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Side 3

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Location NameSide 3
Side 3, also known as the Principality of Zeon, is an iconic area of ​​the Gundam universe. This complex network of space colonies was the basis of the infamous Zeon Rebellion during the One Year War. Known for its self-sufficiency, Side 3 began as a center of trade and industry and became a symbol of independence and national pride for the people of Zeon. Its unique position in space protected it from interference by the Earth Federation, making it a strategic location during the war. More than just a location, Side 3 represents the resilience, endurance and hope of the people of Zeon, forever marking their presence in the annals of Gundam history.


Side 3, officially known as the Autonomous Republic of Munz, is a cluster of space colonies located at the second Lagrange point between Earth and the Moon. The 3rd side, the founder of the Principality of Zeon, is known for the Zeon Revolution and the intense battles of the One Year War. Civilians, commonly known as Spacenoids, played a vital role in turning the country into a political and military power.
Side 3 is largely self-contained, embodying the concept of life independent of Earth. Colonies mimic the natural terrestrial environment with artificial lighting that simulates day and night, and offer a variety of landscapes from green forests, concrete urban areas to quiet agricultural areas. The story of Kant 3 is permeated with calls for independence and full of ideological struggles. This led to conflagrations such as the Zeon Revolution, the One Year War, and the Influenza Conflict, which earned it a reputation as a place of strife and revolution. Despite these short-lived chapters in the story, Side 3 remains a symbol of resilience and the indomitable Cosmonoid spirit in the Gundam universe.


Side 3, known to many as the most strategically advantageous of all the sides due to its location, played a central role in the history of the Gundam universe. Its location near Lagrange Point 2 on the far side of the Moon made it a strategic stronghold during the colonization era. It was the chosen location for the Principality of Zeon to settle, a decision that would determine the future of the World Age War.
Side 3 originally had the same goal of peaceful off-world colonization as its counterparts; to relieve the weight of overcrowded land. However, Zeon Zum Deikun, a charismatic leader with a revolutionary vision for a new age of humanity, has declared Side 3 to be the Principality of Zeon. His theory of the New Types, the next step in human evolution, laid the foundation for a new geopolitical power that aimed to control all the space colonies and break free from Earth's control.
However, Deikun's untimely death created a power vacuum that was quickly filled by the Zabi family. They manipulated Deikun's teachings to their own ends, escalating the rebellion into a brutal year-long full-scale war against the Earth Federation. The colony became known as the "Homeland of Zeon". This war resulted in the destruction of several colonies and an unprecedented loss of life, causing the Earth Federation to adopt a more militaristic approach, leading to the creation of their own Gundam units. After the war, Side 3 went through many political changes and was eventually renamed the Republic of Zeon. Traces of Zeon's militaristic era are still evident, but more recently efforts have been made toward a more peaceful coexistence with other factions and with Earth itself. Despite its troubled past, Side 3 remains an important part of the story and history of the Gundam universe.


Side 3, also known as the Autonomous Republic of Munzo, is a fascinating place in the Gundam universe that thrives on its history and uniqueness. As the third set of space colonies in Side 7, this location represents the hopes and confusion of the series' characters.
Side 3 was founded in July, U.C. 0041, and its founder, Zeon Zum Deikun, promoted spacenoid sovereignty and the ideology of Contolism. His vision marked the beginning of Side 3's journey to independence. Tensions arose between the Earth Federation and Side 3, leading to the events known as the One Year War. During this conflict, the Principality of Zeon was born.
Hidden among the stars, this cluster of colonies served as a beacon for those who wanted freedom from Federation control. The Principality of Zeon fought valiantly for this cause using the most advanced mobile suits developed in Side 3. The place was not only the epicenter of political turmoil; it also became increasingly important in the advancement of technology and played a vital role in the development of mobile suits.
After the war, Side 3 had to deal with major changes. It's been a tough time to rebuild and find hope, but the resilient residents of the 3rd half are persevering. Stories of bravery and survival in harsh conditions contributed to the rich tapestry of the region and its uniqueness in the vast cosmos of the Gundam universe.
Today, Kantas 3 is a historic and symbolic place that continues to influence the current and future trajectory of the surrounding colonies and the Federation as a whole. The story is a constant reminder of the liberation struggle and a testament to the undying spirit of its people.