Kimetsu no Yaiba, also known as Demon Slayer, is a critically acclaimed Japanese manga and anime series. The universe takes place during the Taisho era in Japan, which is ruled by creatures of the night called demons, who cause unrest and fear in people.
The main character is Tanjiro Kamado, a young boy who becomes a demon slayer after his family is brutally slaughtered by a demon and his sister Nezuko is turned into a demon. He is on a journey to become a powerful black swordsman with unwavering determination to find a cure for his sister and revenge for his family.
The universe is filled with many different characters, each with their own unique abilities and fascinating stories. It has an impressive mix of action, drama and emotional depth and beautifully illustrates the themes of family, friendship and the fight against evil. The series is known for its stunning animations, memorable character designs, and intense and heart-wrenching plot.