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Grand Piece Online Universe

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Revolutionary Army

General Info

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Faction NameRevolutionary Army
The Revolutionary Army in the Grand Piece Online universe is a powerful faction known throughout the world. The main goal is to destroy a corrupt world government that they believe is abusing their power. This faction, made up of members with different backgrounds and abilities, gives the game a unique dynamic and adds strategic complexity. Revolutionary Army offers players an intriguing role-playing experience with its deep-rooted ideology and important mission. Those who choose to join this faction will take on exciting missions, engage in intense battles, and navigate a world full of political intrigue.


The Revolutionary Army in the Grand Piece Online universe was created with a noble goal: to liberate all oppressed individuals under the control of the World Government. This group, under the leadership of its skilled leader "Monkey D. Dragon", poses a serious threat to the world government with its growing power and influence.
Members of the Revolutionary Army are known for their special skills and versatile combat strategies. This power is enhanced by their relentless desire to throw off the shackles of oppression, developing great loyalty to their cause and to each other. The operations of the revolutionary army are usually carried out in secret places, and their headquarters are cleverly hidden. They keep a close eye on the wicked activities of the world government and intervene to fight injustice wherever there is injustice. They use a subtle approach rather than direct confrontation, believing in the power of methodical strategy and deliberate attacks to dismantle their enemy.
Joining the revolutionary army is a clear declaration of war on the World Government. As a member, expect to take on challenging missions to liberate oppressed cities and protect innocent lives. The road is tiring and full of dangers, but the reward is the opportunity to be a beacon of hope for those who live in the shadow of tyranny. Fighting alongside their comrades, members of the Revolutionary Army defend a just cause, united under the banner of freedom and justice. This camaraderie and shared goal of a better world is the foundation of Grand Piece Online's revolutionary army. In their struggle for liberation, they dare to challenge the status quo and are ready to pay the ultimate price for freedom.


The Revolutionary Army faction of the Grand Piece Online Universe has a rich and compelling history that resonates with rebellion, courage, and a ruthless will to overthrow a ruthless world government.
It all started years ago when Dragon, the enigmatic and powerful faction leader, witnessed the brutal injustice and blatant abuse of power by the ruling regime. This led him to stage an uprising and ignite the first match of the Explosive Revolutionary Army. The only goal was clear: to cause a complete metamorphosis of the world and break the shackles of domination and authoritarianism.
Dragon's strong determination attracted many frivolous individuals, including the shrewd strategist Sabo and the army chief of staff, who strengthened the faction's forces. Each member of the Revolutionary Army carries with them a story of the brutality inflicted on them by the World Government, calling them to fight for a liberated world.
Over the years, they have fought many unseen wars against the world government, exposing their treachery and winning the trust and alliance of countless islands and places. In the eyes of the governing body, they are known as the most dangerous criminal organization in the world, which is a testament to their great influence.
The Revolutionary Army was able to establish powerful bases in several locations, including the Great Line Kingdom of Kamabaka and Baltigo, and maintained an elusive presence. Aside from minor setbacks and casualties, the Revolutionary Army focuses on the bigger picture: fighting the darkness with an unwavering spirit. Their story reflects their philosophy: "Actions speak louder than words." Instead of resorting to simple protests, they turn against their oppressor and destroy their authoritarian regime. Their past is a story of courage, sacrifice and a burning desire for change that paints a picture of unwavering resilience in the face of adversity. Their vigil continues, lit by the flames of revolution, ever present in their march against the oppressive world government. Their heady story is a beacon for all the downtrodden, symbolizing the triumph of will over tyranny.

Notable Members


The revolutionary army in the Grand Piece Online universe is largely mobile and operates from multiple secret locations. However, this faction has some bases established in World Government territories. These areas are strategically located where the World Government has the least control, allowing them to quickly infiltrate and retreat. Areas are also camouflaged by nature. Dense forests, dangerous sea currents or even high mountains often circle around their base and provide an extra layer of protection. The bases are self-sufficient, self-sufficient in food and water, minimizing the generation of waste that could reveal the location of the base. The Revolutionary Army is very careful to keep its whereabouts a secret, as surprise and stealth are their main weapons against the established system. That is why many people in the world hear only whispers and rumors about the Revolutionary Army and its activities. They fight for the freedom of all races and promise a world free from world government control. They act as a shining beacon of hope for the downtrodden and downtrodden, symbolizing rebellion and defiance.

Legacy and Impact

The revolutionary army of the Grand Piece Online universe made a great impact and changed the course of world history. As the most prominent opposition to world government, they actually reformed the politics of several kingdoms, helping to dethrone evil rulers. But their work is not limited to overthrowing monarchies. By fighting against the established order, they express the resentment of oppressed citizens. Symbolizing a beacon of hope against widespread corruption and tyranny, it lifts the morale of ordinary people with its strong resistance and reflects the possibility of a more just world. Countless players around the world are inspired by their zealous ideals and join their ranks to participate in their grand plan for a free and just world. Despite looming threats and powerful enemies, the Revolutionary Army's relentless pursuit of justice continues to inspire gameplay in Grand Piece Online and beyond, enhancing their immense legacy and resounding impact. Their cheeky existence offers an intriguing narrative twist, adds complexity and charm to the plot, and anchors its depth in the game's universe.