Kimetsu no Yaiba, also known as Demon Slayer, is an exciting and fascinating universe set in the Taisho era of Japan. This is a world where humanity is constantly threatened by demons, mythical creatures known for their insatiable hunger for human flesh.
Protagonist Tanjiro Kamodo plunges into the world of demon hunting when his entire family is slaughtered by a demon, leaving his sister Nezuko as the only survivor who unsuccessfully transforms into a demon. This enchanting universe follows Tanjiro's relentless efforts and journey as he struggles to find a cure for his sister and fend off demonic threats to protect humanity.
The themes of family love, friendship, survival, and the constant battle between good and evil blend beautifully in the universe. The story offers an engaging mix of action, suspense and drama, complemented by well-developed characters, each driven by their own motivations and story.