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Megami Tensei Universe

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General Info

Law logo
Faction NameLaw
The Law faction in the Megami Tensei universe represents purity, chastity, and sincerity enforced with an iron fist. Its members, which include mostly heavenly beings such as angels and archangels, advocate the creation of a utopia where there is no chaos and where peace reigns. They firmly believe in the power of God's will, obedience and strict structure to achieve this, regardless of personal freedom that may be curbed along the way. However, their sincere intentions often lead to extreme ideologies that make them authoritarian and oppressive. Finally, they act as a counter to the chaos caused by the minions of the rival Chaos faction.


The Law faction of the Megami Tensei universe represents order, harmony, and the rule of divinity. It is characterized by an unrelenting commitment to peace and stability, often to the point where personal freedoms are curtailed in pursuit of the collective good. This faction is primarily led and inhabited by angels and deities of various pantheons who value the principles of order and structure.
The righteous characters of Megami Tensei see a world governed by rules, where chaos and conflict are negated by following sacred teachings, as a utopia. But their vision often comes at a cost: they can be autocratic, fanatically zealous and uncompromising, sometimes even committing genocide against those who oppose or threaten their idea of ​​order. The faction defends the idea of ​​loving your neighbor with the caveat that your neighbor must love you and share your exact worldview. Characters who follow this path in games often struggle with moral issues, and their decisions have a big impact on the world and the plot.
From YHVH, the extreme and tyrannical figure of the faction, to the compassionate and benevolent archangels, the Law faction in the Megami Tensei universe is a complex study of the implications of absolute order, its virtues, contradictions, and potential flaws.


Law corresponds to the concepts of peace, purity and order. This ideology was born out of a deep desire to end suffering and create a social structure free of chaos and inequality.
In the early stages of the Megami Tensei universe, the law arose as a response to the great chaos that engulfed the world during the war between demons and humans. Still heavily influenced by religious dogma, the law found its followers among devotees who sought divine guidance to bring them together.
Law's ideals of absolute order and harmony were further shaped during the conflict with the Chaos faction. The Law Faction, dedicated to taming the influence of Chaos, promotes equality and uniformity, eliminating all forms of free will, dissent, and individuality that lead to discord and unnecessary strife.
Over time, the legal faction created a utopian vision of a world where everyone is equal, free from selfishness, and focused on the collective good. The legal faction believes that this vision of peace and purity should be pursued at any cost, even if it means greatly restricting people's freedoms and individuality.
The legal approach to the implementation of utopia is controversial, seen as arrogant and totalitarian. But it attracts followers who value peace and stability over personal freedoms. Whether Law's vision of utopia can ever be realized, and what sacrifices are necessary to achieve his goals, is an eternal debate in the philosophical undercurrent of Megami Tensei's world-building.

Notable Members

Member #


In the Megami Tensei universe, the Law faction is known for its structured environments and emphasis on order. Their geography, like their philosophy, is characterized by symmetry, meticulous design, and a sense of eternity, conveyed by massive and immutable structures.
Many areas dominated by the legal faction are utopian metropolises; towering ramparts of white and gold glittering in the light of the sky. The city is criss-crossed by wide ethereal roads, teeming with angelic beings and adherents of the philosophy of the Law.
However, the Law Faction's geography also includes the harsh and ethereal realms that exist beyond the Earth plane. These are calm, unspoiled landscapes untouched by human influence, where the eloquence of natural law is freely expressed.
From the soaring towers of the Diamond Kingdom to the tranquil surroundings of the Heavenly Kingdom, every aspect of the Law Faction's geography has been carefully crafted to reflect their ideals of eternal order, harmony, and purity.
Despite their austere grandeur, these landscapes are not without heart. Their purpose is not to overwhelm, but to inspire contemplation and respect for the cosmic order embodied by the Law Faction. In this way, the geography of the Law Faction is a tangible manifestation of their ideology, a testament to their vision of a perfect world governed by both earthly and divine laws.

Legacy and Impact

The legal faction of the Megami Tensei universe has left an indelible mark on the gaming landscape. This orderly path shaped a great fiction and established a clear moral code in a world plagued by chaos. Grounding the realm in ideological conflict, Path of the Law provides players with important decision-making opportunities, deepening the game's interactive richness. In addition to shaping the gameplay, the influence of the Law faction is also felt in the aesthetics of the game, with character and environment designs often reflecting a strict and orderly atmosphere. This faction's lasting legacy stems not only from its doctrinal mechanics, but also from the way it embodies the aspect of humanity's eternal struggle for order in chaos, the essence of Megami Tensei.