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Mass Effect Universe

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General Info

Omega logo
Area/RegionNew York
CountryUnited States
Latitude[object Object]
Longitude[object Object]
Telephone(877) 944-2002
Postal Code12572
Social Mediahttps://www.facebook.com/eOmega.org
Location NameOmega Institute
Alternate NameOmega Institute for Holistic Studies
Street Address150 Lake Drive
Omega, often referred to as the "mischievous heart" of the Mass Effect universe, is a floating space station originally designed for mining. Orbiting an unexploited asteroid, this place has now turned into a huge, densely populated center teeming with life forms, mostly aliens from various star systems. Although the station is not governed by any formal law, the station's governance is defined by its ruling power, Aria T'Loak. Full of high ambitions, unfulfilled dreams and rampant crime, Omega's underpasses are the very essence. The neon-lit corridors are a maze of black markets, seedy bars and hidden harbors that reveal a realistic slice of the galaxy. Despite its nefarious nature, Omega offers few opportunities for mercenaries, silhouettes, and fortune seekers, making it a magnet for misfits and drifters alike. This synthesis of tenacity, lawlessness, and an ethic of survival, complemented by an ever-present sense of danger, gives Omega a unique and deeply rooted character in the Mass Effect universe.


Often described as the heart of all things illegal and the center of galactic capitalism, Omega is the infamous floating space station at the heart of the Terminus Systems. Once a massive mining operation, it has since been transformed into a densely populated urban center, home to many races from across the galaxy.
Considered by many to be the underbelly of the universe, Omega is a haven for criminals, mercenaries and pirates who operate under the free reign of the station's self-proclaimed queen, Aria T'Loak. Despite its lawless and chaotic nature, Omega thrives as an important trading post and trading post for the galaxy's most ambitious and ruthless entrepreneurs. It is also the center of major negotiations, political maneuvers and covert operations. In the dimly lit tunnels and among the many abandoned establishments in Omega, anything could be bought for the right price. Survival on the station is as much about networking and connections as it is about strength, as alliances are often as short-lived as they need to be to survive. This diverse, intense and unpredictable environment defines Omega's reputation as a place where fortunes are made and lives are destroyed just as easily.
A visit to Omega, fraught with danger, is a unique experience. You'll see the gritty and raw side of existence in the Mass-Effect universe, where the only rule is survival of the fittest. Despite the chaos, and perhaps because of the chaos, Omega has its charms, and those who can brave its dangers find opportunities found nowhere else.


Omega has a rich and tumultuous history that matches its dark aesthetic and tumultuous atmosphere. Omega was originally an asteroid in the Sahrabarik system that was mined for its valuable resources. The center of activity that emerged around this central function gradually attracted a greater diversity of residents and acquired its own identity.
The transition from a bustling mining site to a full-fledged settlement occurred around the turn of the 20th century. As the asteroid's resources dwindled, its inhabitants had no choice but to adapt. The city grew downward, carving new spaces and tunnels into the asteroid. Over time, Omega began to attract people drawn by the lure of unsupervised freedom. This brought in different species and characters from across the universe, which only added to the complexity and dynamism of Omega.
2173 Omega became infamous as the last place the rogue ghost Saren Arterius was seen, further cementing his connection to the galactic underworld. Omega's management changed hands several times and never stayed in one place for long. From slavers to pirates to mercenaries, anyone who could hold their own could control Omega. However, Aria T'Loak stands out as the most famous ruler of Omega for her ability to maintain control and order in the midst of chaos.
Omega's history reflects the resilience and adaptability of its citizens. In the face of adversity and change, they managed to transform a stark and worn-out asteroid into a bustling, if chaotic, center of activity and diversity. It is a testament to life's determination to persevere and adapt in the face of adversity and change.


Omega in the Mass Effect universe is also referred to as Terminus Systems' "dark and twisted counterpart to the Citadel". This hive of filth and thieves is strategically located in the heart of a hollow asteroid once teeming with eezo, an erratic element of faster-than-light travel. Affectionately known as the 'Capital of Pirates', Omega thrives on its lawlessness and attracts everyone from petty thieves to powerful mercenaries.
Under the control of Aria T'Loak for several centuries, Omega operated under the safest possible form of anarchy. The station's rule is simple: "Don't mess with Aria." In this sense, all operations are conducted without regard to ethics or law, giving the station its infamous reputation.
Historically, Omega was a mining facility maintained by the Protheans. Miners discovered the mother vein of eez, but as eez was refined, the inner parts of the asteroid slowly disappeared, giving rise to its current form.
Despite rampant crime, Omega remains a major center for commerce and travel. Its proximity to unclaimed galaxies and other valuable mining and trading resources made it a nexus of the Terminus systems. Beneath its neon glow of glitz and glamour, lies a slum where the air is thick with frustration and despair, teeming with a variety of species including humans, azarians, salarians, turians, batars, vorch, and many others.
Despite the many dangers, traders, smugglers, criminals, and those simply looking for better prospects push Omega out, turning it into a cataclysm capable of catalyzing major events in the galaxy.