destination in the Elden Ring universe, the Eternal City is an ancient symbol. This abandoned yet awe-inspiring sanctuary, imbued with the memory of forgotten civilizations, offers its visitors a unique journey.
Once an ancient metropolis, the Eternal City is now an ethereal and terrifying maze of ruins. It is a testament to the once prosperous society that lived within its majestic structures. The intricate structures of the relics whisper tales of its glorious past, allowing researchers to delve into the history of the Ring of Elden universe. The labyrinthine paths of the city, shrouded in a mystical aura of melancholy, hide countless secrets in their depths. As adventurers navigate this maze, they can discover intriguing artifacts and powerful weapons that can turn the tide in their favor.
The abandoned armory and ancient coliseums of the Eternal City speak volumes about the brave warriors who once graced these kingdoms. Their stories, though shrouded in the dust of time, continue to echo in the silence of these stone structures.
The city's aura is further enhanced by its ghostly inhabitants: wandering souls of long-forgotten heroes and fearless warriors, their spirits bound to the ancient city. Their silent presence adds an element of foreboding and intrigue, constantly reminding visitors of the transience of life and power.
Visiting the Eternal City is not just about fighting enemies or collecting treasure, but also experiencing a deep story that reveals the rich history of the Ring of Elden universe. A walk through the forgotten paths of the Eternal City is a walk through history and a must-see for every adventurer in this universe.


Unraveling the tapestry of the Eternal City's history requires delving into the ancient enigmatic stories carved in stone. The city, a relic of a mysterious age, arose before the rise and fall of the demigods. The ancient Edda tells of the birth of a city out of the primordial chaos of space, a beacon of civilization in the middle of a shapeless desert.
The Midlands, though turbulent, took refuge in the splendor of the city. Artisans perfected their crafts, sages pondered the mysteries of existence, and knights swore allegiance to a wavering crown. It has been a center of culture, knowledge and political intrigue for centuries. He saw the rise of the demigods, their age to greatness, and finally their spectacular death at the hands of the Dark Ones.
However, the dissolution of Elden's ring caused the city to fall. The once resplendent palace now lies in ruins, covered with the twisted forms of those who tried to deal with the fatal destruction. The once-crowded alleys echo with an eerie silence, insidiously flooded by the malevolent tendrils of the all-seeing Erdtrees. Fragmented memories of the city's former vitality haunt the corridors like ghosts. Enigmatic guards, the last remnants of a fallen order, protect a realm lost in time, bound by an oath as old as the Eternal City itself.
Although shrouded in wasteland, the history of the Eternal City is a sad testament to the inexorable passage of time and the never-ending cycle of rise and fall. As current companions and seekers in this forgotten metropolis, we are but whispers in passing in the great song of this Eternal City, sounding in unison with its epic symphony of existence.


Set within the universe of the Ring of Elden, the Eternal City hides much more than its ethereal air of foreboding. It is a silent testament to a lost grace, providing a visual spectacle that echoes an era of grandeur that has now fallen into the wilderness. This monumental metropolis, once teeming with life, is now desolate, shrouded in a perpetual twilight that eerily dances across the city's decrepit facades of Gothic architecture.
Built centuries ago at the peak of a long-lost civilization, the Eternal City was a symbol of unparalleled prosperity. The once bustling streets were filled with art, culture and science; a thriving social and intellectual center that pulsates at the heart of the Elden universe. But the wheel of time was unpleasant and cast its curse. The once revered kingdom began to fade into obscurity after what is now known as the Great Rift.
After an apocalyptic event, the city remains trapped in an eternal shroud. While most of the population fled the twilight years of civilization, a handful were consumed by the city's indifferent mood, transformed into eternally wandering ghosts trapped in their own grief. These ghostly encounters take place across the city and are poignant reminders of the city's tragic history of rise and fall. Over time, the Eternal City changed. Beautified structures begin to crumble, reflecting the city's endless suffering. Once magnificent cathedrals, theaters and public buildings are the ravaged shadows of time. But they stand defiant and protect the stories and memories written in stone, woven into the ancient mosaic.
Today, the Eternal City resembles an incredibly beautiful canvas, where every stroke is intertwined with the legendary tales of the Ring of Elden. Resilience and fate coexist, calling brave adventurers to this ghost town, caught between eternity and oblivion. It is tangible evidence of a time of brilliance and despair; a constant reminder that even the greatest civilizations are not immune to the rampaging time marches.
The Eternal City, in its state of ruins, is poetic in its quiet sadness. It's layered, complex, and while scarred by its troubled history, it's still fascinating and awakens brave hearts willing to hear the stories it longs to tell.